Kadar high sensitivity c reactive protein sebagai penanda aterosklerosis pada orang dengan epilepsi yang menggunakan obat antiepilepsi generasi lama = High sensitivity c reactive protein level as marker of atherosclerosis in epilepsy patients using old generation antiepileptic drugs

Main Authors: Luh Ari Indrawati, author, Add author: Fitri Octaviana, supervisor, Add author: Sri Widia Jusman, supervisor, Add author: Zakiah Syeban, examiner, Add author: Purba, Jan, examiner, Add author: Al Rasyid, examiner, Add author: Astri Budikayanti, examiner
Format: Bachelors Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2014
Online Access: https://lib.ui.ac.id/detail?id=20390597
Daftar Isi:
  • [Latar Belakang. Penggunaan obat antiepilepsi (OAE) generasi lama (karbamazepin, fenitoin, fenobarbital dan asam valproat) mendominasi tatalaksana epilepsi di Indonesia. OAE tersebut berpotensi menimbulkan efek samping obesitas, peningkatan fraksi lipid aterogenik, peningkatan homosistein, resistensi insulin dan stres oksidatif yang merupakan faktor risiko ateroksklerosis dan penyakit kardiovaskular. Oleh karena itu diperlukan penilaian risiko global kejadian kardiovaskular dan aterosklerosis pada orang dengan epilepsi (ODE) yang menggunakan OAE generasi lama, yaitu dengan mengukur kadar hs-CRP plasma. Molekul hs-CRP merupakan penanda biologis inflamasi tingkat rendah dan penyebab langsung aterosklerosis. Metode. Desain penelitian adalah potong lintang yang membandingkan kelompok studi (ODE yang menggunakan OAE generasi lama) dan kelompok orang normal yang usia dan jenis kelaminnya disesuaikan. Subjek kelompok studi didapatkan dari populasi ODE yang kontrol di Poliklinik Saraf RS Cipto Mangunkusumo dan Yayasan Epilepsi Indonesia. Dilakukan wawancara, pemeriksaan fisik, dan pemeriksaan laboratorium pada semua subjek. Hasil. Didapatkan masing-masing 44 subjek kelompok studi dan kontrol. Kadar hs-CRP pada kelompok studi (1,19 (0,27-9,13) mg/L) lebih tinggi secara signifikan dibandingkan kelompok kontrol (0,745 (0,13-4,9) mg/L). Tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara usia, jenis kelamin, tipe bangkitan terakhir, jenis dan jumlah OAE dengan kadar hs-CRP. Kadar hs-CRP cenderung lebih tinggi pada ODE yang menggunakan OAE generasi lama penginduksi ekstensif enzim CYP (fenitoin, karbamazepin dan fenobarbital) dibandingkan asam valproat (1,785 (0,27-9,13) vs 0,77 + 0,36 mg/L). Kadar hs-CRP kelompok OAE penginduksi enzim CYP lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibandingkan kontrol, sedangkan rerata kadar hs-CRP kelompok asam valproat tidak berbeda dengan kontrol. Kadar hs-CRP juga cenderung lebih tinggi pada kelompok politerapi (2,255 (0,43-8,67) mg/L) dibandingkan monoterapi (1,105 (0,27-9,13) mg/L). Nilai median kadar hs-CRP kelompok politerapi penginduksi-penginduksi enzim CYP lebih tinggi (3,11 (1,80-8,67) mg/L) dibandingkan kelompok politerapi penginduksi-bukan penginduksi enzim (0,96 (0,43-4,59) mg/L). Pada analisis multivariat, interaksi antara jumlah dan jenis OAE berhubungan dengan kadar hs- CRP secara bermakna. Simpulan. Kadar hs-CRP pada ODE yang menggunakan OAE generasi lama lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Kadar hs-CRP cenderung lebih tinggi pada ODE yang menggunakan OAE generasi lama penginduksi ekstensif enzim CYP dan menggunakan OAE politerapi. Terdapat peningkatan risiko mengalami kejadian kardiovaskular dan aterokslerosis yang lebih tinggi pada ODE yang menggunakan OAE generasi lama penginduksi ekstensif enzim CYP baik monoterapi maupun politerapi.;Background. Old generation antiepileptic drugs (AED), including carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital and valproic acid are still utilized extensively in treating epilepsy patients (EP) in Indonesia. Those drugs are potencial causing obesity, higher atherogenic lipid fraction, higher homocysteine, insulin resistance and oxidative stress which are atherosclerosis risk factor and cardiovascular events. Therefore, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular global risk assesment is required in epilepsy patients treated with those AED by measuring high sensitivity C-reactive Protein (hs-CRP). Hs-CRP is well-known biomarker of chronic low level inflammatory and direct etiology of atherosclerosis. Method. This is a cross sectional study comparing study group (EP treated with old generation AED) and control group (healthy subjects), age and sex are matched. Subjects of study group are selected from EP who are visiting neurology outpatient clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Indonesia Epilepsy