"Proporsi rinitis alergi pada pasien asma dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan di RSUP Persahabatan periode Agustus sampai Oktober 2014 = Proportion of Allergic Rhinitis in Asthma Patients and The Related Factors at Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta"

Main Authors: Fersia Iranita Liza, Add author: Wiwien Heru Wiyono, examiner, Add author: Triya Damayanti, supervisor, Add author: Densi Anggraini (Supervisor)
Format: Bachelors Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2014
Online Access: https://lib.ui.ac.id/detail?id=20405268
Daftar Isi:
  • Metode : Penelitian ini adalah penelitian potong lintang yang bersifat deksriptif analitik untuk mengetahui proporsi rinitis alergi pada pasien asma periode Agustus sampai Oktober 2014. Pasien asma yang datang ke poliklinik Asma dinilai derajat asma dan derajat kontrol asma dengan menggunakan Asthma Control Test (ACT). Jika terdapat minimal 2 gejala rinitis alergi maka dilakukan pemeriksaan nasoendoskopi dan uji cukit kulit. Dari uji cukit kulit, apabila terdapat jenis alergen positif maka didapatkan proporsi rinitis alergi. Hasil. Dari 185 pasien asma yang memiliki dua atau lebih gejala rinitis alergi dan dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan nasoendoskopi serta uji cukit kulit adalah 67 orang. Didapatkan proporsi rinitis alergi pada pasien asma 54 orang (29,2%). Data karakteristik pasien asma meliputi jenis kelamin perempuan 77,3% lebih banyak dibandingkan laki-laki 22,7% dengan median usia 52 tahun. Hampir semua pasien menggunakan pembayaran BPJS 94,1% dengan riwayat alergi sebanyak 44,9%. Proporsi derajat asma stabil terbanyak persisten sedang 101 orang (54,6%) dan derajat asma terkontrol adalah terkontrol sebagian 47,0%. Dari sebaran gejala rinitis alergi yang terbanyak adalah bersin 46,5%, rinore 28,6%, dan hidung tersumbat 26,5%. Pada pemeriksaan nasoendoskopi, terdapat kelainan 28,6% dengan terbanyak septum deviasi 56,6%, konka pucat 50,9% dan konka edema 22,6%. Pemeriksaan uji cukit kulit 67 orang, didapatkan 54 orang positif dengan jenis alergen terbanyak positif adalah tungau debu rumah 38,8%. Proporsi derajat rinitis alergi sesuai kriteria ARIA terbanyak intermiten ringan dan persisten ringan 46,3%. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara derajat rinitis alergi dengan derajat asma (p = 0,035). Hubungan antara derajat rinitis alergi dengan derajat kontrol asma juga bermakna (p = 0,006). Kesimpulan. Proporsi rinitis alergi pada pasien asma adalah 29,2% dengan jenis alergen terbanyak berdasarkan uji cukit kulit adalah tungau debu rumah. Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara derajat rinitis alergi dengan derajat asma dan derajat kontrol asma. <hr> Introduction : Asthma and rhinitis are two different entities are anatomical, physiological and clinical management but located in one airway. United Airway Disease (UAD) have hypothesized that inflammation of the upper and lower respiratory tract both a manifestation of a process of inflammation in the airways and this hypothesis is supported by evidence arising from the systemic relationship of the upper and lower respiratory tract. World Health Organization (WHO) issued a guidance entitled Allergic Rhinitis and it's Impact on Asthma (ARIA) 2001 which provides a comprehensive overview of the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis in asthma patients. This study aims to knowthe allergic rhinitis proportion on those patients and related factors at Persahabatan Hospital. Methods : This is a cross-sectional study based on the descriptive and analytical to find out the allergic rhinitis proportion in asthma patients at the period August to October 2014. Those who came to asthma clinic evaluated for the degree of asthma control test (ACT). If there are at least two allergic rhinitis symptoms, nasoendoscopy examination and skin prick test should be done and if there is type of positive from skin prick test, the allergic rhinis proportion obtained. Results : From 185 asthma patients who participate, have two or more allergic rhinitis symptoms and have joined nasoendoscopy examination and skin prick test are 67 person. It is found that the allergic rhinitis proportion in asthma patients are 54 (29,2%) the characteristics data of asthma patients include female (77,3%) and more than male (22,7%) with a median age of 52 years. Almost all patients use BPJS payment (94,1%) with the allergic history (44,9%).. The proportion of the highest degree persistent stable asthma are 101 person (54,6%) and the degree of asthma control which is partially controlled is 47,0%. From the distribution of the most allergic rhinitis symptoms are sneezing (46,5%), rhinorrhea (28,6%) and nasal congestion (26,5%). In the nasoendoscopy examination, there are abnormalities (28,6%) with septum deviation (56,6%), pale turbinate (50,9%) and concha edema (22,6%). Examination of the skin prick test from 67 person, 54 person are positive with the most type of allergen caused by house dust mites (38,8%). The proportion of the allergic rhinitis degree based on ARIA criteria, mild intermittent and mild persistent (46,3%). There is a significant correlation between the degree of allergic rhinitis with the asthma degree (p = 0,035). The corellation between the degree of allergic rhinitis with the degree of asthma control was also significant (p = 0,006). Conclusion : The allergic rhinitis proportion in asthma patients is 29,2% and based on the skin prick test, the most type of allergensare the house dust mites. There is a significant association between the degree of allergic rhinitis with the asthma degree and the degree of asthma control.