Model penugasan Due Date Multi Item Multi-level pada Job Shop dinamis mesin paralel dengan memperhatikan Defect Rate = Due date assignment multi-item multi-level model in dynamic job shop parallel machines by considering defect rate

Main Authors: Purdianta, author, Add author: Isti Surjandari Prajitno, supervisor, Add author: Amar Rachman, supervisor, Add author: Teuku Yuri M. Zagloel, examiner, Add author: Sri Bintang Pamungkas, 1945-, examiner, Add author: Akhmad Hadiyatno, examiner, Add author: Djoko Sihono Gabriel, examiner
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2012
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Penelitian ini, bertujuan mengembangkan model penentuan due date melalui penjadwalan batch untuk melakukan pemenuhan (Model 1) dan penentuan (Model 2) due date dengan mempertimbangkan defect rate. Pada sistem produksi job shop dinamis mesin parallel yang memproduksi muti-item berstruktur multilevel. Ukuran performansi yang digunakan yaitu total actual flow time. Proses penjadwalan dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik penyisipan (insertion technique), yaitu melakukan penyisipan operasi-operasi disemua posisi pemproses yang mungkin pada semua mesin yang tersedia. Pemilihan posisi didasarkan pada kriteria tertentu dengan memperhatikan terpenuhinya semua urutan proses (routing) dan hubungan proses pendahulu yang ada diantara setiap operasi. Permasalahan yang diselesaikan dalam penelitian mencakup kondisi statis dan dinamis. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> This research, aims to develop due date determination model trough batch scheduling to accomplish the due date (Model 1) and due date assignment (Model 2) with defect rate consideration. On dynamic job shop machines parallel that produce multi- item structured multi-level. The measurement of performance used is the total actual flow time. Scheduling process is done by using the insertion technique, perform insertion operation at all position that may be available on all machine. The selection criteria are based on a specific criteria with respect to fulfillment of all the process sequence and predecssoe existing between each operation. The problem are solved in the static and dynamic conditions., This research, aims to develop due date determination model trough batch scheduling to accomplish the due date (Model 1) and due date assignment (Model 2) with defect rate consideration. On dynamic job shop machines parallel that produce multi- item structured multi-level. The measurement of performance used is the total actual flow time. Scheduling process is done by using the insertion technique, perform insertion operation at all position that may be available on all machine. The selection criteria are based on a specific criteria with respect to fulfillment of all the process sequence and predecssoe existing between each operation. The problem are solved in the static and dynamic conditions.]