Pengembangan strategi integrasi logistik untuk meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi rantai distribusi mobil di Indonesia dengan sistem dinamis = The use of a dynamic sistem in developing logistics integration strategies to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the car delivery chain in Indonesia / Aris Abdurrohman
Main Authors: | Aris Abdurrohman, author, Add author: Romadhani Ardi, supervisor, Add author: Amalia Suzianti, examiner, Add author: Komarudin, examiner, Add author: Zulkarnain, examiner |
Format: | Masters Doctoral |
Terbitan: |
, 2019
Subjects: | |
Online Access: | |
Daftar Isi:
- <b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Integrasi rantai suplai delivery mobil di Indonesia dan kontribusinya dalam menunjang keunggulan kompetitif rantai suplai belum banyak di teliti oleh peneliti kontenporer di indonesia. Permodelan rantai suplai dengan sistem dinamis ditujukan untuk memahami perilaku dari sistem sehingga dapat menunjang aktivitas analisa problem, dan menunjang proses perbaikan rantai suplai agar tercipta rantai delivery mobil yang efektif dan efisien di Indonesia. Dengan membangun model dan menganalis hasil simulasi di dapatkan sebuah konseptual model yang menunjukan peranan Integrasi sistem informasi, dan integrasi penggunaan fasilitas bersama di antara pabrik, distributor, pelabuhan, gudang mobil, dan outlet penjualan mobil terhadap penurunan waktu tempuh dan penurunan stok dalam rantai suplai. Hasil simulasi ini diharapkan dapat memberikan dukungan ilmiah dalam proses pengambilan keputusan maupun proses desain strategi rantai suplai deliveri mobil yang efektif dan effisien di Indonesia. <hr /> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Cars supply chain Integration in Indonesia and its contribution to supporting supply chain competitive advantage has not been widely studied by contemporary researchers in Indonesia. Supply chain modeling with a dynamic sistem aims to understand the behavior of the sistem. With understanding sistem behavior will support problem analysis activities, and support the supply chain improvement process in order to create an effective and efficient vehicle supply chain in Indonesia. By building a model and analyzing simulation results, a conceptual model produced to shows the role of information sistem integration, and the integration of shared facilities between factories, distributors, ports, car warehouses, and car sales outlets in order to reduce delivery time and decrease stock in the supply chain. This study produces a casual loop diagram model for explaining the structure of the sistem so that it can support the supply chain company in the decision making process and supply chain strategy design process in Indonesia.