ctrlnum 20315022
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"><type>Thesis:Doctoral</type><title>Model kompetensi manajer puncak rumah sakit swasta se-JABODETABEK, 2010</title><creator>Pradnya Paramita, author</creator><creator>Add author: Purnawan Junadi, promotor</creator><creator>Add author: Adang Bachtiar, co-promotor</creator><creator>Add author: Anhari Achadi, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Tri Budi Wahyuni Rahardjo, co-promotor</creator><creator>Add author: Supriyanto Riyadi, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Muhammad Haffizzurrachman Syarief, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Setyo Hari Wijanto, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Soewarta Kosen, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Sutoto, author</creator><publisher>Universitas Indonesia</publisher><date>2012</date><subject>Competency Assessment</subject><description>&lt;b&gt;ABSTRAK&lt;/b&gt; Tujuan - Tujuannya mendapatkan model kompetensi manajer puncak RS Swasta se JABODETABEK, 2010. Kompetensi ini akan menjadi ciri kualitas untuk kinerja yang unggul dari manajer puncak RS yang digunakan di seluruh proses manajemen kinerja yang terkait fungsi SDM di RS. Desain / metodologi / pendekatan ? Penggunaaan metode delphy, dan analisis KJ dikombinasikan dengan wawancara pemilik dan para pakar untuk memproses pengembangan model kompetensi. Dengan menggunakan analisis jalur dari manajer puncak RS dari 165 RS Swasta se JABODETABEK diperoleh model akhir dari kompetensi manajer puncak RS Swasta yang dapat digunakan untuk penerimaan mereka dalam memimpin serta mengelola RS. Temuan - kompetensi teridentifikasi oleh lima variabel keterampilan, sikap, tujuan, sifat dan pengetahuan dengan sepuluh subvariabel yaitu kepemimpinan, manajemen tim, manajemen perubahan, hubungan personal, karakter, fokus pada hasil, komunikasi, komitmen manajemen, manajemen projek, kemampuan diri.. Penelitian keterbatasan / implikasi - Jumlah kepustakaan mengenai kompetensi manajer puncak serta keterbatasan waktu manajer puncak RS dan peneliti, maka penelitian perlu dilanjutkan para peneliti selanjutnya. Implikasi Praktis - Penelitian memberikan gambaran yang berguna dari konsep manajemen kinerja dan merangkum kekuatan dan kelemahan kompetensi manajemen berbasis kinerja. Orisinalitas/nilai - Penelitian menyajikan gambaran tentang manajemen kinerja berbasis kompetensi seperti yang diterapkan di luar negeri sesuai dengan kepustakaan dan dipayungi dengan peraturan UU No. 44, 2009 tentang RS dan Peraturan MENKES No.971/Menkes/Per/XI/2009 tentang standar kompetensi pejabat struktural kesehatan. Kompetensi inti yang menjadi ciri kualitas yang diperlukan untuk kinerja yang unggul dari staf perpustakaan dijelaskan. &lt;hr&gt;&lt;i&gt;&lt;b&gt;ABSTRACT&lt;/b&gt; Purpose: the purpose of this research is to find a competency model for top-level managers of private hospitals in Jabodetabek, 2010. This competency will become the quality requirements for high performance of top-level hospital managers used in every performance management process related to the function of human resources in hospitals. Design/methodology/approach - Using the delphy approach and KJ analysis combined with interviewing the owners and experts on competency development process. By using pathway analysis of top-level hospital managers from 165 private hospitals in Jabodetabek, we obtained a final model. obtained a final model of the competence of top managers of private hospitals. This model can be used for their acceptance in leading /managing the hospital. Findings: Competence is identified with five variables skills, attitude, purpose, behavior and knowledge with ten sub-variables which are leadership, team management, change management, personal relationship, character, focus on results, communication, management commitment, project management, self capacity. Research limitations/implication - the number of literature review on competencies of top-level managers as well as time limitations of top-level hospital managers and the researcher, thus the research needs to be continued by the next researchers. Practical implication - the research provides a useful overview of the performance management concept and summarizes the strength and weaknesses of performance-based management. Originality/value - the research provides an overview of competency-based performance management as implemented abroad according to literature review and is under the umbrella of Law No. 44 year 2009 on Hospitals and MENKES Regulation No. 971/Menkes/Per/XI/2009 on competency standard of medical structural official. The core competency that becomes the quality criteria needed for top performance from the library staff is explained.&lt;/i&gt;</description><identifier>https://lib.ui.ac.id/detail?id=20315022</identifier><recordID>20315022</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Doctoral
