Studi Proses Penyusunan Kompetensi Teknis HSE di PT. X = Study of HSE Technical Competency Development Process at PT. X

Main Authors: Devie Fitri Octaviani, author, Add author: Zulkifli Djunaidi, supervisor, Add author: Fatma Lestari, examiner, Add author: Dadan Erwandi, examiner, Add author: Nugroho Wahyuarto, examiner, Add author: Yuni Kusminanti, examiner
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2010
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Globalisasi memberikan dampak besar terhadap ketenagakerjaan.. PT. X memiliki visi untuk mencapai perusahaan yang mendunia, salah satu aspek yang penting adalah HSE, oleh karena itu pekerja yang kompeten terkait HSE sangat dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun kompetensi teknis HSE di PT. X. Penyusunan dilakukan menggunakan studi operasional dengan mengumpulkan para ahli untuk memberikan informasi terkait HSE. Melalui proses penyusunan ini, telah tersusun kamus kompetensi, Job competency level, dan profil kompetensi untuk tiap jabatan. Program pembinaan kompetensi teknis HSE disusun berupa training matriks yang berlaku untuk setiap jabatan. Untuk selanjutnya diperlukan sosialisasi agar sistem kompetensi teknis HSE diterapkan dengan baik. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Globalization provides a large impact on employment . PT. X has a vision to achieve a world class company, one important aspect is the HSE, therefore competent workers related the HSE is required. This research aims is to develop the technical competence of HSE in the PT. X. The development was carried out using the operational studies by gathering experts to provide information related to HSE. Through this process, some of items like a dictionary of technical competencies, job competency levels, and competency profiles for each job have been conducted. Technical competence of HSE training courses organized in the form of training matrix that applies to every position. Further socialization of this guideline is necessary for ensuring the system can be applied properly., Globalization provides a large impact on employment . PT. X has a vision to achieve a world class company, one important aspect is the HSE, therefore competent workers related the HSE is required. This research aims is to develop the technical competence of HSE in the PT. X. The development was carried out using the operational studies by gathering experts to provide information related to HSE. Through this process, some of items like a dictionary of technical competencies, job competency levels, and competency profiles for each job have been conducted. Technical competence of HSE training courses organized in the form of training matrix that applies to every position. Further socialization of this guideline is necessary for ensuring the system can be applied properly.]