Pola spasial kerentanan bencana alam

Main Authors: Zaenal Arifin, author, Add author: Eko Kusratmoko, supervisor, Add author: Hari Kartono, supervisor, Add author: Djoko Harmantyo, examiner, Add author: Agus Wibowo, examiner
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: Universitas Indonesia , 2010
Online Access: https://lib.ui.ac.id/detail?id=20277564
Daftar Isi:
  • <b>ABSTRAK</b> Kerentanan merupakan derajat tingkat dimana manusia dengan sistem lingkungannya mengalami gangguan/tekanan akibat adanya bahaya (bahaya alam maupun bahaya buatan) yang terjadi dan dapat menimbulkan bencana atau tidak. Dalam beberapa disiplin ilmu terdapat perbedaan penggunaan pengertian konsep kerentanan, karena dalam pengukurannya mempunyai bermacam-macam metode. Secara umum kajian terbaru tentang kerentanan sekarang ini telah mengalami pergeseran dari penilaian kerentanan tradisional yang hanya berkonsentrasi pada satu tekanan faktor atau sumber daya, menjadi banyak faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Penelitian ini, mengkaji pola spasial kerentanan bencana alam di Kabupaten Cianjur, yang diakibatkan oleh karakteristik fisik lingkungan dan bencana (biofisik) dan pengaruh sosial, ekonomi serta demografi (sosial). Metode pendekatan yang digunakan untuk menentukan pola spasial dan tingkat kerentanan adalah analisa cluster dan analisa spasial berbasis sistem informasi geografi. Pola spasial kerentanan tinggi terhadap faktor biofisik tersebar di seluruh wilayah dengan pola merata terutama disebelah selatan Cianjur dan hanya sebagian kecil dibagian utara yang tidak berada dalam kerentanan tinggi. Tidak seluruh wilayah yang berada dalam kerentanan tinggi terhadap faktor biofisik berada dalam kerentanan tinggi karena faktor sosial ekonomi atau ada 36,68% saja wilayah dengan kerentanan tinggi terhadap faktor biofisik yang memiliki kerentanan tinggi karena faktor sosial ekonomi. <hr><i><b>ABSTRACT</b> Vulnerability can be defined as the degree to which human and environmental systems are likely to experience harm due to a perturbation or stress. However, different disciplines often use different meanings and concepts of vulnerability, which have led to diverse methods of measuring it. In general, recent studies on vulnerability often divert from traditional vulnerability assessment which centers on single stressor to single resource or receptor, moving to focusing on many aspects of the system being stressed. This research, to examine spatial patterns of natural disaster vulnerability in Cianjur District, which is caused by the physical characteristics of the environment and disasters (biophysical) and social influence, economic and demographic (social). Approach method used to determine the spatial pattern and degree of vulnerability is the cluster analysis and spatial analysis based on geographic information systems Spatial pattern of high vulnerability of biophysical factors in all regions with uneven patterns especially in the south of Cianjur and only a small portion in the north who are not in a high vulnerability. Not all areas are in the high vulnerability of biophysical factors in a high vulnerability due to socioeconomic factors or is 36.68% only region with a high vulnerability to biophysical factors that have a high vulnerability due to socio economic factors.</i>;Vulnerability can be defined as the degree to which human and environmental systems are likely to experience harm due to a perturbation or stress. However, different disciplines often use different meanings and concepts of vulnerability, which have led to diverse methods of measuring it. In general, recent studies on vulnerability often divert from traditional vulnerability assessment which centers on single stressor to single resource or receptor, moving to focusing on many aspects of the system being stressed. This research, to examine spatial patterns of natural disaster vulnerability in Cianjur District, which is caused by the physical characteristics of the environment and disasters (biophysical) and social influence, economic and demographic (social). Approach method used to determine the spatial pattern and degree of vulnerability is the cluster analysis and spatial analysis based on geographic information systems Spatial pattern of high vulnerability of biophysical factors in all regions with uneven patterns especially in the south of Cianjur and only a small portion in the north who are not in a high vulnerability. Not all areas are in the high vulnerability of biophysical factors in a high vulnerability due to socioeconomic factors or is 36.68% only region with a high vulnerability to biophysical factors that have a high vulnerability due to socio economic factors