Pemberdayaan kader gertak TB sebagai strategi intervensi untuk deteksi kasus dan pengawasan menelan obat pada pasien TB di Kelurahan Sukatani Kecamatan Tapos Depok = Empowerment of cadre gertak TB as a strategy of nursing intervention to detect tb case and to observe TB treatment in Sukatani Tapos Depok

Main Authors: Siti Julaeha Siti Julaeha, author, Add author: Agus Setiawan, supervisor, Add author: Wiwin Wiarsih, supervisor, Add author: Jajang Rahmat, examiner, Add author: Sukanda, examiner
Format: Bachelors
Terbitan: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia , 2015
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Tuberkulosis (TB) masih menjadi masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Angka deteksi kasus Kota Depok yang masih rendah (57,52%) pada tahun 2013 membuat Pemerintah Kota Depok mendeklarasikan Gertak TB. Perawat memberikan pelayanan TB dengan menggunakan strategi pemberdayaan kader Gertak TB agar masyarakat dapat melakukan pemantauan kasus TB di lingkungannya secara mandiri. Kegiatan yang dilakukan adalah deteksi kasus dan pengawasan menelan obat pada pasien TB. Gertak TB melibatkan 16 orang kader. Keluarga yang diawasi menelan obat sebanyak 10 keluarga. Hasil dari kegiatan Gertak TB didapatkan suspek 158 orang, diantaranya 17 orang dilakukan pemeriksaan BTA, dan 10 orang dinyatakan positif TB paru. Kepatuhan menelan obat pada pasien TB yang telah selesai pengobatan mencapai 100%. Kegiatan Gertak TB perlu dilakukan oleh kader dengan berkoordinasi dengan pengelola program TB. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) remains a public health problem in Indonesia. In 2013 Case Detection Rate (CDR) in Depok was low (57,52%), urging the Depok Government declared Gertak TB. The nurse provided TB service by empowering community, to build surveillance system in their own community. The activities of Gertak TB were case detection and observation TB patients treatment. Gertak TB involved 16 cadres. The families whom were observed TB treatment were 10. The results were 158 persons TB suspected, seventeen of them undertook the screening, and ten of them were positive to smear sputum. The treatment adherence of TB patients were 100%. Gertak TB is needed to be promoted by cadre by coordinating with TB nurse in primary health care service delivery., Pulmonary Tuberculosis (TB) remains a public health problem in Indonesia. In 2013 Case Detection Rate (CDR) in Depok was low (57,52%), urging the Depok Government declared Gertak TB. The nurse provided TB service by empowering community, to build surveillance system in their own community. The activities of Gertak TB were case detection and observation TB patients treatment. Gertak TB involved 16 cadres. The families whom were observed TB treatment were 10. The results were 158 persons TB suspected, seventeen of them undertook the screening, and ten of them were positive to smear sputum. The treatment adherence of TB patients were 100%. Gertak TB is needed to be promoted by cadre by coordinating with TB nurse in primary health care service delivery.]