Uji kesesuaian metode ceklis Occupational Repetitive Action (OCRA) dan metode Rapid Upper Limb Assessment (RULA) dalam skrining Upper Extremities Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders = Occupational Repetitive Action (OCRA) and Rapid Upper Limb (RULA) goodness of fit in screening Upper Extremities Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders

Main Authors: Sitti Balkis, author, Add author: Fikry Effendi, supervisor, Add author: Indah Suci Widyahening, supervisor, Add author: Dewi Sumaryani Soemarko, examiner, Add author: Sumamur P. K., examiner, Add author: Chandra Satrya, examiner
Format: Bachelors Doctoral
Terbitan: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2015
Online Access: https://lib.ui.ac.id/detail?id=20417174
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  • [Latar Belakang. Deteksi dini risiko pajanan ergonomi di tempat kerja menggunakan instrumen skrining merupakan salah satu cara cepat dan mudah yang dapat dilakukan. Instrumen RULA dan ceklis OCRA merupakan metode penilaian semi-kuantitatif yang cukup banyak digunakan namun belum diketahui penerapannya pada sektor informal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesesuaian hasil penilaian menggunakan instrumen OCRA dengan RULA untuk skrining UE-WMSDs pada kelompok pekerja pengrajin logam informal. Metode. Penelitian menggunakan disain potong lintang terhadap pengrajin logam informal Citeureup, Kabupaten Bogor. Penilaian dilakukan dengan mengamati aktivitas subyek selama delapan jam kerja per hari pada 17 bagian kerja kemudian memberikan skor berdasarkan lembar ceklis. Hasil total skor dikategorikan menjadi acceptable ( OCRA: ≤ 7,5; RULA: ≤ 2) dan berisiko (OCRA: ≥ 7,6; RULA ≥ 3). Hasil. Pada total subyek pekerja 78 orang didapatkan 52/78 (74,3%) subyek berisiko untuk tangan kanan dan 15/78 (34,9%) subyek untuk tangan kiri pada kedua metode. Berdasarkan tugas kerja didapatkan 13/17 bagian berisiko untuk kanan dan 6/17 kiri. Perbedaan hasil OCRA dan RULA terutama pada bagian bubut dan pemotongan (manual dan semi-automatis).Secara umum instrumen RULA menilai lebih banyak risiko UE-WMSDs dibandingkan OCRA dengan kesesuaian dari kedua metode ini rendah pada kedua ekstremitas (kappa (kanan): 0,07; kappa (kiri): 0,17). Simpulan dan Saran. Metode RULA lebih dianjurkan sebagai instrumen skrining UE-WMSDs pada pekerja logam informal. Dibutuhkan penelitian lebih lanjut terhadap instrumen skrining lain dan penilaian keseluruhan proses kerja untuk penentuan metode yang paling sesuai. ;Background. The use of screening instrument is considered as effective methods for early detection of ergonomic risk exposure at workplace. RULA and OCRA-checklists are semi-quantitative assessment methods that have been widely used, but not widely applied particularly in the informal sector. This study determines the goodness of fit of OCRA-checklists compared with RULA for screening UE-WMSDs on metalworkers informal groups. Method. This study used a cross-sectional design involving informal metalworkers groups in Citeureup-Bogor . Subjects? assessments being done by observing eight-houractivity per day for each subjects in 17 workstation and by scoring checklist sheets. Total score results were categorized into acceptable (OCRA: ≤ 7.5; RULA: ≤ 2) and high risk (OCRA: ≥ 7.6; RULA ≥ 3). Result. A total of 78 subjects, both methods showed 52/78(74.3%) subjects were at risk for right hand and 15/78 (34.9%) subjects for left hand. Based on job task, 13/17 jobs were high risk for the right and 6/17 for the left hand. There were result difference between OCRA and RULA instruments especially for lathe and cutting (manual and semi-automatic) jobs. Generally, RULA instrument assess more risks factors than OCRAchecklist so that goodness of fit was low for both extremities (kappa score right: 0.07; left: 0.17). Conclusion and Recommendation. RULA method is more recommended as UEWMSDs screening instrument for informal metalworkers groups. Further research using other type of screening instruments and overall tasks assessment is necessary to find most appropriate method. , Background. The use of screening instrument is considered as effective methods for early detection of ergonomic risk exposure at workplace. RULA and OCRA-checklists are semi-quantitative assessment methods that have been widely used, but not widely applied particularly in the informal sector. This study determines the goodness of fit of OCRA-checklists compared with RULA for screening UE-WMSDs on metalworkers informal groups. Method. This study used a cross-sectional design involving informal metalworkers groups in Citeureup-Bogor . Subjects’ assessments being done by observing eight-houractivity per day for each subjects in 17 workstation and by scoring checklist sheets. Total score results were categorized into acceptable (OCRA: ≤ 7.5; RULA: ≤ 2) and high risk (OCRA: ≥ 7.6; RULA ≥ 3). Result. A total of 78 subjects, both methods showed 52/78(74.3%) subjects were at risk for right hand and 15/78 (34.9%) subjects for left hand. Based on job task, 13/17 jobs were high risk for the right and 6/17 for the left hand. There were result difference between OCRA and RULA instruments especially for lathe and cutting (manual and semi-automatic) jobs. Generally, RULA instrument assess more risks factors than OCRAchecklist so that goodness of fit was low for both extremities (kappa score right: 0.07; left: 0.17). Conclusion and Recommendation. RULA method is more recommended as UEWMSDs screening instrument for informal metalworkers groups. Further research using other type of screening instruments and overall tasks assessment is necessary to find most appropriate method. ]