Analisa kelayakan ekonomi perencanaan perbaikan perumahan kumuh menjadi perumahan sehat = Economic feasibility analysis of slum housing improvement planning to be come a healty housing

Main Authors: Yulia Widhianti, author, Add author: Sri Bintang Pamungkas, 1945-, supervisor, Add author: Amalia Suzianti, supervisor, Add author: Farizal, examiner, Add author: Erlinda Muslim, examiner, Add author: Dendi Prajadhiana Ishak, examiner
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2011
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Pemukiman kumuh (Slum Area) merupakan masalah yang dihadapi oleh hampir semua kota-kota besar di Indonesia bahkan kota-kota besar di negara berkembang lainnya. Urbanisasi merupakan salah satu penyebab terjadinya pemukiman kumuh di perkotaan. Untuk mencegah peningkatan pemukiman kumuh, perbaikan harus dilakukan secepatnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun rencana perbaikan perumahan kumuh sehingga menjadi perumahan sehat yang terjangkau oleh masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah khususnya para penghuni. Input dalam model yang dirancang antara lain jumlah kepala keluarga, luas lahan yang tersedia, luas tanah per kepala keluarga, dan suku bunga. Adapun outputnya adalah penentuan luas bangunan dan ketersediaan lahan, serta pembiayaan perbaikan perumahan kumuh ini. Analisa kelayakan ini akan ditinjau dari sisi pengembang (developer), sisi lembaga pembiayaan sebagai sumber pendanaan, dan dari sisi penghuni ditinjau dari kesanggupannya dalam mengangsur biaya perbaikan rumah tersebut. Analisa sensitivitas menunjukan bahwa faktor dominan yang paling berpengaruh terhadap besarnya angsuran penghuni adalah suku bunga kredit. <hr> <b>Abstract</b><br> Slum area is a problem faced by almost all major cities in Indonesia, even big cities in other developing countries. Urbanization is one of the causes of slums in big city. To prevent the increase of slum housing, housing improvement has to be done immediately. This study aims on planning of slum housing improvement to become healthy housing that still affordable by low-income communities especially slum residents. Inputs of this research model are a number of households, available land area, land area owned by households, and interest rates. The outputs are a determination of house size and land availability, also a financing calculation for slum area improvements. This feasibility analysis will be reviewed from the developer side, the financing institution as a source of funds, and from the residents concerning the ability in terms of loan payment of home improvements. Further analysis did for sensitivity analysis of dominant factor influencing the amount to instalment of loan by residents.;Slum area is a problem faced by almost all major cities in Indonesia, even big cities in other developing countries. Urbanization is one of the causes of slums in big city. To prevent the increase of slum housing, housing improvement has to be done immediately. This study aims on planning of slum housing improvement to become healthy housing that still affordable by low-income communities especially slum residents. Inputs of this research model are a number of households, available land area, land area owned by households, and interest rates. The outputs are a determination of house size and land availability, also a financing calculation for slum area improvements. This feasibility analysis will be reviewed from the developer side, the financing institution as a source of funds, and from the residents concerning the ability in terms of loan payment of home improvements. Further analysis did for sensitivity analysis of dominant factor influencing the amount to instalment of loan by residents., Slum area is a problem faced by almost all major cities in Indonesia, even big cities in other developing countries. Urbanization is one of the causes of slums in big city. To prevent the increase of slum housing, housing improvement has to be done immediately. This study aims on planning of slum housing improvement to become healthy housing that still affordable by low-income communities especially slum residents. Inputs of this research model are a number of households, available land area, land area owned by households, and interest rates. The outputs are a determination of house size and land availability, also a financing calculation for slum area improvements. This feasibility analysis will be reviewed from the developer side, the financing institution as a source of funds, and from the residents concerning the ability in terms of loan payment of home improvements. Further analysis did for sensitivity analysis of dominant factor influencing the amount to instalment of loan by residents.]