Hubungan kadar interleukin 6 serum dengan cedera kranioserebral skala kama glasgow 6-8 dan 9-12 di RSUPN Dr. Ciptomangunkusumo Jakarta

Main Authors: Hophoptua NM, author, Add author: Lyna Soertidewi, supervisor
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: Universitas Indonesia , 2005
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  • Latar Belakang : Cedera kranioserebral ada 2, yaitu cedera primer dan sekunder. PatofisioIogi cedera sekunder yang kompleks menyebabkan perlunya parameter tambahan untuk menilai perburukan klinis penderita cedera kranioserebral. Pada penelitian terdahulu didapat suatu hubungan antara kadar interleukin 6 serum dengan keluaran cedera kranioserebral. Dimana semakin tinggi kadar 11-6 akan semakin buruk keluaran cedera kranioserebral. Dengan melihat hal ini kami melakukan penelitian untuk mengeksplorasi hubungan antara kadar M-6 dengan penderita ceders kranioserebral. Objektif : Mengetahui peranan IL-6 pada kondisi klinis penderita cedera kranioserebral 5KG 6-12 Desain dan Metode: Observasional dengan repeated measurement design sesuai dengan kriteria seleksi dan dieksplorasi apakah terdapat hubungan IL-6 dengan SKG hari 1,3,7 atau mortalitas. Hasil : 63 penderita cedera kranioserebral SKG 6-12 dalarn 24 jam dari onset. Semua pasien dilakukan pemeriksaan IL-6 serum dan DPL rutin, Nilai rerata IL-6 tertinggi adalah pada SKG 6 508,938 ± 98,125 dan nilai rerata terendah adalah 11,725 ± 8,441. Dengan uji kai kuadarat didapati hubungan semakin tinggi nilai IL-6 semakin rendah nilai SKG (p<0,0001). Dengan uji kai kuadrat juga didapati semakin tinggi kadar M-6 semakin tinggi mortalitas (p<0,002). Kesimpulan : IL-6 dapat dijadikan salah satu prediktor keluaran penderita cedera kranioserebral. <hr><i>Background : Traumatic brain Injury (TBI) is divided in to primary and secondary injury. Complexities of the pathophysiology of secondary brain injury made additional parameters in to evaluation for observed the worsening effect of those mechanisms. In the current study there is a correlation between IL 6 serum concentration and the outcome of TBI. The higher 1L6 would be markedly worsening outcome. Based on this concept, we make the research to explore the correlation between IL 6 concentration and TBI patient. Objective: To explore the rule of IL 6 on the worsening clinical condition of the TBI patient GCS 6-8 and GCS 9-12. Design and methods: Observational study with repeated measurement design due to selection criteria and being explored whether any correlation between IL 6 and GCS on day 1,3,7 or mortality. Results: 63 TBI patients with GCS 6-12 and the onset are 24 hours enrolled to this study. All the patient had IL 6 serum and routine blood test. The highest mean of IL 6 is 508,938 + on GCS 6 and the lowest mean is 11,725 + 8,441 on GCS 12. Result of the chi square test showed there was correlation the higher IL 6 and the lower GCS (p<0,0001). The other analyzed the chi square test showed there were also correlation between the higher IL 6 and mortality (p<0,002). Conclusion : IL- 6 could be used as one of TBI outcome predictor.</i>