Analisis profil penyebab-penyebab kecelakaan kerja di perusahaan PT.X periode Januari-Oktober 2008 = The analysis of work accident cases at X company for January-October 2009

Main Authors: Margiastoeti, author, Add author: Ridwan Zahdi Syaaf, supervisor, Add author: Robiana Modjo, examiner, Add author: Dadan Erwandi, examiner, Add author: Alfajri Ismail, examiner, Add author: C. Setyo Rohadi, examiner
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: , 2008
Online Access:
ctrlnum 20332839
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><type>Thesis:Masters</type><title>Analisis profil penyebab-penyebab kecelakaan kerja di perusahaan PT.X periode Januari-Oktober 2008 = The analysis of work accident cases at X company for January-October 2009</title><creator>Margiastoeti, author</creator><creator>Add author: Ridwan Zahdi Syaaf, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Robiana Modjo, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Dadan Erwandi, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Alfajri Ismail, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: C. Setyo Rohadi, examiner</creator><publisher/><date>2008</date><subject/><description>[&lt;b&gt;ABSTRAK&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Angka keoclakan kerja saat ini masih sangat tinggi terutama pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang rentan dcngan kecelakaan dimana budaya kuselamatan dan kesehatan kelja belum terlaksana dengan baik. Contoh angka kecelakaan kerja di PT X masih tinggi, tercatat dari bulan januari sampai dengan Olaober 2008 sebesar 456 kejadian kecelakaan, dimana saat ini sering kali tidak diketahui secara tspat penyebab utama kecelakaan kelja tersebut terjadi. Apakah karena tindakan tidak aman (unsaj&#xE9; act), kondisi tidak aman, kurangnya pengawasan danlatau karena pengaruh organisasi? Dengan melihat latar belakang tersebut, pencliti ingin mengetahui mengapa dan bagaimana kecclakaan kcrja tersebut teljadi, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mcnganalisa profil penyebab kecclakaan kelja pada PT. X yang ditinjau dcngan menggunakan The Human Factors Analysis' and Class{{ica!ion System (I-IFACS), sebagai unit analisis kasus kecelakaan kexja. Dari hasil penelilian menunjukan bahwa dari ke empat klasifikasi penyebab kecelakaan saling berkaitan, berdasarkan hasil analisis dcngan mengunakan sislem klasifikasi HFACS, didapatkan bahwa faktor dau perscntasc terbesar penyebab kecelakaan kcnja di PT, X, yaitu tindakan tidak aman 44,'75%, sedangkan kondisi sebelum mclakukan tindakan tidak aman 36,80%, pengawasan yang kurang 14,91% dan pcngaruh organisasi 3,54%. Penycbab tindakan tidak aman adalah kesalahan manusia 30,57 % dan pelanggaran I4,18%. Kesalahan manusia teljadi karena 3 hal, yaitu karena kesalahan sebab kemampuan 21,2l%, kcsalahan memutuskan 6,93%, dan kcsalahan persepsi 2,42%. Sedangkan pelanggaran terjadi karena pelanggaran rutin 8,86% dan pelanggaran perkocualian 5,32%. Kondisi scbclum melakukan tindakan tidak aman sebesar 36,80%, yang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi operator 22,05%, faktor lingkungan 9,67% dan faktor personil 5,08%. Sedangkan penyebab kccelakaan pengawasan yang kurang sebesar l4,9I%, dengan persentasc tcrbesar adalah gagal untuk mempcrbaiki problem yang sudah dikuasai sebesar 8,50%, kemudian disusul karcna pengawasan yang tidak memadai/cukup 4,25%, pelanggaran pengawasan sebesar 1,46% dan perencanaan operasi yang tidak tcpat 0,70%. Dan penyebab kecelakaan karena pengaruh organisasi sebcsar 3,54%, didapatkan penyebab terbesar karena iklim organisasi 2,22%, kemudian disusul karena manajeman 0,83%, dan proses organisasi 0,50%. Hal-hal yang pcrlu dilakukan untuk mengurangi faktor penyebab kecclakaan adalah membuat laporan hasil investigasi kecelakaan yang lcbih baik; melakukan training dan re-training untuk meningkatkan kemampuan (skill) dan pengetahuan operator, terutama mcngenai ketezampilan dan instruksi kezja untuk menambah pengalaman kerja; pembuatan peraturan atau SOP, manual, checklist yang jelas dan tegas serta men-sosialisasikannya _sccara berkala kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan; mcmperkenalkan kcmbali tombol-tombol kontrol pada mesin yang dijalankan; mcmbuat display instmmen yang mudah dimcngerti, sistem