Evaluasi kriteria lingkungan dalam pemilihan Ibukota baru: studi kasus pemindahan Ibukota Kabupaten Bima ; Environmental criteria evaluation in selecting new capital: case study on the movement of the capital city of Bima Regency

Main Authors: Abdul Haris, author, Add author: Bianpoen, supervisor, Add author: Tambunan, Rudy Parluhutan, supervisor, Add author: Abimanyu Takdir Alamsyah, examiner, Add author: Aca Sugandhy, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2007
Online Access: http://lontar.ui.ac.id/detail?id=94884
ctrlnum 94884
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"><type>Thesis:Masters</type><title>Evaluasi kriteria lingkungan dalam pemilihan Ibukota baru: studi kasus pemindahan Ibukota Kabupaten Bima ; Environmental criteria evaluation in selecting new capital: case study on the movement of the capital city of Bima Regency</title><creator>Abdul Haris, author</creator><creator>Add author: Bianpoen, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Tambunan, Rudy Parluhutan, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Abimanyu Takdir Alamsyah, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Aca Sugandhy, examiner</creator><publisher/><date>2007</date><subject>Environmental study</subject><description>&lt;b&gt;ABSTRAK&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Kabupaten Bima, khususnya terkait dengan lokasi (bukota Kabupaten Bima yang saat ini masih berlokasi di Wilayah Pemerintahan Kota Bima. Polemik tentang pemindahan ibukota kabupaten Bima masih menjadi wacana yang berkembang di tengah-tengah masyarakat Kabupaten dan Kota Bima khusus terkait dengan dimana lokasi ibukota Kabupaten Bima harus ditempatkan? &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Ibukota sebuah Kabupaten pada dasarnya mempunyai multifungsi antara lain: sebagai Pusat Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Umum, Permukiman, Perdagangan dan Jasa. Melalui berbagai fungsi ini, keterpaduan, keseimbangan dan kesinambungan perkembangan antar-wilayah di Kabupaten Bima serta keserasian antar sektor pembangunan diharapkan dapat diwujudkan. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Penentuan lokasi ibukota bukanlah dilakukan dengan serta merta menunjuk lokasi tertentu, akan tetapi memerlukan kajian dan analisis dari berbagai kriteria dan indikator pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kota balk menyangkut faktor internal, faktor eksternal dan daya dukung lingkungan ibukota baru. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Kelayakan lokasi ibukota sebagai pusat pemerintahan juga harus mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang memungkinkan terjalinnya hubungan efektif antara pemerintah dan masyarakat, mampu mempertimbangkan segala kebutuhan akan ruang, pelayanan, dan aksesibilitas yang prima terhadap kelancaran roda pemerintahan. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Berdasarkan pandangan tentang kecenderungan perkembangan yang dapat diidentifikasi menetapkan beberapa calon lokasi ibukota dan memilih salah satu untuk ditetapkan sebagai ibukota kabupaten. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Analisis sistem kota menggunakan metode skala Guttman dan Likert, dimana akan dinilai segi kependudukan, segi kelengkapan fasilitas dan tingkat aksesibilitas antar wilayah perencanaan, hal ini dilakukan dengan skoring. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: (a) berdasarkan kriteria umum pemilihan lokasi ibukota Kabupaten Bima Kecamatan Woha memiliki nilai tertinggi. Dengan demikian kecamatan Woha dipilih sebagai lokasi Ibukota baru kabupaten Bima, (b) berdasarkan kriteria lingkungan alami dan lingkungan sosial kecamatan Bolo memiliki niiai tertinggi sedangkan berdasarkan lingkungan binaan kecamatan Woha memiliki nilai tertinggi, (c) kriteria umum yang digunakan dalam pemilihan ibukota baru tidak mencerminkan dan mempertimbangkan kriteria lingkungan secara komprehensif, (d) ibukota terpilih yang dikaji berdasarkan kriteria umum tidak memenuhi syarat lingkungan khususnya aspek daya dukung dan daya tampung lingkungan. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Saran: (a) hendaknya pemerintah kabupaten Bima mempertimbangkan kajian daya dukung lingkungan di dalam menentukan ibukota baru selain kecamatan woha, (b) perlu adanya penelitian lanjutan yang mengkaji secara terpadu dan komprehensif dengan mempertimbangkan kriteria lingkungan alami, buatan dan sosial dalam pemilihan ibukota baru. &lt;hr&gt;&lt;i&gt;&lt;b&gt;ABSTRAK&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; After the enactment of Laws No. 13 year 2002 regarding Establishment of Bima city that takes consequence to The Regency of Bima City, especially related with the its location of Capital City, which is still locating in area of City Government of Bima. