Analisa penggunaan elektronik commerce sebagai strategi bisnis bagi pengembangan usaha

Main Authors: Erman Mardiansyah, author, Add author: Hartono Haryadi, supervisor, Add author: Djamhari Sirat, supervisor
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia , 1999
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  • <b>ABSTRAK</b> Lingkungan bisnis yang berubah semakin cepat, khususnya. sejak terjadi konvergensi antara teknologi komputer, telekomunikasi dan video. Realitas ini menyadarkan kita bahwa dunia bisnis tidak Iepas dari derasnya perkembangan teknologi. Teknologi internet menawarkan alternatif transaksi bisnis yang dapat dilakukan melalui media elektronik, sekat-sekat birokrasi dunia usaha seolah-olah ditiadakan, pcrdagangan llntas konsumen, lintas perusahaan, dan lintas negara memposisikan dunia bisnis memperlakukan segmen pasarnya sebagai komunitas global tak terkecuali bagi pengusaha kecil dan menengah. Era Milenium baru menyadarkan kita bahwa dunia bisnis adalah bagian dari ekonomi global, transaksi jual beli secara konvensional menjelma kearah bisnis melalui jaringan terbuka internet atau sebutan populernya Elektronik Commerce (E Commerce). Saat ini ada 180.000 situs aktif sudah melakukan transaksi via elektronik dan masih terus berkembang. Pelanggan pemakai E Commerce meningkat empat kali lipat, dari 2 juta tahun 1996 menjadi sekitar 8 juta pada awal melenium baru. Volume transaksi global E Commerce pada lahun 2002 diproyeksikan sebesar US$1 trilyun. Meskipun teknologi dan detinisi e-commerce sendiri masih belum banyak dipahami, namun desakan-desakan bisnis telah mendorong para pelaku bisnis nmtuk terjun ke dunia maya ini. Isu-isu tcntang keamanan bertmnsaksi, isu regulasi dan perkembangan e-commerce dicoba diangkat dalam tulisan tesis ini, juga perkembangan internet dan keadaannya saat sekarang. <hr><i><b>ABSTRACT</b> Business behavior is now changing even faster Since the convergence of computer technology, video and telecommunications, which makes us aware that business world can not be separated from fast growing technology. lntemet technology offers electronic business transactions which eliminates bureaucracy complexity in inter consumers, inter companies and international trading and has put everyone to include small and medium traders all in one global community. New Millenium era has made us aware that business world is part of global economy, where more transactions have been done electronically through the E commerce network. There are 180,000 active E commerce sites at the moment and still increasing. E commerce subscribers increase by 4 times, from 2 million in 1996 to 8 million in the beginning of new Millenium. The value of E commerce global transactions by year 2002 is projected at US$ 1 Trillion. Even that technology and definition of this E commerce have not widely known, business demands have made everyone to merge into this virtual business. Writer is now trying to bring up issues on safe transaction, regulation, the growth of this E commerce, and current intemet technology.;Business behavior is now changing even faster Since the convergence of computer technology, video and telecommunications, which makes us aware that business world can not be separated from fast growing technology. lntemet technology offers electronic business transactions which eliminates bureaucracy complexity in inter consumers, inter companies and international trading and has put everyone to include small and medium traders all in one global community. New Millenium era has made us aware that business world is part of global economy, where more transactions have been done electronically through the E commerce network. There are 180,000 active E commerce sites at the moment and still increasing. E commerce subscribers increase by 4 times, from 2 million in 1996 to 8 million in the beginning of new Millenium. The value of E commerce global transactions by year 2002 is projected at US$ 1 Trillion. Even that technology and definition of this E commerce have not widely known, business demands have made everyone to merge into this virtual business. Writer is now trying to bring up issues on safe transaction, regulation, the growth of this E commerce, and current intemet technology.</i>