Perancangan sistem dokumentasi mutu dengan menggunakan - elemen ISO 9000 sebagai upaya memperbaiki sistem mutu yang ada di perguruan tinggi swasta (PTS) studi kasus Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta = Design of quality documentation system of by using elements of ISO 9000 as effort improve quality system of exist in private university (PTS). (Case: Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta)

Main Authors: Erna Indriastiningsih, author, Add author: Teuku Yuri M. Zagloel, supervisor
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia , 2003
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Daftar Isi:
  • Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (PTS) yang berada di Indonesia merupakan organisasi yang bergerak dalam jasa pendidikan bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang tidak tertampung oleh keberadaan serta kapasitas Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN). Melihat daya tampung PTN dari tahun ke tahun, maka peluang PTS sebagai alternatif menjadi sangat besar. Tentu saja peluang ini harus dibarengi dengan kualitas yang baik, karena dalam rangka menyongsong era globalisasi tidak menutup kemungkinan akan munculnya PTS lain yang diselenggarakan oleh pihak luar negeri. PTS yang berhasil tentu saja yang mampu meningkatkan kualitas proses belajar mengajarnya. Secara spesifik tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah melakukan asesmen serta merancang sistem dokumentasi mutu untuk PTS berdasarkan model ISO 9000-A. Translation for Education yang dikembangkan oleh Edward Sallis dan melihat keterkaitan antara ISO 9000-A Translation for Education dan BAN-PT. Hasil asesmen dengan menggunakan elemen ISO 9000-A Translation for Education menunjukkan bahwa performansi keseluruhan FIT-UII Yogyakarta termasuk dalam kategori cukup, artinya banyak aspek yang telah sesuai dengan persyaratan ISO 9000-A Translation for Education. Langkah berikutnya adalah merancang sistem dokumentasi mutu untuk elemen ISO 9000-A Translation for Education yang berkaitan dengan kegiatan akademik di FTI-UII yogyakarta, yaitu untuk sistem yang sudah berjalan dan mempunyai kelemahan dilihat dari persyaratan ISO 9000-A Translation for Education. Berdasarkan analisis dan evaluasi terhadap kegiatan akademik terdapat empat elemen yang akan dirancang yaitu Komitmen manajemen terhadap kualitas, Pengendalian Dokumen, Catalan Mutu, Prosedur Validasi dan Audit Mutu Internal. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh beberapa kesesuaian antara ISO 9000-A Translation for Education dan BAN-PT dalam hal Pupil/Student Support Services, Curriculum Development, Design and Delivery-Teaching & Learning Strategies, dan Physical Facilities & Environment. Kriteria yang tidak terdapat pada BAN-PT adalah Quality System, Records of Student Progress, Assesment & Testing, Consistency of Assesment Methods, Corrective Action of Student Underachievement & Failure, dan Validation & Internal Quality Audit. Daftar Bacaan : 21 (1993 - 2002) <hr><i>Private university (PTS) in Indonesian is an organization provided services on high education for people whom are not absorbed by state university (PTN). With concern to the capacity of the PTN from year to year, the prospect of the PTS, as an alternative seems to be more promising. The opportunity, however, can not be achieved without accompanying with a good quality in teaching. This in extremely important, as in the next globalization era the emerge of new PTSs under the management of foreign counties would be inevitable. A PTS will, therefore, attain a success if it is capable to improve its teaching activities. Specifically, the objectives of this research is to make assessment as well as to design quality documentation system based on the ISO 9000 model - A Translation for Education extended by Edward Sallis and to see involvement between ISO 9000-A Translation for Education and BAN-PT. The result of assessment using the elements of the ISO 9000-A Translation for Education show that the entire performance of FTI-UII Yogyakarta is of fair category. In other words, there are many aspects yet associated with the ISO 9000 requirement-A Translation for Education. What to do in the following step is to design quality documentation system for the ISO 9000-A Translation for Education linked with academic activity in FTI-UII Yogyakarta, for the system already operated and still has weaknesses, according to ISO 9000 requirements -A Translation for Education. Based on the analysis and evaluation on academic activity, there are four elements to be designed, namely Management's Commitment to Quality, Document Control, Quality Records, Validation and Internal Quality Audits. From the study can be concluded that there are good agreement between ISO 9000-A Translation for Education and BAN-PT in some aspect especially in the following criteria Pupil/Student Support Services, Curriculum Development, Design and Delivery-Teaching & Learning Strategies, and Physical Facilities & Environment. But, it is also found that Quality System, Records of Student Progress, Assessment & Testing, Consistency of Assessment Methods, Corrective Action of Student Underachievement & Failure, and Validation & Internal Quality Audit criteria are not exits in the criteria's of BAN-PT. References : 21 (1993 - 2002)</i>