Pengaruh sistem pencahayaan terhadap kenyamanan visual pasien pada ruang perawatan di rumah sakit

Main Author: Lintar Yulianto, author
Format: Bachelors Thesis
Terbitan: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia , 2011
Online Access: sistem.pdf
Daftar Isi:
  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Ruang perawatan sebagai ruang yang paling lama ditempati ketika pasien dirawat memiliki pengaruh terhadap pasien. Pengaruh tersebut berkaitan dengan kenyamanan yang salah satunya adalah kenyamanan visual. Tujuan penulisan skripsi ini untuk mengetahui pencahayaan dan kualitas pencahayaan ruang yang dibutuhkan serta pengaruh sistem pencahayaan terhadap pasien pada ruang perawatan di rumah sakit. Penelitian menggunakan metode empiris melalui studi kepustakaan, pengamatan, pengukuran iluminasi, kuesioner dan wawancara untuk mendapat data. Pengamatan dan kuesioner untuk memperoleh data kualitatif. Pengukuran iluminasi untuk memperoleh data kuantitatif. Kuesioner diberikan kepada 15 pasien di bangsal yang memiliki sistem pencahayaan sama seperti bangsal yang diamati. Data diolah secara manual kemudian disajikan dalam grafik distribusi frekuensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa sistem pencahayaan mempengaruhi kenyamanan, ketenangan, kesembuhan dan ketentraman pasien. Sistem pencahayaan pada ruang perawatan yaitu pencahayaan alami, pencahayaan buatan, skema warna dan material. Pencahayaan yang perlu diakomodasi adalah pencahayaan umum, pencahayaan pemeriksaan dan pencahayaan baca. Pengaruh sistem pencahayaan yaitu memberikan kenyamanan tetapi juga dapat menimbulkan gangguan seperti silau. Kualitas pencahayaan ruang yang dibutuhkan yaitu pencahayaan yang mempengaruhi kenyamanan dan menunjang kegiatan istirahat. Faktor kenyamanan visual berupa warna ruang dan pemandangan keluar. Pencahayaan yang dibutuhkan yaitu mengutamakan penggunaan cahaya matahari dan tidak terdapat gangguan pencahayaan seperti silau. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Ward as the longest space occupied when the patient were treated have any effect on the patient. The effects are related to the comfort which one is visual comfort. The purpose of writing this thesis is to find out lighting and quality of lighting required and the effect of lighting systems on patient in ward at the hospital. The research uses empirical method by literature study, observation, illumination measurement, questionnaire and interview to obtain the data. Observation and questionnaire to obtain the qualitative data. Illumination measurement to obtain the quantitative data. Questionnaires given to 15 patients in ward that has same lighting systems such as ward were observed. The data is manually processed then presented in the frequency distribution graph. The results showed that lighting systems affect the comfort, calmness, healing and serenity of the patient. Lighting systems in the ward which is daylighting, artificial lighting, color scheme and materials. Lighting needs to be accommodated is general lighting, examination lighting and reading lighting. Lighting systems effects is providing comfort but it can also cause problems such as glare. The quality of lighting required is lighting that affect the comfort and support the rest activities Visual comfort factors are space color and the view out. Lighting required is prioritizing daylight use and there are no lighting disturbances such as glare. , Ward as the longest space occupied when the patient were treated have any effect on the patient. The effects are related to the comfort which one is visual comfort. The purpose of writing this thesis is to find out lighting and quality of lighting required and the effect of lighting systems on patient in ward at the hospital. The research uses empirical method by literature study, observation, illumination measurement, questionnaire and interview to obtain the data. Observation and questionnaire to obtain the qualitative data. Illumination measurement to obtain the quantitative data. Questionnaires given to 15 patients in ward that has same lighting systems such as ward were observed. The data is manually processed then presented in the frequency distribution graph. The results showed that lighting systems affect the comfort, calmness, healing and serenity of the patient. Lighting systems in the ward which is daylighting, artificial lighting, color scheme and materials. Lighting needs to be accommodated is general lighting, examination lighting and reading lighting. Lighting systems effects is providing comfort but it can also cause problems such as glare. The quality of lighting required is lighting that affect the comfort and support the rest activities Visual comfort factors are space color and the view out. Lighting required is prioritizing daylight use and there are no lighting disturbances such as glare. ]