Hubungan Qana?ah dan amanah dengan keharmonisan rumah tangga muslim usia madya pada Majlis Ta'lim di Depok = A correlation of qana?ah and amanah with third age mature of moslem household harmony in Depok

Main Authors: Melati Antartikasari, author, Add author: Aliah Bagus Purwakania Hasan, supervisor, Add author: A. Hanief Saha Ghafur, examiner, Add author: Rochimah Imawati, examiner, Add author: Achmad Mubarok, examiner
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2010
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Penelitian ini membahas tentang hubungan qana?ah dan amanah dengan keharmonisan rumah tangga muslim usia madya pada Majlis Ta?lim di Depok. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah unluk mengetahui, menganalisa serta memberi gambaran tentang hubungan qana'ah dan amanah dengan keharmonisan rumah tangga muslim usia madya. Teori yang digunakan adalah teori Stinnett dan DeFrain (2005) dan teori Sternberg (2005), Penelitian ini dilakukan di daerah Depok. Melode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survei yang bersifat deskriptif analitis, dengan sampel 150 subjck atau responden pada masa usia madya yang telah berumah tangga dan sebagian besar masuk dalam periods tahun pertengahan perkawinan, dengan alat ukur menggunakan kuesioner. Analisis penelitian ini menggunakan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) dan pengolahan data dengan menggunakan program Lisrel 8.72 Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan variabel qana?ah dan variabel amanah mempunyai hubungan yang positif dan signifikan dengan variabel keharmonisan rumah tangga muslim usia madya pada Majlis Ta?lim di Depok, hal ini ditunjukkan oleh hasil nilai t-statistik > 2.0. Dengan dcmikian dapat dikatakan bahwa: Adanya hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara qana?ah dengan keharmonisan rumah tangga muslim usia madya pada Majlis Ta'lim di Depok (dengan nilai t-statistik sebesar 6.27). Adanya hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara amanah dengan keharmonisan rumah tangga muslim usia madya pada Majlis Ta?lim di Depok (dengan nilai t-statistik sebesar 2.03). Adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara qana'ah dengan amanah, mempunyai korelasi sebesar 0.71 sehingga menunjukkan korelasi yang positif. Adanya hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara qana'ah dan amanah, secara bersama- sama menjelaskan keharmonisan rumah tangga muslim usia madya pada Majlis Ta?lim di Depok sebesar 69% (R Square 0,69). Sisanya 31 % dijelaskan oleh variabel lain di luar penelitian ini, artinya dalam menjaga keharmonisan rumah tangga muslim pada usia madya, setiap pasangan memerlukan sikap qana?ah dan amanah dalam menjalani kehidupan rumah tangga. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> This research is examining of correlation between qana?ah and amanah with third age mature moslcm?s household harmony in depok. The purpose of this research is to learning, analyzing while provide a description of qana?ah and amanah correlation with third age moslem?s household harmony. Research had been conducted in Depok area by using a Stinnet and DeFrain theory (2005) and Stemberg (2005). The research method is also using a quantitative approach with analytic descriptive survey method and 150 subjects samples or respondent that derived from household and has reached their marriage over 20 years above with questionnaire measurement. This research of analysis is using a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and data processing by using a Lisrel program 8.72. Results shows that qana?ah variable and amanah variable has significantly affect to third mature moslem?s household harmony in Depok of 69%. Therefore a conclusions are drawn as follows : (l) A Significant correlation between qana?ah with a third age mature moslem household harmony in Depok (with t statistic value of 6.27) (2) A Significant correlation between amanah with third age mature moslem household harmony in Depok (with t statistic value of 2.03) (3) A Significant correlation between qana?ah and amanah has a correlation of 0.71 so that showed a positive correlation ' (4) A Significant correlation equally with qana?ah and amanah with third mature age moslem household harmony in Depok of 69%. Result suggest that marriage counseling should recommend few ways to implant household harmony values fairly and productively. There are few aspects of variable which more emphasized to gain a harmony in family namely, by improving a wana?ah and amanah marmers.;This research is examining of correlation between qana?ah and amanah with third age mature moslcm?s household harmony in depok. The purpose of this research is to learning, analyzing while provide a description of qana?ah and amanah correlation with third age moslem?s household harmony. Research had been conducted in Depok area by using a Stinnet and DeFrain theory (2005) and Stemberg (2005). The research method is also using a quantitative approach with analytic descriptive survey method and 150 subjects samples or respondent that derived from household and has reached their marriage over 20 years above with questionnaire measurement. This research of analysis is using a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and data processing by using a Lisrel program 8.72. Results shows that qana?ah variable and amanah variable has significantly affect to third mature moslem?s household harmony in Depok of 69%. Therefore a conclusions are drawn as follows : (l) A Significant correlation between qana?ah with a third age mature moslem household harmony in Depok (with t statistic value of 6.27) (2) A Significant correlation between amanah with third age mature moslem household harmony in Depok (with t statistic value of 2.03) (3) A Significant correlation between qana?ah and amanah has a correlation of 0.71 so that showed a positive correlation ' (4) A Significant correlation equally with qana?ah and amanah with third mature age moslem household harmony in Depok of 69%. Result suggest that marriage counseling should recommend few ways to implant household harmony values fairly and productively. There are few aspects of variable which more emphasized to gain a harmony in family namely, by improving a wana?ah and amanah marmers., This research is examining of correlation between qana’ah and amanah with third age mature moslcm’s household harmony in depok. The purpose of this research is to learning, analyzing while provide a description of qana’ah and amanah correlation with third age moslem’s household harmony. Research had been conducted in Depok area by using a Stinnet and DeFrain theory (2005) and Stemberg (2005). The research method is also using a quantitative approach with analytic descriptive survey method and 150 subjects samples or respondent that derived from household and has reached their marriage over 20 years above with questionnaire measurement. This research of analysis is using a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and data processing by using a Lisrel program 8.72. Results shows that qana’ah variable and amanah variable has significantly affect to third mature moslem’s household harmony in Depok of 69%. Therefore a conclusions are drawn as follows : (l) A Significant correlation between qana’ah with a third age mature moslem household harmony in Depok (with t statistic value of 6.27) (2) A Significant correlation between amanah with third age mature moslem household harmony in Depok (with t statistic value of 2.03) (3) A Significant correlation between qana’ah and amanah has a correlation of 0.71 so that showed a positive correlation ' (4) A Significant correlation equally with qana’ah and amanah with third mature age moslem household harmony in Depok of 69%. Result suggest that marriage counseling should recommend few ways to implant household harmony values fairly and productively. There are few aspects of variable which more emphasized to gain a harmony in family namely, by improving a wana’ah and amanah marmers.]