Kebijakan efektivitas pelatihan tenaga kerja di lembaga pelatihan kerja swasta = Policy of employee training program effectiveness in private employee training organization

Main Authors: Lasmiyati, author, Add author: Suahasil Nazara, supervisor, Add author: Sonny Harry Budiutomo Harmadi, examiner, Add author: Chotib, examiner
Format: Masters Bachelors
Terbitan: , 2009
Online Access:
ctrlnum 20339599
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><type>Thesis:Masters</type><title>Kebijakan efektivitas pelatihan tenaga kerja di lembaga pelatihan kerja swasta = Policy of employee training program effectiveness in private employee training organization</title><creator>Lasmiyati, author</creator><creator>Add author: Suahasil Nazara, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Sonny Harry Budiutomo Harmadi, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Chotib, examiner</creator><publisher/><date>2009</date><subject>Employees --Training of.</subject><description>[&lt;b&gt;ABSTRAK&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Tesis ini membahas Kebijakan pemberian subsidi program pelatihan tenaga kerja yang ada di lembaga pelatihan kerja swasta dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas dan produktivitas tenaga kerja dengan memanfaatkan scluruh potensi dan sumber daya pelatihan pada lembaga pelatihan kerja swasta. l'emberian subsidi program yang berjalan saat ini belum efektif. untuk itu periu perbaikan agar pelatihan tenaga kerja bisa berjalan efekti[ Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuatitalif dengan pendekatao deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AiiP). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengctahui sasaran. kendala dan program prioritas agar pelatihan kcrja berjalan efektif. Dari hasil pengisian kuesioner yang diisi oleh 4 kelompok manajerial lalu diolah kedalam aplikasi exptert choice 2000 dengan hasH. untuk setiap kelompok respoden yang memiliki kepentingan yang berbeda tcrdapal hasil analisis yang berbeda tergantung kepentingannya, Untuk mengefektlfkan pelatihan tenaga kerja yang ada di lembaga pelatihan kerja swasta. maka sasaran yang paling prioritas adalah Minat dan bakat peserta pelatihan sebesar 34,3 persen. sescorang akan mengikuti pelatihan apabila pelatihan itu sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. dan akan membawa manfaat bagi kehidupannya, Kendal yang menjadi priodtas untuk diatasi dalam rangka mengefektifkan pelatihan kerja adaiah biaya pelatihan yang relatif mahal sebesar 31,7 persen, untuk rnenekan biaya pelatihan bisa diJakukan dengan mernperbaiki metodologi pelatihan dan kurikulum, Program yang menjadi prioritas adalah seleksi yang ketat dengan pcnelusuran minat peserta sebesar 37.4 perscn. seseonmg akan mengikuti pelatihan apabila pelatihan itu sesuai dengan karaktcr. jiwa. kesl.!nangan dan minatnya. dcngan dcmikian pcserta akan bersungguh sungguh dalam belajar. Hasil penelitian menyarankan kepada Dirjen Binalattas agar kebijakan pcmberian subsidi program pada LPKS efektif. perlu dilakukan; Peningkatkan sosialisasi program,, Melakukan Training Need Assesment (TNA) kedaerah untuk menyesuaikan antara jenis pelatihan yang di rencanakan dengan kebutuhan pelatihan yang sesuai dengan daerah pelaksana pelatihan. Monitoring perencanaan. dan penyelenggaraan pelaksanaan pelatihan subsidi program. &lt;hr&gt; &lt;b&gt;ABSTRACT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; This thesis discuss about the training subsidy program policy on employee training program in private employee training organization to increase the quality and the productivity of employee, by using all potential and training resources in private employee training organization, Today's training subsidy program was obtainable un-effectively. This research was a Qualitative Research with a Descriptive Approach by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, The research purpose is to acknowledge the target, constrain, and priority on the program to make the employee training program working effectively, From the questioner input by 4 (four) different managerial group then processed by using Expert Choice 2000 (an application) with a result, for each managerial group of respondent which has a different requirements, different result of analysis depend on the requirements. To make en effectively employee training program in private employee training organization, then the mainly priority on target is to reach 34,3% of interest and talent of participant, participant has to tag along with the training if the training are suitable to their requirements and will bring advantage to his life. The mainly priority on constrains have to solve in a means to increase effectiveness of employee training program is highly cost of training program around 31,7%, to decrease the cost of training program can be done by fixing training methodology and syllabus, The main training program is