Fire and explosion risk assessment on residue catalytic cracking plant Pertamina Balongan refinery West Java, Indonesia = Kajian risiko kebakaran dan ledakan pada unit residue catalytic cracking kilang minyak Balongan Pertamina Jawa Barat - Indonesia

Main Authors: Slamet Suryanto, author, Add author: Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho, supervisor
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia , 2006
Online Access:
ctrlnum 104853
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><type>Thesis:Masters</type><title>Fire and explosion risk assessment on residue catalytic cracking plant Pertamina Balongan refinery West Java, Indonesia = Kajian risiko kebakaran dan ledakan pada unit residue catalytic cracking kilang minyak Balongan Pertamina Jawa Barat - Indonesia</title><creator>Slamet Suryanto, author</creator><creator>Add author: Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho, supervisor</creator><publisher>Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia</publisher><date>2006</date><subject>Catalytic cracking -- Safety measures</subject><description>&lt;i&gt;Fire safety issues are becoming increasingly important in modern society, as it is characterised by information technology and complex process production system, by the development of new materials, by the larger storage of highly valuable goods and sometimes more hazardous in characteristics, or even by process parameter extremes and last but not least by dense population of human being in certain areas. One of the major hazard facilities is Pertamina?s oil refinery located at Balongan Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia that such facility has been the object of this study in which major fire, explosion and toxic releases, even catastrophic events, might be happened. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; A FERA (Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment) study has been undertaken for the RCC (Residue Catalytic Cracking) Plant of Balongan Refinery to assess persormel risks in temis of potential loss of life. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; In addition to the base case FERA, a number of sensitivity studies and other study have been undertaken in order to examine the level of risk reduction possible for a number of potential improvements. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; The main conclusions drawn from the Base Case FERA and the sensitivity studies are as follows: - The risk level, in term of potential loss of life, predicted for the personnel working around the RCC Plant, during normal operations, ranges from about 1.09 X 10 -7 per year to 6.01 x 10 -2 per year. - Comparison of the predicted personnel risk levels with agreed Risk Criteria indicates that the risks to the workers and contractors on the RCC Complex are in Intolerable Region. - There is potential escalation of accident to the adjacent plants due to an explosion in the RCC Complex. - Combination of PFP (passive tire protection), vessel deluge and area deluge has the highest sensitivity (26.6%) in affecting risk level in RCC Plant. - Risk level of RCC Plant is increased by the existence of public vehicles caused by increased probability of ignition when LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) released into the public road. - To reduce the risk level of RCC Complex into the acceptable region, the ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable) principle has been adopted. Based on this calculation, any additional safety design features costing in excess of approximated USS 24 million is considered not justifiable.&lt;/i&gt; &lt;hr&gt;Isu keselamatan kebakaran telah meningkatkan perhatian dalam masyarakat modern, sebagaimana dicirikan dengau teknologi informasi dan sistem proses produksi yang makin komplek, dengan berkembangnya teknologi bahan, sarana penyimpanan yang lebih besar serta kadang-kadang melibatkan bahan lebih berbahaya atau parameter proses yang ekstrim dan tidak ketinggalan kerapatan hunian yang meningkat pada daerah tertentu. Salah satu fasilitas yang digolongkan sebagai bahaya besar adalah kilang minyak Pertamina yang terletak di Balongan, Indramayu, Jawa Barat, Indonesia dimana fasilitas tersebut telah menjadi obyek studi ini. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Studi FERA (Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment) telah dilakukan terhadap Unit RCC (Residue Catalytic Cracking) untuk mengkaji tingkat risiko personil dalam bentuk Potensi Kehilangan Kehidupan. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Disamping studi FERA, sejumlah Studi Kepekaan dan Studi tambahan lain telah dilakukan untuk melihat sejauh mana keefektifan kemungkinan upaya pengurangan risiko yang teridentifikasi. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Kesimpulan utama dari studi dasar FERA dan Studi Kepekaan adalah sebagai berikut: - Tingkat risiko Potensi Kehilangan Kehidupan yang diperkirakan pada personil yang terlibat di Unit RCC, pada operasi normal, adalah berkisar antara 1.09 x 10 -7 per tahun sampai dengan 6.01 x 10 -2 per tahun. - Kajian terhadap Kriteria Risiko yang disetujui mentmjukkan bahwa risiko personil di Unit RCC dan unit sekitarnya adalah pada Daerah Yang Tidak Dapat Ditoleransi. - Terdapat potensi terjadi eskalasi insiden pada unit di selcitarnya jika terjadi ledakan di Unit RCC. - Kombinasi proteksi kebakaran pasiil sistem anti kebakaran curah di bejana (vessel) dan area dimana bejana berada mempunyai tingkat kepekaan paling tinggi (26.6%) dibandingkart parameter lain dalam mempenganihi tingkat risiko di Unit RCC. - Tingkat risiko di Unit RCC meningkat dengan keberadaan kendaraan bermotor umum disebabkan meningkatnya probabilitas penyalaan jika LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) terlepas ke arah jalan umum. - Untuk mengurangi tingkat risiko di Unit RCC ke Daerah Yang Dapat Diterima telah diadopsi prinsip ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable). Berdasarkan evaluasi ekonomi maka penambahan sistem keselamatan yang melebihi USD 24 juta dinyatakan tidak layak.</description><identifier></identifier><recordID>104853</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Slamet Suryanto, author