peringatan yang baik; menciptakan suasana dan kexja sama team yang baik agar reduksi errors dapat ditingkankan; melakukan pengawasan terhadap perilaku pekcrja (behaviour observation); memberikan sanksi apabila terjadi pclanggaran sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku; melakukan seleksi perke1ja lebih baik; memberikan izin dan sertifikasi untuk pekedaan tertentu; mengatur jadwal kerja; memberikan pelatihan dan menata ulang tcmpat kmja bila memungkinkan, dan membentuk gtup diskusi setiap ada kecelakaan yang teljadi guna memecahkan permasalahan yang tirnbul agar tidak terulang kembali. &lt;hr&gt; &lt;b&gt;ABSTRACT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Recently, the numbers of work accident is still high specifically at the company where work safety and health have not been implemented well. For example, there have been 456 work accidents recorded from January to October 2008 at X Company. The causes ofthe accidents are unknown. Are they because of the unsafe act, the precondition of the unsafe act, the inappropriate supervision, and/or the organizational influence? Based on those backgrounds, the researcher wants to find out why and how the work accidents happen. The aim of this research is to analyze the profile of work accident cases at X Company observed using The Human Factors Anabwsir and Classification .System (I-IFACS) as the unit of work accident case analysis. The research result shows four classifications ofthe work accidents factors are related to each other. Based on the analysis using I-[FACS classification system, the biggest factors and percentage causing work accidents at X Company are : the unsafe act with 44,75%, the precondition of the unsafe act with 36,80%, the unsafe supervision with l4,9l%, and the organizational influence with 3,54%. The causes of the unsafe act are human error (30,57%) and violation (14,18%). Human error happens because of three things: skill-base errors (21,2l%), decision errors (6,93%), and perceptual errors (2,42%). Meanwhile, the violation happens due to routine violation (8,86%) and exceptional violation (S,32%). The precondition of the unsafe act sharing 36,80% is influenced by the conditions of operators (22,05%), the environmental factors (9,67%), and the personnel factors (5,08%). Moreover, the cause of the unsafe supervision sharing l4,91% happens duc to the failure to correct problem (8,50%), the inadequate supervison (4,25%), the supervisory violation (l,46%), and the planned inappropriate operations (0,70%). Last, the organisational influence sharing 3,54% is caused by the organizational climate (2, 22%), the resource management (0,83%), and the organizational process (0.50%) The necwsary things to do in order to minimize those work accident factors are making a better accident investigation report, doing training and retraining in order to increase the skill and the knowledge of the operator, specifically related to the work competence and instmction to increase work experience, the making of SOP, manual, clear and explicit checklist, and socializing it periodically to those who are concemed; reintroducing control buttons on the operating machine, making comprhensible instrument display and good warning system, creating good team work atmosphere in order to improve error reduction, doing behaviour supervision to the employees, giving sanctions to any violations based on the prevailed regulations, oing a better employees selection, giving license and certificate for certain jobs, arranging work schedule, doing training, re-designing the workplace if possible, and making a discussion group whenever an accident happens in order to solve appeared problem so it will not happen again in the future., Recently, the numbers of work accident is still high specifically at the company where work safety and health have not been implemented well. For example, there have been 456 work accidents recorded from January to October 2008 at X Company. The causes ofthe accidents are unknown. Are they because of the unsafe act, the precondition of the unsafe act, the inappropriate supervision, and/or the organizational influence? Based on those backgrounds, the researcher wants to find out why and how the work accidents happen. The aim of this research