tight selection with the interest exposure on participant suitable to character, essence favorable, and interest then the participant will intensively tag along with the training. The research result advising to General Director of Guidance, Training, and Productivities (DitJen Binalattas) to give an effective training subsidy program policy to Private Employee Training Organization (LPKS), by doing a socialization of the program. In doing a Training Need Assessment (TNA) to local area have to sustainable to the planning of kind of training with the training necessity sustainable to area of training realization. , This thesis discuss about the training subsidy program policy on employee training program in private employee training organization to increase the quality and the productivity of employee, by using all potential and training resources in private employee training organization, Today's training subsidy program was obtainable un-effectively. This research was a Qualitative Research with a Descriptive Approach by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, The research purpose is to acknowledge the target, constrain, and priority on the program to make the employee training program working effectively, From the questioner input by 4 (four) different managerial group then processed by using Expert Choice 2000 (an application) with a result, for each managerial group of respondent which has a different requirements, different result of analysis depend on the requirements. To make en effectively employee training program in private employee training organization, then the mainly priority on target is to reach 34,3% of interest and talent of participant, participant has to tag along with the training if the training are suitable to their requirements and will bring advantage to his life. The mainly priority on constrains have to solve in a means to increase effectiveness of employee training program is highly cost of training program around 31,7%, to decrease the cost of training program can be done by fixing training methodology and syllabus, The main training program is tight selection with the interest exposure on participant suitable to character, essence favorable, and interest then the participant will intensively tag along with the training. The research result advising to General Director of Guidance, Training, and Productivities (DitJen Binalattas) to give an effective training subsidy program policy to Private Employee Training Organization (LPKS), by doing a socialization of the program. In doing a Training Need Assessment (TNA) to local area have to sustainable to the planning of kind of training with the training necessity sustainable to area of training realization. ]</description><identifier></identifier><recordID>20339599</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Lasmiyati, author
Add author: Suahasil Nazara, supervisor
Add author: Sonny Harry Budiutomo Harmadi, examiner
Add author: Chotib, examiner
title Kebijakan efektivitas pelatihan tenaga kerja di lembaga pelatihan kerja swasta = Policy of employee training program effectiveness in private employee training organization
publishDate 2009
topic Employees --Training of
contents [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Tesis ini membahas Kebijakan pemberian subsidi program pelatihan tenaga kerja yang ada di lembaga pelatihan kerja swasta dalam upaya peningkatan kualitas dan produktivitas tenaga kerja dengan memanfaatkan scluruh potensi dan sumber daya pelatihan pada lembaga pelatihan kerja swasta. l'emberian subsidi program yang berjalan saat ini belum efektif. untuk itu periu perbaikan agar pelatihan tenaga kerja bisa berjalan efekti[ Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuatitalif dengan pendekatao deskriptif dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AiiP). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengctahui sasaran. kendala dan program prioritas agar pelatihan kcrja berjalan efektif. Dari hasil pengisian kuesioner yang diisi oleh 4 kelompok manajerial lalu diolah kedalam aplikasi exptert choice 2000 dengan hasH. untuk setiap kelompok respoden yang memiliki kepentingan yang berbeda tcrdapal hasil analisis yang berbeda tergantung kepentingannya, Untuk mengefektlfkan pelatihan tenaga kerja yang ada di lembaga pelatihan kerja swasta. maka sasaran yang paling prioritas adalah Minat dan bakat peserta pelatihan sebesar 34,3 persen. sescorang akan mengikuti pelatihan apabila pelatihan itu sesuai dengan kebutuhannya. dan akan membawa manfaat bagi kehidupannya, Kendal yang menjadi priodtas untuk diatasi dalam rangka mengefektifkan pelatihan kerja adaiah biaya pelatihan yang relatif mahal sebesar 31,7 persen, untuk rnenekan biaya pelatihan bisa diJakukan dengan mernperbaiki metodologi pelatihan dan kurikulum, Program yang menjadi prioritas adalah seleksi yang ketat dengan pcnelusuran minat peserta sebesar 37.4 perscn. seseonmg akan mengikuti pelatihan apabila pelatihan itu sesuai dengan karaktcr. jiwa. kesl.!nangan dan minatnya. dcngan dcmikian pcserta akan bersungguh sungguh dalam belajar. Hasil penelitian menyarankan kepada Dirjen Binalattas agar kebijakan pcmberian subsidi program pada LPKS efektif. perlu dilakukan; Peningkatkan sosialisasi program,, Melakukan Training Need Assesment (TNA) kedaerah untuk menyesuaikan antara jenis pelatihan yang di rencanakan dengan kebutuhan pelatihan yang sesuai dengan daerah pelaksana pelatihan. Monitoring perencanaan. dan penyelenggaraan pelaksanaan pelatihan subsidi program. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> This thesis discuss about the training subsidy program policy on employee training program in private employee training organization to increase the quality and the productivity of employee, by using all potential and training resources in private employee training organization, Today's training subsidy program was obtainable un-effectively. This research was a Qualitative Research with a Descriptive Approach by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, The research purpose is to acknowledge the target, constrain, and priority on the program to make the employee training program working effectively, From the questioner input by 4 (four) different managerial group then processed by using Expert Choice 2000 (an application) with a result, for each managerial group of respondent which has a different requirements, different result of analysis depend on the requirements. To make en effectively employee training program in private employee training organization, then the mainly priority on target is to reach 34,3% of interest and talent of participant, participant has to tag along with the training if the training are suitable to their requirements and will bring advantage to his life. The mainly priority on constrains have to solve in a means to increase effectiveness of employee training program is highly cost of training program around 31,7%, to decrease the cost of training program can be done by fixing training methodology and syllabus, The main training program is tight selection with the interest exposure on participant suitable to character, essence favorable, and interest then the participant will intensively tag along with the training. The research result advising to General Director of Guidance, Training, and Productivities (DitJen Binalattas) to give an effective training subsidy program policy to Private Employee Training Organization (LPKS), by doing a socialization of the program. In doing a Training Need Assessment (TNA) to local area have to sustainable to the planning of kind of training with the training necessity sustainable to area of training realization. , This thesis discuss about the training subsidy program policy on employee training program in private employee training organization to increase the quality and the productivity of employee, by using all potential and training resources in private employee training organization, Today's training subsidy program was obtainable un-effectively. This research was a Qualitative Research with a Descriptive Approach by using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method, The research purpose is to acknowledge the target, constrain, and priority on the program to make the employee training program working effectively, From the questioner input by 4 (four) different managerial group then processed by using Expert Choice 2000 (an application) with a result, for each managerial group of respondent which has a different requirements, different result of analysis depend on the requirements. To make en effectively employee training program in private employee training organization, then the mainly priority on target is to reach 34,3% of interest and talent of participant, participant has to tag along with the training if the training are suitable to their requirements and will bring advantage to his life. The mainly priority on constrains have to solve in a means to increase effectiveness of employee training program is highly cost of training program around 31,7%, to decrease the cost of training program can be done by fixing training methodology and syllabus, The main training program is tight selection with the interest exposure on participant suitable to character, essence favorable, and interest then the participant will intensively tag along with the training. The research result advising to General Director of Guidance, Training, and Productivities (DitJen Binalattas) to give an effective training subsidy program policy to Private Employee Training Organization (LPKS), by doing a socialization of the program. In doing a Training Need Assessment (TNA) to local area have to sustainable to the planning of kind of training with the training necessity sustainable to area of training realization. ]
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