Foundation. All subjects underwent interview, physical examination and laboratory investigations. Result. Forty four patients are selected for each group. Hs-CRP level of study group (1.19 (0.27-9.13) mg/L) is significantly higher compared to control group (0.745 (0.13-4.9) mg/L). No significant correlation between age, sex, last epileptic seizure type, AED type and duration with hs-CRP level. Hs-CRP level in EP treated with extensive CYP-inducer AED tend to be higher than valproic acid-treated patients (1.785 (0.27-9.13) vs 0.77 + 0.36 mg/L). Hs-CRP level in EP treated with extensive CYP-inducer AED is significantly higher compared to their control group, whereas no difference in valproic acid group compared to their control. Polytherapy group (2.255 (0.43-8.67) mg/L) tends to have higher hs-CRP level compared to monotherapy group (1.105 (0.27-9.13) mg/L). Median of hs-CRP in extensive CYP-inducer polytherapy (3.11 (1.80-8.67) mg/L) is higher than polytherapy with combination AED (0.96 (0.43-4.59) mg/L). In multivariat analysis, interaction between number and type of AED is significantly related to hs-CRP level. Conclusion. Level of hs-CRP in EP treated with old generation AED is significantly higher than control. Hs-CRP level tends to be higher in EP treated with CYP inducer AED and polytherapy although not reaching significant point. Therefore, there is increased cardiovascular events and atherosclerosis risk in EP treated with extensive CYP-inducer AED in monotherapy and polytherapy manner.;Background. Old generation antiepileptic drugs (AED), including carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital and valproic acid are still utilized extensively in treating epilepsy patients (EP) in Indonesia. Those drugs are potencial causing obesity, higher atherogenic lipid fraction, higher homocysteine, insulin resistance and oxidative stress which are atherosclerosis risk factor and cardiovascular events. Therefore, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular global risk assesment is required in epilepsy patients treated with those AED by measuring high sensitivity C-reactive Protein (hs-CRP). Hs-CRP is well-known biomarker of chronic low level inflammatory and direct etiology of atherosclerosis. Method. This is a cross sectional study comparing study group (EP treated with old generation AED) and control group (healthy subjects), age and sex are matched. Subjects of study group are selected from EP who are visiting neurology outpatient clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Indonesia Epilepsy Foundation. All subjects underwent interview, physical examination and laboratory investigations. Result. Forty four patients are selected for each group. Hs-CRP level of study group (1.19 (0.27-9.13) mg/L) is significantly higher compared to control group (0.745 (0.13-4.9) mg/L). No significant correlation between age, sex, last epileptic seizure type, AED type and duration with hs-CRP level. Hs-CRP level in EP treated with extensive CYP-inducer AED tend to be higher than valproic acid-treated patients (1.785 (0.27-9.13) vs 0.77 + 0.36 mg/L). Hs-CRP level in EP treated with extensive CYP-inducer AED is significantly higher compared to their control group, whereas no difference in valproic acid group compared to their control. Polytherapy group (2.255 (0.43-8.67) mg/L) tends to have higher hs-CRP level compared to monotherapy group (1.105 (0.27-9.13) mg/L). Median of hs-CRP in extensive CYP-inducer polytherapy (3.11 (1.80-8.67) mg/L) is higher than polytherapy with combination AED (0.96 (0.43-4.59) mg/L). In multivariat analysis, interaction between number and type of AED is significantly related to hs-CRP level. Conclusion. Level of hs-CRP in EP treated with old generation AED is significantly higher than control. Hs-CRP level tends to be higher in EP treated with CYP inducer AED and polytherapy although not reaching significant point. Therefore, there is increased cardiovascular events and atherosclerosis risk in EP treated with extensive CYP-inducer AED in monotherapy and polytherapy manner.;Background. Old generation antiepileptic drugs (AED), including carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital and valproic acid are still utilized extensively in treating epilepsy patients (EP) in Indonesia. Those drugs are potencial causing obesity, higher atherogenic lipid fraction, higher homocysteine, insulin resistance and oxidative stress which are atherosclerosis risk factor and cardiovascular events. Therefore, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular global risk assesment is required in epilepsy