Algoritma pengendalian proyek automation system menggunakan teknik pert/cpm dan earned value di industri minyak dan gas bumi = Algorithm for automation system project control using pert/cpm and earned value technique for oil & gas company

Main Authors: Siregar, Rina Mazida, author, Add author: Sri Bintang Pamungkas, 1945-, supervisor, Add author: M. Dachyar, supervisor, Add author: Amar Rachman, examiner, Add author: Erlinda Muslim, examiner, Add author: Dendi Prajadhiana Ishak, examiner, Add author: Arian Dhini, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2010
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  • [Industri Minyak dan Gas Bumi menjadi fokus bisnis dari suatu perusahaan Kontraktor Automation System yang berbasis pengadaan proyek, tempat penelitian ini berlangsung. Meminimalkan kerugian proyek (yang kelak dapat meningkatkan keuntungan perusahaan) dan memenuhi keinginan pemilik modal adalah tujuan yang harus dicapai, oleh karena itu Kontraktor harus memiliki sistem pengendalian dan pemantauan proyek yang baik dengan cara menyediakan laporan perkembangan proyek. PERT/CPM digunakan untuk perencanaan dan evaluasi pekerjaan dan jadwal. Sedangkan metode Earned Value dipakai untuk mengintegrasi jadwal dan pengaturan personil dengan analisa biaya. <br><br> Teknik-teknik tersebut di atas digabungkan dengan Algoritma Heuristic untuk penghitungan mundul jadwal. Cara ini digunakan untuk mengantisipasi kebutuhan proyek di industry Minyak dan Gas Bumi yang mengharuskan ketepatan waktu penyelesaian proyek karena akan mengakibatkan biaya tambahan berupa penalti untuk setiap keterlambatan yang terjadi. Algoritma dibuat menggunakan VBA yang berbasis Microsoft Excel. <br><br> Sebagai Model digunakan data dari 3 proyek. Kamudian dilakukan perhitungan menggunakan CPM dan Earned Value. Hasilnya dapat dilihat dalam bentuk Kurva-S yang menyajikan BCWS (Budgeted Cost Work Scheduled), BCWP (Budgeted Cost Work Performed/Earned Value) dan ACWP (Actual Cost Work Performed).;Oil and Gas industry is as business targeted by specific Automation System Contractor to run their projects. Minimizing the project lost (then increase company profit) and satisfying project stakeholder is goal to achieve, therefore Contractor has to have a better project control and monitoring system by having a project progress reporting document. PERT/CPM is using to have a planning and evaluating the appropriate task and schedule. Earned Value method is one of the answers to have combination between schedules with cost analysis. <br><br> All above techniques is combined with Heuristic Algorithm using for backward network counting. It is to elaborate need of Oil and Gas requirement in term of mandatory fix project schedule. Otherwise, extra cost known as penalty will be applied for any delay caused. This algorithm is written in VBA language in Microsoft Excel basis. <br><br> The model used 3 projects data. CPM and Earned Value is counted. Output will be seen as S-Curve that provide position of BCWS (Budgeted Cost Work Scheduled), BCWP (Budgeted Cost Work Performed/Earned Value) and ACWP (Actual Cost Work Performed)., Oil and Gas industry is as business targeted by specific Automation System Contractor to run their projects. Minimizing the project lost (then increase company profit) and satisfying project stakeholder is goal to achieve, therefore Contractor has to have a better project control and monitoring system by having a project progress reporting document. PERT/CPM is using to have a planning and evaluating the appropriate task and schedule. Earned Value method is one of the answers to have combination between schedules with cost analysis. <br><br> All above techniques is combined with Heuristic Algorithm using for backward network counting. It is to elaborate need of Oil and Gas requirement in term of mandatory fix project schedule. Otherwise, extra cost known as penalty will be applied for any delay caused. This algorithm is written in VBA language in Microsoft Excel basis. <br><br> The model used 3 projects data. CPM and Earned Value is counted. Output will be seen as S-Curve that provide position of BCWS (Budgeted Cost Work Scheduled), BCWP (Budgeted Cost Work Performed/Earned Value) and ACWP (Actual Cost Work Performed).]