Penetapan strategi pemasaran Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta = Determining the marketing strategy in the PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hospital

Main Authors: Suradi, author, Add author: Purnawan Junadi, supervisor, Add author: Amal Chalik Sjaaf, examiner, Add author: Hendrik Manarang Taurany, examiner, Add author: Anhari Achadi, examiner, Add author: Riwayat Suyono, examiner, Add author: Sugiat, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: Universitas Indonesia , 1995
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  • The global changes in all sectors open a tight competitions among hospitals which create a much higher need of a marketing strategy. Until now the marketing department was not yet established in the PKU Muhammadiyah Surakarta Hospital. In this study we conduct three step in determining the marketing strategy. The first step analyzed the overall study on hospital comprising the organization, the missions, the product and the appearance. The second step was a the costumer's opinion survey that included demographical characteristics. The last step conducted a SWOT analysis and determining the hospital position. Following those steps then the marketing strategy was determined. The results of the analysis showed that the marketing oriented was not applied. It was found that the market segment consist of low to middle level of sosioeconomical society, comprising private workers, farmer, private laborer, retired worker, government workers and armed-forces. Majority of the customers were Moslem (96.05%). All the specialist doctors were not fulltimes and not optimally botwating or (96.05%). All the specialist doctors were not fulltimes and not optimally botwating or promotions patients to be hospital customers. The results of the poll gave, in general, sufficient hospital services, Although there were some bad comment which needed further action. At present the hospital is developing skin cosmetic surgery. The hospital is at present in the position to raise the manpower and the hospital physical building. As a follow up; the hospital her sit three objectives for improvement, which are to make the hospital more popular and serve to be chosen, and give better 2 valith of services. The program of the marketing strategy consist of establishing the marketing department, improving and training the manpowers. As a follow up of the marketing audit , hospital introduce to all related hospital staffs, the goal of the organization the position of the target markets, and prepare alternatives concerning product, price, place, promotion. <hr>Arus perubahan di era globalisasi memberikan dampak persaingan antar rumah sakit menjadi semakin diperlukan. Namun sampai saat ini rumah sakit PKU Muhammadiyah ternyata belum memiliki lembaga yang secara khusus mengelola bidang pemasaran. Dalam upaya penetapan strategi pemasaran, dilakukan analisis pertama gambaran umum rumah sakit baik menyangkut organisasi, visi, dan misi serta produk dan penampilan tahap kedua analisis konsumen terhadap layanan jasa rumah sakit. Tahap selanjutnya dilakukan analisis SWOT, dan penentuan posisi rumah sakit. Atas dasar itu dibuat penetapan kebijakan strategi pemasaran. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa rumah sakit belum berorientasi pada pemasaran. Segmen pasar terdiri atas golongan ekonomi menengah kebawah dengan jenis pekerjaan swasta, petani, buruh, pensiunan, pegawai negeri/ABRI. Sebagian besar konsumen beragama Islam (96,05). Seluruh dokter spesialis sebagai dokter tamu dan belum optimal menjadi motivator dan atau promotor acuan kedatangan konsumen ke rumah sakit. Terhadap kualitas layanan, sebagian besar konsumen berpendapat cukup, bahkan terdapat nilai kurang dan buruk. Ini berarti perlunya peningkatan kualitas layanan. Rumah sakit sedang mengembangkan bedah kosmetik kulit. Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah pada posisi yang memerlukan peningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan sarana fisik. Sebagai saran dibuat rumusan tujuan rumah sakit yaitu agar lebih dikenal oleh masyarakat, pantas untuk dipilih dan dapat menyajikan pelayanan jasa kesehatan yang berkualitas. Strategi program meliputi pembentukan badan yang mengelola pemasaran, penambahan dan pelatihan tenaga. Tindakan lanjut dari audit pemasaran adalah memasyarakatkan tujuan organisasi kepada seluruh jajaran rumah sakit yang terlibat, pemahaman keadaan pasar sasaran, dan disusun alternatif pengembangan menyangkut produk, harga, tempat, dan promosi.