Manajemen keselamatan proses sebagai upaya pencegahan ledakan debu pada fasilitas pemanfaatan bahan bakar alternatif sekam padi di insinerator semen

Main Authors: Agung Surya Irawan, author, Add author: Fatma Lestari, supervisor, Add author: Dadan Erwandi, examiner, Add author: Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho, examiner, Add author: Yoki Yulizar, examiner
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: , 2008
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Salah satu upaya untuk menyeimbangkan perlindungan terhadap lingkungan dan kepentingan ekonomi pada dunia industri adalah dengan mengupayakan kctersediaan energi altematif dari sumber yang dapat diperbahami dibandingkan penggunaan energi dari slumber yang tidak dapat diperbaharui. Sekam padi merupakan salah satu Iimbah biomas yang tersedia dalam jumlah besar dan memiliki kandungan energi yang tinggi namun menghasilkan polusi terhadap lingkungan serta resiko kcschatan yang rendah jika dibandingkan pembakaran dengan menggunakan bahan bakar yang bcrasal dari fossil. _ Dalam proses penggunaannya serta keuntungan yang diberikan, debu sekam padi scbagai energi altematif _iuga membawa porensi bahaya yang mcmerlukan penanganan memadai, oleh karena itu pengkondisian awal berdasarkan karakteristik bahan merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam menentukan pananganan sccara aman untuk material padatan yang memiliki ukuran partikcl sangat halus (seperti bubuk, tepung dan debu) hingga sifat - sifat yang berpengaruh terhadap keselamatan dan kesehatan diketahui. Dcngan diketahuinya karakteristik debu sekam padi terhadap kemampuan dapat terbakar dan Iedakan maka didapatkan model dcsain peralatan dan proses dengan mempertimbangkan upaya pencegahan dan perlindungan dari bahaya ledakan awan debu guna memenuhi persyaratan manajemen keselamatan proses pada fasilitas pemanfaatan debu sckam padi di insincrator semen Berdasarkan hasil uji laboratorium yang diperoleh diketahui bahwa debu sekarn padi memiliki karakteristik dapat terbakar dengan tingkat Iedakan debu kelas I dan kemampuan tekanan maksimum ledakan sebcsar 6,7 Bar serta energi minimum yang dibutuhkan untuk pcnyalaan sebesar <1 joule. Berdasarkan hal tcrsebut serta kecukupan untuk kemungkinan timbulnya Iedakan pada proses pemanfaatan sekam padi pada insinerator semen maka sekam padi digolongkan sebagai bahan berbahaya kategori Kelas 2 Divisi 2. Hal tersebnt diatas sangat mendasari penentuan peralatan baik elektrik/al maupun mekanikal yang digunakan sena aktifitas proses operasional yang dilakukan pada fasilitas pemanfaatan debu sekam padi di insinerator semen. Dari basil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa karalcteristik bahan sebagai informasi keselamatan proses sangat dibutuhkan dalam analisa bahaya guna menentukan bentuk pengendalian dalam pencegahan bahaya ledakan pada fasilitas pemanfaatan sekam padi sebagai bahan bakar altematif di insinerator semen. Dimana hal terscbut dimulai pada tahap dcsain peralatan dan desain proses sebagai dasar pengambilan keputumn operasional guna memastikan proses pemanfaatan energi altcrnatif tersebut bexjalan dengan efektili eiisien dan aman sebagai tujuan pelaksanaan manajemen keselamatan proses. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> One of the efforts to balance the protection of the environment and economic purpose in the industrial world is by trying to provide alternative energy from renewable source rather than using the energy from un-renewable source. Rice husk is one of biomass waste that is available in very large amount and contain high energy potential but can contribute less pollution to the environment and low health risk if compared to combustion using fossil-base iitel. ln the utilimtion process and the benefit that it can contribute, rice husk dust as an altemative energy also carries hamrd potential which needs sufficient handling, thus preconditioning based on material characteristic is very important in determining the safe handling for solid material that contains very small particle size (such as powder and dust) so that all the attributes that can atfect to the health and safety can be discovered. In knowing the characteristic of rice husk dust to its combustible and explosion capability, then the model of equipment design and process can be established, also by considering the prevention effort and protection from hazard from dust cloud explosion in the effort to fultill the requirement of process safety management at rice husk dust utilization facility at the cement incinerator. Based on laboratorial test result, it is discovered that rice husk dust have the combustible capability characteristic with tingkat ledakan debu kelas l and maximum explosive pressure of 6,7 Bar and minimum ignition energy needed is <l joule. Based on the laboratories trial test it found that rice husk dust characteristic categorize in the Dust Explosion Class l with maksimum explosion pressure 6,7 Bar with minimum energy for ignition <1 joule. With regards to test result above and the possibility for explosion during rice husk utilization for altemative fuel in cement incincrator, dust on the facility can be considered as Class 2 Division 2. This categorization are a based for designing mechanical and/or electrical equipment also to define process activity related to rice husk utilization as altcmative fuel in incinerator cement This research concluded that material characteristic as a basic infomation for process safety are required to determine a control based on analysis for preventing dust explosion in rice husk feeding facility. This process are for ensuring that operational decision was taken based on appropriate design safety review for equipment and process involved, to achieve objective of process safety management ensuring that utilization of rice husk as alternative fixel in cement are commence in a effective, efficient and safe manner, One of the efforts to balance the protection of the environment and economic purpose in the industrial world is by trying to provide alternative energy from renewable source rather than using the energy from un-renewable source. Rice husk is one of biomass waste that is available in very large amount and contain high energy potential but can contribute less pollution to the environment and low health risk if compared to combustion using fossil-base iitel. ln the utilimtion process and the benefit that it can contribute, rice husk dust as an altemative energy also carries hamrd potential which needs sufficient handling, thus preconditioning based on material characteristic is very important in determining the safe handling for solid material that contains very small particle size (such as powder and dust) so that all the attributes that can atfect to the health and safety can be discovered. In knowing the characteristic of rice husk dust to its combustible and explosion capability, then the model of equipment design and process can be established, also by considering the prevention effort and protection from hazard from dust cloud explosion in the effort to fultill the requirement of process safety management at rice husk dust utilization facility at the cement incinerator. Based on laboratorial test result, it is discovered that rice husk dust have the combustible capability characteristic with tingkat ledakan debu kelas l and maximum explosive pressure of 6,7 Bar and minimum ignition energy needed is <l joule. Based on the laboratories trial test it found that rice husk dust characteristic categorize in the Dust Explosion Class l with maksimum explosion pressure 6,7 Bar with minimum energy for ignition <1 joule. With regards to test result above and the possibility for explosion during rice husk utilization for altemative fuel in cement incincrator, dust on the facility can be considered as Class 2 Division 2. This categorization are a based for designing mechanical and/or electrical equipment also to define process activity related to rice husk utilization as altcmative fuel in incinerator cement This research concluded that material characteristic as a basic infomation for process safety are required to determine a control based on analysis for preventing dust explosion in rice husk feeding facility. This process are for ensuring that operational decision was taken based on appropriate design safety review for equipment and process involved, to achieve objective of process safety management ensuring that utilization of rice husk as alternative fixel in cement are commence in a effective, efficient and safe manner]