Pembuatan pelumas bio berbasis minyak kelapa sawit melalui reaksi pembukaan cincin efame (Epoxidized Fatty Acid Methyl Esther) menggunakan resin penukar kation amberlyst-15 = synthesis of palm oil based biolubricant through ring opening reaction of efame (Epoxidized Fatty Acid methyl Esther) using cation exchange resin amberlyst-15

Main Authors: Yasir Sulaeman Kuweir, author, Add author: Mohammad Nasikin, supervisor, Add author: Sukirno, supervisor, Add author: Dewi Tristantini, examiner, Add author: Slamet, examiner
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2010
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  • <b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Minyak kelapa sawit berpotensi sebagai bahan baku pembuatan pelumas bio, selain renewable dan biodegradable, juga bersifat non-toxic, sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai pelumas bahan makan atau pelumas food-grade. Telah dilakukan pembuatan pelumas bio berbasisi minyak kelapa sawit melalui 3 tahap yaitu trans-esterifikasi, epoksidasi dan reaksi pembukaan cincin dengan gliserol. Terdapat kendala pada reaksi pembukaan cincin, yaitu dalam pemilihan katalis. Katalis PTSA (p-Toluenesulfonic acid) mempunyai keasaman tinggi, tetapi sulit dipisahkan karena katalis homogen. Digunakan H-zeolit dan alumina yang merupakan katalis heterogen, tetapi yield yang didapat cukup rendah, karena memiliki luas permukaan yang kecil. <br><br> Pada penelitian ini dilakukan reaksi pembukaan cincin dengan gliserol menggunakan amberlyst-15 yang merupakan katalis heterogen, memiliki keasaman yang tinggi dan luas permukaan yang cukup besar untuk memperbaiki kelemahan-kelemahan katalis-katalis sebelumnya. Reaksi yang dilakukan adalah 2% dan 2,5% berat penambahan amberlyst-15 pada T=1000C dengan variasi waktu 12, 16, 20, dan 24 jam. Keberhasilan reaksi dilihat dari uji densitas, viskositas, FTIR, dan gliserol yang tersisa. <br><br> Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa amberlyst-15 mampu membuka cincin lebih baik dibandingkan PTSA, H-zeolit dan alumina (dilihat dari besarnya densitas dan viskositas), dan mampu menghasilkan yield sebesar 94,88% (dilihat dari sisa gliserol yang tidak bereaksi). Dari uji yang dilakukan, spektrum FTIR memperlihatkan bahwa gugus gliserol teradisi ke dalam produk. Penambahan amberlyst-15 sebanyak 2% lebih efektif dibandingkan 2,5%. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Palm oil has high potential as raw material for biolubricant product, beside of its tendency to be renewable, biodegradable, and non-toxic as well so it can be used as a lubricant for food ingredients or food-grade lubricants. Up until now, the making of lubricating oil based Palm oil can be done through three phases, such as trans-esterification, epoxidation and ring opening reaction with glycerol. However, there are constraints on the ring opening reaction, mostly in the selection of the catalyst. PTSA catalyst (p-Toluenesulfonic acid) has high acidity, but it is difficult to separate because of it charasteristic as homogeneous catalyst. H-zeolite and alumina are heterogeneous catalyst, but the yield obtained is low enough, because it has smaller surface area. <br><br> This research use ring opening reaction with glycerol phase by using amberlyst-15 as catalyst. Amberlyst-15 is a heterogeneous catalyst, has high acidity and surface area that large enough to fix the weaknesses of other catalysts. The reaction was performed with 2%w and 2.5%w amberlyst -15 additions at T = 1000oC with varying time 12, 16, 20, and 24 hours. The success of the reaction can be seen from the density and viscosity test, FTIR, and the remaining glycerol. <br><br> The results showed that amberlyst-15 capable to open the ring better than the PTSA, H-zeolite and alumina (as seen from the high density and viscosity number), and capable to produce yield of 94.88% (as seen from the remaining glycerol wich didn?t react). FTIR spectra showed that the product has adsorb glycerol clusters. The result also showed that Amberlyst-15 additions as much as 2% is more effective than 2.5%.