is to analyze the profile of work accident cases at X Company observed using The Human Factors Anabwsir and Classification .System (I-IFACS) as the unit of work accident case analysis. The research result shows four classifications ofthe work accidents factors are related to each other. Based on the analysis using I-[FACS classification system, the biggest factors and percentage causing work accidents at X Company are : the unsafe act with 44,75%, the precondition of the unsafe act with 36,80%, the unsafe supervision with l4,9l%, and the organizational influence with 3,54%. The causes of the unsafe act are human error (30,57%) and violation (14,18%). Human error happens because of three things: skill-base errors (21,2l%), decision errors (6,93%), and perceptual errors (2,42%). Meanwhile, the violation happens due to routine violation (8,86%) and exceptional violation (S,32%). The precondition of the unsafe act sharing 36,80% is influenced by the conditions of operators (22,05%), the environmental factors (9,67%), and the personnel factors (5,08%). Moreover, the cause of the unsafe supervision sharing l4,91% happens duc to the failure to correct problem (8,50%), the inadequate supervison (4,25%), the supervisory violation (l,46%), and the planned inappropriate operations (0,70%). Last, the organisational influence sharing 3,54% is caused by the organizational climate (2, 22%), the resource management (0,83%), and the organizational process (0.50%) The necwsary things to do in order to minimize those work accident factors are making a better accident investigation report, doing training and retraining in order to increase the skill and the knowledge of the operator, specifically related to the work competence and instmction to increase work experience, the making of SOP, manual, clear and explicit checklist, and socializing it periodically to those who are concemed; reintroducing control buttons on the operating machine, making comprhensible instrument display and good warning system, creating good team work atmosphere in order to improve error reduction, doing behaviour supervision to the employees, giving sanctions to any violations based on the prevailed regulations, oing a better employees selection, giving license and certificate for certain jobs, arranging work schedule, doing training, re-designing the workplace if possible, and making a discussion group whenever an accident happens in order to solve appeared problem so it will not happen again in the future.]</description><identifier></identifier><recordID>20332839</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Margiastoeti, author
Add author: Ridwan Zahdi Syaaf, supervisor
Add author: Robiana Modjo, examiner
Add author: Dadan Erwandi, examiner
Add author: Alfajri Ismail, examiner
Add author: C. Setyo Rohadi, examiner
title Analisis profil penyebab-penyebab kecelakaan kerja di perusahaan PT.X periode Januari-Oktober 2008 = The analysis of work accident cases at X company for January-October 2009
publishDate 2008
contents [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Angka keoclakan kerja saat ini masih sangat tinggi terutama pada perusahaan-perusahaan yang rentan dcngan kecelakaan dimana budaya kuselamatan dan kesehatan kelja belum terlaksana dengan baik. Contoh angka kecelakaan kerja di PT X masih tinggi, tercatat dari bulan januari sampai dengan Olaober 2008 sebesar 456 kejadian kecelakaan, dimana saat ini sering kali tidak diketahui secara tspat penyebab utama kecelakaan kelja tersebut terjadi. Apakah karena tindakan tidak aman (unsajé act), kondisi tidak aman, kurangnya pengawasan danlatau karena pengaruh organisasi? Dengan melihat latar belakang tersebut, pencliti ingin mengetahui mengapa dan bagaimana kecclakaan kcrja tersebut teljadi, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mcnganalisa profil penyebab kecclakaan kelja pada PT. X yang ditinjau dcngan menggunakan The Human Factors Analysis' and Class{{ica!ion System (I-IFACS), sebagai unit analisis kasus kecelakaan kexja. Dari hasil penelilian menunjukan bahwa dari ke empat klasifikasi penyebab kecelakaan saling berkaitan, berdasarkan hasil analisis dcngan mengunakan sislem klasifikasi HFACS, didapatkan bahwa faktor dau perscntasc terbesar penyebab kecelakaan kcnja di PT, X, yaitu tindakan