Pengaruh modernisasi China terhadap kebijakan Amerika Serikat di Asia Pasipik = the impact from china's moderenization of the united state policy in asia pasific

Main Authors: Aldrin Erwinsyah, author, Add author: Broto Wardoyo, supervisor, Add author: Keliat, Makmur, examiner, Add author: Asra Virgianita, examiner, Add author: Andi Widjajanto, examiner
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: Universitas Indonesia , 2011
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  • Modernisasi militer China adalah bagian dari kekuatan militer yang terus dikembangkan oleh militer China. Kekuatan militer China ditujukan untuk menjaga kedaulatan negara, menjaga kepentingan nasional, menjaga sumber-sumber energi dan berfungsi sebagai kekuatan regional.Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, China memerlukan strategi militer guna menghadapi kekhawatiran akan persepsi ancaman China dengan melakukan diplomasi bahwa China merupakan kekuatan damai, militer China juga aktif dalam peran internasionalnya. Tesis ini mencoba membahas pengaruh modernisasi militer China terhadap kebijakan Amerika Serikat di Asia Pasifik. Dengan memakai pendekatan realis, penulis berusaha memahami strategi pertahanan dan militer China dalam menjaga kepentingan nasionalnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan penulis adalah deskriptif analistis melalui penelitian kepustakaan. Kekuatan militer AS yang dominan menebabkan strategi yang digunakan oleh China tidak konfrontatif tetapi bersikap low profile. Dengan terus menaikan anggaran militernya pertahunnya dan melakukan modernisasi militer China, China dapat menjadi kekuatan regional mengimbangi dominasi pertahanan AS dan aliansinya di Asia Pasifik. <hr>The modernisation of the China military was part of the strength of the military that continued to be developed by the China military. The strength of the China military was aimed to maintain the sovereignty of the country, maintain the national interests, maintain sources of energy and function as the regional strength. To achieve this aim, China needed the military strategy in order to faces the concern would the perception of the Chinese threat by carrying out diplomacy that China was the strength of peace, the China military was also active in his international role. This thesis tried to explain the impact of the China?s military modernization towards United States policies in the Asia Pacific region. By using the realist's approach, the writer tried to understand the defence strategy and the China military in maintaining his national interests. The research method that was used by the writer was descriptive analistis through the bibliography research. The strength of the US military that was dominant so the strategy that was used by China not confrontational but have an attitude low profile. China also developed the strategy peaceful rising countering the perception of the China Threat. By continue rising the budget of his military every year and carried out the modernisation of the China military, China could become the regional strength matched the domination of the US defence and his alliance.