Add author: Yulianto Sulistyo Nugroho, supervisor
title Fire and explosion risk assessment on residue catalytic cracking plant Pertamina Balongan refinery West Java, Indonesia = Kajian risiko kebakaran dan ledakan pada unit residue catalytic cracking kilang minyak Balongan Pertamina Jawa Barat - Indonesia
publisher Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia
publishDate 2006
topic Catalytic cracking -- Safety measures
contents <i>Fire safety issues are becoming increasingly important in modern society, as it is characterised by information technology and complex process production system, by the development of new materials, by the larger storage of highly valuable goods and sometimes more hazardous in characteristics, or even by process parameter extremes and last but not least by dense population of human being in certain areas. One of the major hazard facilities is Pertamina?s oil refinery located at Balongan Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia that such facility has been the object of this study in which major fire, explosion and toxic releases, even catastrophic events, might be happened. <br><br> A FERA (Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment) study has been undertaken for the RCC (Residue Catalytic Cracking) Plant of Balongan Refinery to assess persormel risks in temis of potential loss of life. <br><br> In addition to the base case FERA, a number of sensitivity studies and other study have been undertaken in order to examine the level of risk reduction possible for a number of potential improvements. <br><br> The main conclusions drawn from the Base Case FERA and the sensitivity studies are as follows: - The risk level, in term of potential loss of life, predicted for the personnel working around the RCC Plant, during normal operations, ranges from about 1.09 X 10 -7 per year to 6.01 x 10 -2 per year. - Comparison of the predicted personnel risk levels with agreed Risk Criteria indicates that the risks to the workers and contractors on the RCC Complex are in Intolerable Region. - There is potential escalation of accident to the adjacent plants due to an explosion in the RCC Complex. - Combination of PFP (passive tire protection), vessel deluge and area deluge has the highest sensitivity (26.6%) in affecting risk level in RCC Plant. - Risk level of RCC Plant is increased by the existence of public vehicles caused by increased probability of ignition when LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) released into the public road. - To reduce the risk level of RCC Complex into the acceptable region, the ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable) principle has been adopted. Based on this calculation, any additional safety design features costing in excess of approximated USS 24 million is considered not justifiable.</i> <hr>Isu keselamatan kebakaran telah meningkatkan perhatian dalam masyarakat modern, sebagaimana dicirikan dengau teknologi informasi dan sistem proses produksi yang makin komplek, dengan berkembangnya teknologi bahan, sarana penyimpanan yang lebih besar serta kadang-kadang melibatkan bahan lebih berbahaya atau parameter proses yang ekstrim dan tidak ketinggalan kerapatan hunian yang meningkat pada daerah tertentu. Salah satu fasilitas yang digolongkan sebagai bahaya besar adalah kilang minyak Pertamina yang terletak di Balongan, Indramayu, Jawa Barat, Indonesia dimana fasilitas tersebut telah menjadi obyek studi ini. <br><br> Studi FERA (Fire and Explosion Risk Assessment) telah dilakukan terhadap Unit RCC (Residue Catalytic Cracking) untuk mengkaji tingkat risiko personil dalam bentuk Potensi Kehilangan Kehidupan. <br><br> Disamping studi FERA, sejumlah Studi Kepekaan dan Studi tambahan lain telah dilakukan untuk melihat sejauh mana keefektifan kemungkinan upaya pengurangan risiko yang teridentifikasi. <br><br> Kesimpulan utama dari studi dasar FERA dan Studi Kepekaan adalah sebagai berikut: - Tingkat risiko Potensi Kehilangan Kehidupan yang diperkirakan pada personil yang terlibat di Unit RCC, pada operasi normal, adalah berkisar antara 1.09 x 10 -7 per tahun sampai dengan 6.01 x 10 -2 per tahun. - Kajian terhadap Kriteria Risiko yang disetujui mentmjukkan bahwa risiko personil di Unit RCC dan unit sekitarnya adalah pada Daerah Yang Tidak Dapat Ditoleransi. - Terdapat potensi terjadi eskalasi insiden pada unit di selcitarnya jika terjadi ledakan di Unit RCC. - Kombinasi proteksi kebakaran pasiil sistem anti kebakaran curah di bejana (vessel) dan area dimana bejana berada mempunyai tingkat kepekaan paling tinggi (26.6%) dibandingkart parameter lain dalam mempenganihi tingkat risiko di Unit RCC. - Tingkat risiko di Unit RCC meningkat dengan keberadaan kendaraan bermotor umum disebabkan meningkatnya probabilitas penyalaan jika LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) terlepas ke arah jalan umum. - Untuk mengurangi tingkat risiko di Unit RCC ke Daerah Yang Dapat Diterima telah diadopsi prinsip ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable). Berdasarkan evaluasi ekonomi maka penambahan sistem keselamatan yang melebihi USD 24 juta dinyatakan tidak layak.
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