tidak aman 44,'75%, sedangkan kondisi sebelum mclakukan tindakan tidak aman 36,80%, pengawasan yang kurang 14,91% dan pcngaruh organisasi 3,54%. Penycbab tindakan tidak aman adalah kesalahan manusia 30,57 % dan pelanggaran I4,18%. Kesalahan manusia teljadi karena 3 hal, yaitu karena kesalahan sebab kemampuan 21,2l%, kcsalahan memutuskan 6,93%, dan kcsalahan persepsi 2,42%. Sedangkan pelanggaran terjadi karena pelanggaran rutin 8,86% dan pelanggaran perkocualian 5,32%. Kondisi scbclum melakukan tindakan tidak aman sebesar 36,80%, yang dipengaruhi oleh kondisi operator 22,05%, faktor lingkungan 9,67% dan faktor personil 5,08%. Sedangkan penyebab kccelakaan pengawasan yang kurang sebesar l4,9I%, dengan persentasc tcrbesar adalah gagal untuk mempcrbaiki problem yang sudah dikuasai sebesar 8,50%, kemudian disusul karcna pengawasan yang tidak memadai/cukup 4,25%, pelanggaran pengawasan sebesar 1,46% dan perencanaan operasi yang tidak tcpat 0,70%. Dan penyebab kecelakaan karena pengaruh organisasi sebcsar 3,54%, didapatkan penyebab terbesar karena iklim organisasi 2,22%, kemudian disusul karena manajeman 0,83%, dan proses organisasi 0,50%. Hal-hal yang pcrlu dilakukan untuk mengurangi faktor penyebab kecclakaan adalah membuat laporan hasil investigasi kecelakaan yang lcbih baik; melakukan training dan re-training untuk meningkatkan kemampuan (skill) dan pengetahuan operator, terutama mcngenai ketezampilan dan instruksi kezja untuk menambah pengalaman kerja; pembuatan peraturan atau SOP, manual, checklist yang jelas dan tegas serta men-sosialisasikannya _sccara berkala kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan; mcmperkenalkan kcmbali tombol-tombol kontrol pada mesin yang dijalankan; mcmbuat display instmmen yang mudah dimcngerti, sistem peringatan yang baik; menciptakan suasana dan kexja sama team yang baik agar reduksi errors dapat ditingkankan; melakukan pengawasan terhadap perilaku pekcrja (behaviour observation); memberikan sanksi apabila terjadi pclanggaran sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku; melakukan seleksi perke1ja lebih baik; memberikan izin dan sertifikasi untuk pekedaan tertentu; mengatur jadwal kerja; memberikan pelatihan dan menata ulang tcmpat kmja bila memungkinkan, dan membentuk gtup diskusi setiap ada kecelakaan yang teljadi guna memecahkan permasalahan yang tirnbul agar tidak terulang kembali. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Recently, the numbers of work accident is still high specifically at the company where work safety and health have not been implemented well. For example, there have been 456 work accidents recorded from January to October 2008 at X Company. The causes ofthe accidents are unknown. Are they because of the unsafe act, the precondition of the unsafe act, the inappropriate supervision, and/or the organizational influence? Based on those backgrounds, the researcher wants to find out why and how the work accidents happen. The aim of this research is to analyze the profile of work accident cases at X Company observed using The Human Factors Anabwsir and Classification .System (I-IFACS) as the unit of work accident case analysis. The research result shows four classifications ofthe work accidents factors are related to each other. Based on the analysis using I-[FACS classification system, the biggest factors and percentage causing work accidents at X Company are : the unsafe act with 44,75%, the precondition of the unsafe act with 36,80%, the unsafe supervision with l4,9l%, and the organizational influence with 3,54%. The causes of the unsafe act are human error (30,57%) and violation (14,18%). Human error happens because of three things: skill-base errors (21,2l%), decision errors (6,93%), and perceptual errors (2,42%). Meanwhile, the violation happens due to routine violation (8,86%) and exceptional violation (S,32%). The precondition of the unsafe act sharing 36,80% is influenced by the conditions of operators (22,05%), the environmental factors (9,67%), and the personnel factors (5,08%). Moreover, the cause of the unsafe supervision sharing l4,91% happens duc to the failure to correct problem (8,50%), the inadequate supervison (4,25%), the supervisory violation (l,46%), and the planned inappropriate operations (0,70%). Last, the