Analisis risiko rantai proses LNG di Indonesia = Risk Analysis of the LNG process chain in Indonesia

Main Author: Farid Akbar, author
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: , 2015
Online Access: Akbar.pdf
Daftar Isi:
  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Pemanfaatan gas bumi sebagai sumber energi mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan setiap tahunnya memiliki dampak terhadap berkembangnya industri LNG di Indonesia. Kegiatan utama dalam industri LNG adalah mengolah gas bumi yang didapat melalui proses eksplorasi kedalam bentuk cair hingga dikirimkan ke pembeli LNG dimana pada tiap fase rantai proses LNG tersebut memiliki sejumlah risiko. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi risiko-risiko pada rantai proses LNG yang paling kritikal dan pemilihan mitigasi risikonya dengan menggunakan metode RFMEA dan AHP. Dari hasil penelitian ini diketahui bahwa risiko operasional merupakan risiko yang paling utama pada rantai proses LNG dimana kebocoran pipa gas menjadi faktor risiko yang paling kritikal dan menempatkan detektor gas di tempat yang tepat serta pemeriksaan jalur pipa gas secara berkala merupakan usulan mitigasi risiko yang paling diusulkan untuk mengelola dan mengendalikan risiko paling kritikal tersebut. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Utilization of natural gas as one of energy resources which improving significantly every year has impacted to the growth of LNG industry in Indonesia. The main activity in LNG industry is to liquify the natural gas obtained from exploration process into its liquid form until the LNG is delivered to LNG Buyer where in each phase of the LNG supply chain has certain several risks. The objective of this research is to identify any possible risk at LNG supply chain which categorized as critical and its mitigation proposal by using RFMEA and AHP methods. Based on this research, it was found that Operation risk is the most important risk in LNG process chain where gas pipeline leakeage become the most critical risk factor. Two risk mitigations mostly proposed to manage and control such critical risk were place the gas detector in the right place and regularly check gas pipeline;Utilization of natural gas as one of energy resources which improving significantly every year has impacted to the growth of LNG industry in Indonesia. The main activity in LNG industry is to liquify the natural gas obtained from exploration process into its liquid form until the LNG is delivered to LNG Buyer where in each phase of the LNG supply chain has certain several risks. The objective of this research is to identify any possible risk at LNG supply chain which categorized as critical and its mitigation proposal by using RFMEA and AHP methods. Based on this research, it was found that Operation risk is the most important risk in LNG process chain where gas pipeline leakeage become the most critical risk factor. Two risk mitigations mostly proposed to manage and control such critical risk were place the gas detector in the right place and regularly check gas pipeline, Utilization of natural gas as one of energy resources which improving significantly every year has impacted to the growth of LNG industry in Indonesia. The main activity in LNG industry is to liquify the natural gas obtained from exploration process into its liquid form until the LNG is delivered to LNG Buyer where in each phase of the LNG supply chain has certain several risks. The objective of this research is to identify any possible risk at LNG supply chain which categorized as critical and its mitigation proposal by using RFMEA and AHP methods. Based on this research, it was found that Operation risk is the most important risk in LNG process chain where gas pipeline leakeage become the most critical risk factor. Two risk mitigations mostly proposed to manage and control such critical risk were place the gas detector in the right place and regularly check gas pipeline]