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; There are some debates among the Bimanese People about the problems of movement of The Capital City of Bima Regency, especially in the question of where is suitable place of the Capital City of Bima Regency. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Actually, The Capital of Regency have some multifunctions, namely; as Center of Government, Public Facilities, Residential Function, as business center and the others services. Based of these functions, people needs to create for the integrity, balance, and continuity in developing inter-district in Regency of Bima, and also the harmony of inter-district development. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Determination of The Capital Location not merely pointed a certain location, but should to study and analysis from many criterias, conditions and indicators for growth and development as a internal and external factors and environmental new city of carrying capacity. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Properness location of capital as a government centre is also taking consideration of factors which support effective relationship between government and community. Beside, the power to accommodate necessities for space, services, and accessibility, for holding the smoothness governmentalin practice. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Last but not least, according to development of opinions and ideas, its will come to final decision that identified from several candidates of capital which select one of them to be The Capital Regency. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; City system analysis, according to Guttmann and Likert scale method, which measure demography point, completeness of facilities, and level of planning accessibility inter-district, which will be determined by scoring. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Due to the research finding, so the writer take some conclusion; (a) based on general criteria in selecting Capital location of Bima Regency Capital, in fact that Woha distric has the highest score. Therefore Woha district was selected as new location for Bima Regency Capital, (b) but based on natural and social environment criteria, Bolo District has the highest score. Meanwhile, based on manmade environment Woha District has the highest score, (c) general criteria used in selecting new capital is not represent and consider environmental criteria comprehensively, (d) The capital selected which assess on general criteria is not fulfill environmental requirement especially environmental carrying capacity and the recourse capacity. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Finally, the writer give two suggestions. Firstly, The Government of Bima Regency should consider the assessment of environmental carrying capacity to determine new capital besides Woha District. Secondly, for the further comprehensive and integrated research are needed which consider natural environment.&lt;/i&gt;</description><identifier>http://lontar.ui.ac.id/detail?id=94884</identifier><recordID>94884</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Abdul Haris, author
Add author: Bianpoen, supervisor
Add author: Tambunan, Rudy Parluhutan, supervisor
Add author: Abimanyu Takdir Alamsyah, examiner
Add author: Aca Sugandhy, examiner
title Evaluasi kriteria lingkungan dalam pemilihan Ibukota baru: studi kasus pemindahan Ibukota Kabupaten Bima ; Environmental criteria evaluation in selecting new capital: case study on the movement of the capital city of Bima Regency
publishDate 2007
topic Environmental study
url http://lontar.ui.ac.id/detail?id=94884
contents <b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Kabupaten Bima, khususnya terkait dengan lokasi (bukota Kabupaten Bima yang saat ini masih berlokasi di Wilayah Pemerintahan Kota Bima. Polemik tentang pemindahan ibukota kabupaten Bima masih menjadi wacana yang berkembang di tengah-tengah masyarakat Kabupaten dan Kota Bima khusus terkait dengan dimana lokasi ibukota Kabupaten Bima harus ditempatkan? <br><br> Ibukota sebuah Kabupaten pada dasarnya mempunyai multifungsi antara lain: sebagai Pusat Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Umum, Permukiman, Perdagangan dan Jasa. Melalui berbagai fungsi ini, keterpaduan, keseimbangan dan kesinambungan perkembangan antar-wilayah di Kabupaten Bima serta keserasian antar sektor pembangunan diharapkan dapat diwujudkan. <br><br> Penentuan lokasi ibukota bukanlah dilakukan dengan serta merta menunjuk lokasi tertentu, akan tetapi memerlukan kajian dan analisis dari berbagai kriteria dan indikator pertumbuhan dan perkembangan kota balk menyangkut faktor internal, faktor eksternal dan daya dukung lingkungan ibukota baru. <br><br> Kelayakan lokasi ibukota