organisational influence sharing 3,54% is caused by the organizational climate (2, 22%), the resource management (0,83%), and the organizational process (0.50%) The necwsary things to do in order to minimize those work accident factors are making a better accident investigation report, doing training and retraining in order to increase the skill and the knowledge of the operator, specifically related to the work competence and instmction to increase work experience, the making of SOP, manual, clear and explicit checklist, and socializing it periodically to those who are concemed; reintroducing control buttons on the operating machine, making comprhensible instrument display and good warning system, creating good team work atmosphere in order to improve error reduction, doing behaviour supervision to the employees, giving sanctions to any violations based on the prevailed regulations, oing a better employees selection, giving license and certificate for certain jobs, arranging work schedule, doing training, re-designing the workplace if possible, and making a discussion group whenever an accident happens in order to solve appeared problem so it will not happen again in the future., Recently, the numbers of work accident is still high specifically at the company where work safety and health have not been implemented well. For example, there have been 456 work accidents recorded from January to October 2008 at X Company. The causes ofthe accidents are unknown. Are they because of the unsafe act, the precondition of the unsafe act, the inappropriate supervision, and/or the organizational influence? Based on those backgrounds, the researcher wants to find out why and how the work accidents happen. The aim of this research is to analyze the profile of work accident cases at X Company observed using The Human Factors Anabwsir and Classification .System (I-IFACS) as the unit of work accident case analysis. The research result shows four classifications ofthe work accidents factors are related to each other. Based on the analysis using I-[FACS classification system, the biggest factors and percentage causing work accidents at X Company are : the unsafe act with 44,75%, the precondition of the unsafe act with 36,80%, the unsafe supervision with l4,9l%, and the organizational influence with 3,54%. The causes of the unsafe act are human error (30,57%) and violation (14,18%). Human error happens because of three things: skill-base errors (21,2l%), decision errors (6,93%), and perceptual errors (2,42%). Meanwhile, the violation happens due to routine violation (8,86%) and exceptional violation (S,32%). The precondition of the unsafe act sharing 36,80% is influenced by the conditions of operators (22,05%), the environmental factors (9,67%), and the personnel factors (5,08%). Moreover, the cause of the unsafe supervision sharing l4,91% happens duc to the failure to correct problem (8,50%), the inadequate supervison (4,25%), the supervisory violation (l,46%), and the planned inappropriate operations (0,70%). Last, the organisational influence sharing 3,54% is caused by the organizational climate (2, 22%), the resource management (0,83%), and the organizational process (0.50%) The necwsary things to do in order to minimize those work accident factors are making a better accident investigation report, doing training and retraining in order to increase the skill and the knowledge of the operator, specifically related to the work competence and instmction to increase work experience, the making of SOP, manual, clear and explicit checklist, and socializing it periodically to those who are concemed; reintroducing control buttons on the operating machine, making comprhensible instrument display and good warning system, creating good team work atmosphere in order to improve error reduction, doing behaviour supervision to the employees, giving sanctions to any violations based on the prevailed regulations, oing a better employees selection, giving license and certificate for certain jobs, arranging work schedule, doing training, re-designing the workplace if possible, and making a discussion group whenever an accident happens in order to solve appeared problem so it will not happen again in the future.]
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