Kerangka Kerja Penilaian Kesiapan TIK untuk Mendukung Business Continuity = ICT Readiness Assessment Framework for Supporting Business Continuity

Main Authors: Maman Sutarman, author, Add author: Widijanto Satyo Nugroho, supervisor, Add author: Setiadi Yazid, examiner, Add author: Adhi Yuniarto L.Y., examiner
Format: Bachelors Thesis
Terbitan: Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Indonesia , 2015
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  • [Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) berpotensi memberikan keuntungan tinggi dan dapat pula membuat perubahan perekonomian dan perubahan pada suatu negara. TIK yang handal sangat diperlukan untuk meningkatkan rasa percaya diri suatu organisasi dan orang-orangnya dalam menjalankan proses bisnis. Sebuah studi yang dilakukan oleh Harris Interactive, sebuah perusahaan riset pasar, menunjukkan bahwa Chief Information Officer (CIO) kurang percaya diri dalam hal kesiapan menghadapi bencana. Kesiapsiagaan TIK merupakan komponen penting dalam mendukung kesinambungan bisnis. Menurut survey The World Economic Forum's Networked Readiness Index (NRI), penggunaan TIK di Indonesia terus mengalami peningkatan, namun demikian potensi bencana di Indonesia cukup tinggi. Dalam upaya meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan TIK perlu dilakukan penilaian terhadap kesiapsiagaan TIK tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk membuat sebuah kerangka kerja penilaian kesiapan TIK untuk mendukung Business Continuity. Penelitian dimulai dengan menetapkan isu yang menjadi perhatian, kemudian mencari model-model yang relevan dan memroses serta menyusunnya menjadi sebuah kerangka kerja penilaian kesiapan TIK. Kerangka kerja yang sudah disusun,diujicobakan pada sebuah studi kasus dengan tujuan untuk memerbaiki kekurangan-kekurangan yang muncul pada saat penggunaan. Hasil penerapan kerangka kerja tersebut membantu menilai tingkat kesiapan TIK dan memudahkan prioritisasi upaya meningkatkan kesiapan TIK dalam menghadapi ancaman gangguan bencana.;Information and Communication Technology (ICT) potentially provide high returns and can also make changes in the economy and changes in a country. Reliable ICT is needed to improve the confidence of an organization and its people in business processes. A study conducted by Harris Interactive, a market research firm, shows that the Chief Information Officer (CIO) lack of confidence in terms of disaster readiness. Readiness ICT is an essential component to support business continuity. According to the survey of the World Economic Forum's Networked Readiness Index (NRI), the use of ICT in Indonesia continues to increase, however, the potential for disaster in Indonesia is quite high. In an effort to improve the readiness of ICT needs to conduct an assessment of the ICT readiness. This study was conducted to create a framework for ICT readiness assessment to support Business Continuity. The study begins with a set of issues of concern, then look for the relevant models and process and compile them into a framework for ICT readiness assessment. The framework has been developed, tested on a case study with the aim to repair the deficiencies that arise during use. The results of implementation of the framework will help assess the level of ICT readiness and facilitate in further prioritize efforts to improve the level of ICT readiness in facing the threat of catastrophic disruption., Information and Communication Technology (ICT) potentially provide high returns and can also make changes in the economy and changes in a country. Reliable ICT is needed to improve the confidence of an organization and its people in business processes. A study conducted by Harris Interactive, a market research firm, shows that the Chief Information Officer (CIO) lack of confidence in terms of disaster readiness. Readiness ICT is an essential component to support business continuity. According to the survey of the World Economic Forum's Networked Readiness Index (NRI), the use of ICT in Indonesia continues to increase, however, the potential for disaster in Indonesia is quite high. In an effort to improve the readiness of ICT needs to conduct an assessment of the ICT readiness. This study was conducted to create a framework for ICT readiness assessment to support Business Continuity. The study begins with a set of issues of concern, then look for the relevant models and process and compile them into a framework for ICT readiness assessment. The framework has been developed, tested on a case study with the aim to repair the deficiencies that arise during use. The results of implementation of the framework will help assess the level of ICT readiness and facilitate in further prioritize efforts to improve the level of ICT readiness in facing the threat of catastrophic disruption.]