author Pradnya Paramita, author
Add author: Purnawan Junadi, promotor
Add author: Adang Bachtiar, co-promotor
Add author: Anhari Achadi, examiner
Add author: Tri Budi Wahyuni Rahardjo, co-promotor
Add author: Supriyanto Riyadi, supervisor
Add author: Muhammad Haffizzurrachman Syarief, examiner
Add author: Setyo Hari Wijanto, examiner
Add author: Soewarta Kosen, examiner
Add author: Sutoto, author
title Model kompetensi manajer puncak rumah sakit swasta se-JABODETABEK, 2010
publisher Universitas Indonesia
publishDate 2012
topic Competency Assessment
url https://lib.ui.ac.id/detail?id=20315022
contents <b>ABSTRAK</b> Tujuan - Tujuannya mendapatkan model kompetensi manajer puncak RS Swasta se JABODETABEK, 2010. Kompetensi ini akan menjadi ciri kualitas untuk kinerja yang unggul dari manajer puncak RS yang digunakan di seluruh proses manajemen kinerja yang terkait fungsi SDM di RS. Desain / metodologi / pendekatan ? Penggunaaan metode delphy, dan analisis KJ dikombinasikan dengan wawancara pemilik dan para pakar untuk memproses pengembangan model kompetensi. Dengan menggunakan analisis jalur dari manajer puncak RS dari 165 RS Swasta se JABODETABEK diperoleh model akhir dari kompetensi manajer puncak RS Swasta yang dapat digunakan untuk penerimaan mereka dalam memimpin serta mengelola RS. Temuan - kompetensi teridentifikasi oleh lima variabel keterampilan, sikap, tujuan, sifat dan pengetahuan dengan sepuluh subvariabel yaitu kepemimpinan, manajemen tim, manajemen perubahan, hubungan personal, karakter, fokus pada hasil, komunikasi, komitmen manajemen, manajemen projek, kemampuan diri.. Penelitian keterbatasan / implikasi - Jumlah kepustakaan mengenai kompetensi manajer puncak serta keterbatasan waktu manajer puncak RS dan peneliti, maka penelitian perlu dilanjutkan para peneliti selanjutnya. Implikasi Praktis - Penelitian memberikan gambaran yang berguna dari konsep manajemen kinerja dan merangkum kekuatan dan kelemahan kompetensi manajemen berbasis kinerja. Orisinalitas/nilai - Penelitian menyajikan gambaran tentang manajemen kinerja berbasis kompetensi seperti yang diterapkan di luar negeri sesuai dengan kepustakaan dan dipayungi dengan peraturan UU No. 44, 2009 tentang RS dan Peraturan MENKES No.971/Menkes/Per/XI/2009 tentang standar kompetensi pejabat struktural kesehatan. Kompetensi inti yang menjadi ciri kualitas yang diperlukan untuk kinerja yang unggul dari staf perpustakaan dijelaskan. <hr><i><b>ABSTRACT</b> Purpose: the purpose of this research is to find a competency model for top-level managers of private hospitals in Jabodetabek, 2010. This competency will become the quality requirements for high performance of top-level hospital managers used in every performance management process related to the function of human resources in hospitals. Design/methodology/approach - Using the delphy approach and KJ analysis combined with interviewing the owners and experts on competency development process. By using pathway analysis of top-level hospital managers from 165 private hospitals in Jabodetabek, we obtained a final model. obtained a final model of the competence of top managers of private hospitals. This model can be used for their acceptance in leading /managing the hospital. Findings: Competence is identified with five variables skills, attitude, purpose, behavior and knowledge with ten sub-variables which are leadership, team management, change management, personal relationship, character, focus on results, communication, management commitment, project management, self capacity. Research limitations/implication - the number of literature review on competencies of top-level managers as well as time limitations of top-level hospital managers and the researcher, thus the research needs to be continued by the next researchers. Practical implication - the research provides a useful overview of the performance management concept and summarizes the strength and weaknesses of performance-based management. Originality/value - the research provides an overview of competency-based performance management as implemented abroad according to literature review and is under the umbrella of Law No. 44 year 2009 on Hospitals and MENKES Regulation No. 971/Menkes/Per/XI/2009 on competency standard of medical structural official. The core competency that becomes the quality criteria needed for top performance from the library staff is explained.</i>
id IOS18066.20315022
institution Universitas Indonesia
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library Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia
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collection contoh Repository Tesis (Open) Universitas Indonesia
repository_id 18066
province JAWA BARAT
repoId IOS18066
first_indexed 2022-12-14T02:21:16Z
last_indexed 2022-12-14T02:21:16Z
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