sebagai pusat pemerintahan juga harus mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang memungkinkan terjalinnya hubungan efektif antara pemerintah dan masyarakat, mampu mempertimbangkan segala kebutuhan akan ruang, pelayanan, dan aksesibilitas yang prima terhadap kelancaran roda pemerintahan. <br><br> Berdasarkan pandangan tentang kecenderungan perkembangan yang dapat diidentifikasi menetapkan beberapa calon lokasi ibukota dan memilih salah satu untuk ditetapkan sebagai ibukota kabupaten. <br><br> Analisis sistem kota menggunakan metode skala Guttman dan Likert, dimana akan dinilai segi kependudukan, segi kelengkapan fasilitas dan tingkat aksesibilitas antar wilayah perencanaan, hal ini dilakukan dengan skoring. <br><br> Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut: (a) berdasarkan kriteria umum pemilihan lokasi ibukota Kabupaten Bima Kecamatan Woha memiliki nilai tertinggi. Dengan demikian kecamatan Woha dipilih sebagai lokasi Ibukota baru kabupaten Bima, (b) berdasarkan kriteria lingkungan alami dan lingkungan sosial kecamatan Bolo memiliki niiai tertinggi sedangkan berdasarkan lingkungan binaan kecamatan Woha memiliki nilai tertinggi, (c) kriteria umum yang digunakan dalam pemilihan ibukota baru tidak mencerminkan dan mempertimbangkan kriteria lingkungan secara komprehensif, (d) ibukota terpilih yang dikaji berdasarkan kriteria umum tidak memenuhi syarat lingkungan khususnya aspek daya dukung dan daya tampung lingkungan. <br><br> Saran: (a) hendaknya pemerintah kabupaten Bima mempertimbangkan kajian daya dukung lingkungan di dalam menentukan ibukota baru selain kecamatan woha, (b) perlu adanya penelitian lanjutan yang mengkaji secara terpadu dan komprehensif dengan mempertimbangkan kriteria lingkungan alami, buatan dan sosial dalam pemilihan ibukota baru. <hr><i><b>ABSTRAK</b><br> After the enactment of Laws No. 13 year 2002 regarding Establishment of Bima city that takes consequence to The Regency of Bima City, especially related with the its location of Capital City, which is still locating in area of City Government of Bima. <br><br> There are some debates among the Bimanese People about the problems of movement of The Capital City of Bima Regency, especially in the question of where is suitable place of the Capital City of Bima Regency. <br><br> Actually, The Capital of Regency have some multifunctions, namely; as Center of Government, Public Facilities, Residential Function, as business center and the others services. Based of these functions, people needs to create for the integrity, balance, and continuity in developing inter-district in Regency of Bima, and also the harmony of inter-district development. <br><br> Determination of The Capital Location not merely pointed a certain location, but should to study and analysis from many criterias, conditions and indicators for growth and development as a internal and external factors and environmental new city of carrying capacity. <br><br> Properness location of capital as a government centre is also taking consideration of factors which support effective relationship between government and community. Beside, the power to accommodate necessities for space, services, and accessibility, for holding the smoothness governmentalin practice. <br><br> Last but not least, according to development of opinions and ideas, its will come to final decision that identified from several candidates of capital which select one of them to be The Capital Regency. <br><br> City system analysis, according to Guttmann and Likert scale method, which measure demography point, completeness of facilities, and level of planning accessibility inter-district, which will be determined by scoring. <br><br> Due to the research finding, so the writer take some conclusion; (a) based on general criteria in selecting Capital location of Bima Regency Capital, in fact that Woha distric has the highest score. Therefore Woha district was selected as new location for Bima Regency Capital, (b) but based on natural and social environment criteria, Bolo District has the highest score. Meanwhile, based on manmade environment Woha District has the highest score, (c) general criteria used in selecting new capital is not represent and consider environmental criteria comprehensively, (d) The capital selected which assess on general criteria is not fulfill environmental requirement especially environmental carrying capacity and the recourse capacity. <br><br> Finally, the writer give two suggestions. Firstly, The Government of Bima Regency should consider the assessment of environmental carrying capacity to determine new capital besides Woha District. Secondly, for the further comprehensive and integrated research are needed which consider natural environment.</i>
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