patients treated with those AED by measuring high sensitivity C-reactive Protein (hs-CRP). Hs-CRP is well-known biomarker of chronic low level inflammatory and direct etiology of atherosclerosis. Method. This is a cross sectional study comparing study group (EP treated with old generation AED) and control group (healthy subjects), age and sex are matched. Subjects of study group are selected from EP who are visiting neurology outpatient clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Indonesia Epilepsy Foundation. All subjects underwent interview, physical examination and laboratory investigations. Result. Forty four patients are selected for each group. Hs-CRP level of study group (1.19 (0.27-9.13) mg/L) is significantly higher compared to control group (0.745 (0.13-4.9) mg/L). No significant correlation between age, sex, last epileptic seizure type, AED type and duration with hs-CRP level. Hs-CRP level in EP treated with extensive CYP-inducer AED tend to be higher than valproic acid-treated patients (1.785 (0.27-9.13) vs 0.77 + 0.36 mg/L). Hs-CRP level in EP treated with extensive CYP-inducer AED is significantly higher compared to their control group, whereas no difference in valproic acid group compared to their control. Polytherapy group (2.255 (0.43-8.67) mg/L) tends to have higher hs-CRP level compared to monotherapy group (1.105 (0.27-9.13) mg/L). Median of hs-CRP in extensive CYP-inducer polytherapy (3.11 (1.80-8.67) mg/L) is higher than polytherapy with combination AED (0.96 (0.43-4.59) mg/L). In multivariat analysis, interaction between number and type of AED is significantly related to hs-CRP level. Conclusion. Level of hs-CRP in EP treated with old generation AED is significantly higher than control. Hs-CRP level tends to be higher in EP treated with CYP inducer AED and polytherapy although not reaching significant point. Therefore, there is increased cardiovascular events and atherosclerosis risk in EP treated with extensive CYP-inducer AED in monotherapy and polytherapy manner., Background. Old generation antiepileptic drugs (AED), including carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbital and valproic acid are still utilized extensively in treating epilepsy patients (EP) in Indonesia. Those drugs are potencial causing obesity, higher atherogenic lipid fraction, higher homocysteine, insulin resistance and oxidative stress which are atherosclerosis risk factor and cardiovascular events. Therefore, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular global risk assesment is required in epilepsy patients treated with those AED by measuring high sensitivity C-reactive Protein (hs-CRP). Hs-CRP is well-known biomarker of chronic low level inflammatory and direct etiology of atherosclerosis. Method. This is a cross sectional study comparing study group (EP treated with old generation AED) and control group (healthy subjects), age and sex are matched. Subjects of study group are selected from EP who are visiting neurology outpatient clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital and Indonesia Epilepsy Foundation. All subjects underwent interview, physical examination and laboratory investigations. Result. Forty four patients are selected for each group. Hs-CRP level of study group (1.19 (0.27-9.13) mg/L) is significantly higher compared to control group (0.745 (0.13-4.9) mg/L). No significant correlation between age, sex, last epileptic seizure type, AED type and duration with hs-CRP level. Hs-CRP level in EP treated with extensive CYP-inducer AED tend to be higher than valproic acid-treated patients (1.785 (0.27-9.13) vs 0.77 + 0.36 mg/L). Hs-CRP level in EP treated with extensive CYP-inducer AED is significantly higher compared to their control group, whereas no difference in valproic acid group compared to their control. Polytherapy group (2.255 (0.43-8.67) mg/L) tends to have higher hs-CRP level compared to monotherapy group (1.105 (0.27-9.13) mg/L). Median of hs-CRP in extensive CYP-inducer polytherapy (3.11 (1.80-8.67) mg/L) is higher than polytherapy with combination AED (0.96 (0.43-4.59) mg/L). In multivariat analysis, interaction between number and type of AED is significantly related to hs-CRP level. Conclusion. Level of hs-CRP in EP treated with old generation AED is significantly higher than control. Hs-CRP level tends to be higher in EP treated with CYP inducer AED and polytherapy although not reaching significant point. Therefore, there is increased cardiovascular events and atherosclerosis risk in EP treated with extensive CYP-inducer AED in monotherapy and polytherapy manner.]