Menentukan harga patokan batubara (HPB) untuk mendapatkan nilai keekonomian yang optimal pada penambangan batubara di Indonesia = Determine the reference price of coal (HPB) to obtain the optimal economic value on coal mining in Indonesia

Main Author: Dedy Rachmansyah, author
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia , 2015
Online Access: Rachmansyah.pdf
Daftar Isi:
  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Lahirnya harga patokan batubara (HPB) merupakan sebuah kebijakan yang penting dalam rangka menata kembali manfaat yang optimal dalam pengelolaan batubara di Indonesia. Indonesia memiliki sumberdaya dan cadangan yang cukup besar, yaitu cadangan saat ini sekitar 41 miliar ton. Sedangkan produksi tahun lalu sudah mencapai sekitar 450 juta ton sehingga telah menjadi negara pengekspor batubara no.1 di dunia. Oleh karena itu HPB merupakan sebuah kebijakan yang diharapkan dapat menguntungkan beberapa pihak. Pihak pelaku baik produsen dan konsumen telah memiliki alat bantu yang cukup jelas dalam penentuan harga batubara baik untuk harga spot atau kontrak. Sedangkan bagi pemerintah, tentu saja salah satu pusat perhatiannya adalah ketentuan harga untuk penetapan penerimaan negara semakin jelas dan transparan. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini perlu dilakukan untuk mengkaji keefektifan perhitungan harga patok batubara yang telah ditetapkan oleh Kementrian ESDM melalui Peraturan Direktur Jenderal Mineral dan Batubara. Selain itu penelitian ini dilakukan guna memberikan manfaat terhadap perusahaan tambang batubara untuk bagaimana melakukan aktivitas kegiatannya agar dapat tetap bertahan di dalam menghadapi dan mengantisipasi perubahan harga batubara yang fluktuatif dan semakin cenderung menurun. Penelitian ini menggunakan data amatan perusahaan energi yang beroperasi di salah satu area tambang di Indonesia. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menghasilkan suatu model perhitungan untuk menentukan keefektifan dan kelayakan keekonomiannya dalam usaha pertambangan batubara. Model perhitungan dan analisa dalam penelitian ini juga bertujuan memberikan gambaran pengaruh penetapan harga jual batubara terhadap eksistensi perusahaan tambang batubara pemegang IUP atau PKP2B sumberdaya alam batubara di wilayah Indonesia pada khususnya. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> The emergence of reference price (HPB) is an important policy in order to reorganize the optimum benefit in the management of coal in Indonesia. Indonesia has the resources and reserves are large enough, the current reserves of about 41 billion tons. While last year's production has reached about 450 million tons that has become the no.1 coal exporting country in the world. Therefore HPB is a policy that is expected to benefit some parties. The offender both producers and consumers have had a fairly clear tools in determining the price of coal is good for spot prices or contracts. As for the government, of course, one of the central concern is the conditions for the establishment of state revenues increasingly clear and transparent. Therefore this research should be conducted to assess the effectiveness of stakes coal price calculation set by the Ministry of Energy through the Director General of Mineral and Coal. In addition, research is conducted for the benefit of the coal mining companies to how to perform their activities in order to survive in the face and anticipate changes in coal price fluctuations and increasingly cenderun decreased. This study uses data observations energy company that operates in one area of &#8203;&#8203;the mine in Indonesia. This research is expected to produce a model of computation to determine the effectiveness and economical feasibility in the coal mining business. Model calculations and analysis in this study also aims to provide an overview influence setting the selling price of coal on the existence of a coal mining company IUP holder or PKP2B natural resources of coal in Indonesia in particular. ;he emergence of reference price (HPB) is an important policy in order to reorganize the optimum benefit in the management of coal in Indonesia. Indonesia has the resources and reserves are large enough, the current reserves of about 41 billion tons. While last year's production has reached about 450 million tons that has become the no.1 coal exporting country in the world. Therefore HPB is a policy that is expected to benefit some parties. The offender both producers and consumers have had a fairly clear tools in determining the price of coal is good for spot prices or contracts. As for the government, of course, one of the central concern is the conditions for the establishment of state revenues increasingly clear and transparent. Therefore this research should be conducted to assess the effectiveness of stakes coal price calculation set by the Ministry of Energy through the Director General of Mineral and Coal. In addition, research is conducted for the benefit of the coal mining companies to how to perform their activities in order to survive in the face and anticipate changes in coal price fluctuations and increasingly cenderun decreased. This study uses data observations energy company that operates in one area of &#8203;&#8203;the mine in Indonesia. This research is expected to produce a model of computation to determine the effectiveness and economical feasibility in the coal mining business. Model calculations and analysis in this study also aims to provide an overview influence setting the selling price of coal on the existence of a coal mining company IUP holder or PKP2B natural resources of coal in Indonesia in particular. , he emergence of reference price (HPB) is an important policy in order to reorganize the optimum benefit in the management of coal in Indonesia. Indonesia has the resources and reserves are large enough, the current reserves of about 41 billion tons. While last year's production has reached about 450 million tons that has become the no.1 coal exporting country in the world. Therefore HPB is a policy that is expected to benefit some parties. The offender both producers and consumers have had a fairly clear tools in determining the price of coal is good for spot prices or contracts. As for the government, of course, one of the central concern is the conditions for the establishment of state revenues increasingly clear and transparent. Therefore this research should be conducted to assess the effectiveness of stakes coal price calculation set by the Ministry of Energy through the Director General of Mineral and Coal. In addition, research is conducted for the benefit of the coal mining companies to how to perform their activities in order to survive in the face and anticipate changes in coal price fluctuations and increasingly cenderun decreased. This study uses data observations energy company that operates in one area of &#8203;&#8203;the mine in Indonesia. This research is expected to produce a model of computation to determine the effectiveness and economical feasibility in the coal mining business. Model calculations and analysis in this study also aims to provide an overview influence setting the selling price of coal on the existence of a coal mining company IUP holder or PKP2B natural resources of coal in Indonesia in particular. ]