Studi stres kerja perawat di Rumah Sakit X = Study of work stress of the nurse at X Hospital

Main Authors: Dewandra Gautama, author, Add author: Ridwan Zahdi Syaaf, supervisor, Add author: Baiduri, examiner, Add author: Hendra, examiner, Add author: Agus Budihadi, examiner, Add author: Chandra Djaja Effendi, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2008
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Sebagian besar peiayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit adalah pelayanan keperawatan. Pelayanan keperawatan dilayani oleh perawat dengan berbagai bahaya yang dapat menyebabkan stres. Tuntutan kerja yang tinggi, sistem manajerial yang buruk, bahaya aktual kerja dan ketatnya hubungan antar manusia, dapat menyebabkan stres yang tinggi diantara perawat. Kesemuanya menandakan adanya masa!ah daJam pekerjaan perawat di Rumah Sakit X, Tujuan penelitian ini adalah otuk mendapatkan gambaran tingkat stres dan hal hal yang berhubungan dengan aspek bahaya kerja di tempat kerja Mewde yang digunakan dalam penelirian ini adalah Cross Sectional Non Experimental Descriptive Research dengan Analytic Survey. Pengukuran dengan menggunakan independent variables dan dependent variables, Data primer kuantitatif <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Mostly the health services in hospital are nursing services. Nursing services provide by nurses with various hazard which could caused stress. High work demand, bad managerial system, actual work hazard and strict hurnan relation, could caused high stress among the nurse. All of lt indicated the problems at nursing work in hospital. Therefore, this research aimed to obtain the description of stress levei and factors related with work hazard aspect in work place. This research is cross sectional non-experimental descriptive research "vith analytic survey., Mostly the health services in hospital are nursing services. Nursing services provide by nurses with various hazard which could caused stress. High work demand, bad managerial system, actual work hazard and strict hurnan relation, could caused high stress among the nurse. All of lt indicated the problems at nursing work in hospital. Therefore, this research aimed to obtain the description of stress levei and factors related with work hazard aspect in work place. This research is cross sectional non-experimental descriptive research "vith analytic survey.]