Media massa dan perannya dalam kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan = Mass media and the role in criminal policy

Main Authors: Eka Nugraha Putra, author, Add author: Topo Santoso, supervisor, Add author: Mardjono Reksodiputro, examiner, Add author: Surastini Fitriasih, examiner
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2012
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Di dalam kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan, terdapat upaya penal dan non-penal. Dimana upaya non penal bersifat preventif. Upaya non-penal ini bisa berbentuk apa saja, peranan media massa dalam membentuk persepsi atas kejahatan dan hukuman adalah salah satunya. Media massa dapat melakukan peranan ini melalui pemberitaan kejahatan dan melakukan kerjasama dengan lembaga penegak hukum. Namun masih ada media massa yang menjadikan berita kejahatan sebagai komoditas saja, sementara dalam hubungannya dengan lembaga penegak hukum masih sebatas sebagai narasumber saja. Muatan berita di media massa khususnya yang ada kaitan dengan berita kekerasan dapat menimbulkan dampak ketakutan dan tidak mengedukasi masyarakat. Tesis ini meneliti bagaimana peran media massa dalam kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan, kerjasamanya dengan lembaga penegak hukum dan bagaimana memperkuat peranan media massa dalam kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan. Terdapat beberapa permasalahan dalam konstruksi media massa akan pemberitaan kejahatan seperti penggunaan terminologi, pemberitaan yang berimbang dan pemberitaan yang menghakimi. Hal ini berkaitan erat dengan konstruksi media massa akan berita kejahatan, agar kemudian dapat berjalan sesuai pada fungsi preventif. Penggunaan narasi dan gambar yang terlalu detail dan kepatuhan terhadap etika sebaiknya menjadi pedoman ketika media massa mengkonstruksi pemberitaan kejahatan, karena dampak berita media massa dapat menjadi pemicu perilaku agresif, menimbulkan efek ketakutan dan membentuk opini publik berupa perwujudan tindakan-tindakan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat yang bisa berupa partisipasi terhadap penegakan hukum sendiri, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa opini publik atau tindakan publik punya partisipasi yang penting dalam berjalannya sistem peradilan pidana. Namun opini publik ini memiliki paradoks, dimana dalam hal ini dapat berarti pula timbul ketidak percayaan masyarakat dan apresiasi kepada lembaga penegak hukum yang ada. Media massa dalam konteks kebijakan penangggulangan kejahatan dapat berperan juga dalam mengembalikan kepercayaan masyarakat dan apresiasi kepada lembaga penegak hukum, media massa dapat menjalin kerjasama dengan lembaga penegak hukum. Tidak harus merupakan kerjasama yang sifatnya formil asalkan dapat saling menghargai profesi masing-masing dan saling menguntungkan. Peran media massa ini juga bisa dilakukan dengan memenuhi semua sisi lembaga penegak hukum dalam konstruksi berita kejahatan, sehingga tidak ada lembaga penegak hukum yang kinerjanya disoroti terlalu besar lalu menimbulkan semacam persaingan dengan lembaga penegak hukum lainnya. Konstruksi berita kejahatan dari media massa memang tidak bisa lepas dari nilai beritanya sendiri, namun berita kejahatan besar dan kejahatan jalanan sebaiknya mendapatkan bentuk konstruksi yang sama, dimana sebaiknya ia memberikan bentuk peringatan, edukasi dan kontrolnya terhadap penegakan hukum, hal ini penting mengingat media massa merupakan wadah aspirasi masyarakat sehingga yang dilakukannya seharusnya juga menjadi cerminan masyarakat dan memang apa yang dibutuhkan masyarakat khususnya dalam konteks penegakan hukum <hr> <b>Abstract</b><br> In the criminal policy, there are penal effort and non-penal effort. Where non penal preventive efforts. These non-penal efforts could formed in many ways, the role of mass media in influencing perceptions of crime and punishment is one of them. Mass media can perform this role through their construction of the news crime and cooperate with law enforcement agencies. But there are still some mass media makes news crime only as a commodity, while in connection with law enforcement agencies is only as a source only. Content in the mass media particularly that there is a link to the news of violence can lead to fear and does not educate the public. This thesis examines how the role of the mass media in criminal policy, their collaboration with law enforcement agencies and how to strengthen the role of mass media in criminal policy. There are some problems in construction of news crime from mass media like the use of terminology, balanced news coverage and judging news coverage. It is closely related to the construction of news crime from mass media, so that the news can then be run according to the preventive function. The use of narrative and images that are too detailed and obedied to ethic should be guidelines when mass media construct the news crime, due to the impact of the news media can be a trigger aggressive behavior, giving rise to fear effect and shaping public opinion in the form of embodiment of the actions undertaken by the community which could either be participation against the rule of law itself, this shows that public opinion or public actions have significant participation in the passage of the criminal justice system. But public opinion has a paradox, which in this case can also mean arise distrust and disappreciation society to law enforcement agencies. Mass media in the context of criminal policy can be instrumental in restoring public trust and appreciation to law enforcement agencies, the media are able to establish cooperation with law enforcement agencies. The partnership should not be a formal partnership as long as cherising each other profession and give mutual benefit. The role of the mass media could also be done covering all side of the law enforcement agency in the construction of news crime, so there is no law enforcement agency that performs highlighted too big then give rise to a kind of competition with other law enforcement agencies. Construction news crime of mass media did not get off from the value of the news itself, but white collar crime news and street crime should get the same form of construction, where should be deliver the form of warning, education and control of law enforcement, this is important given from mass media because mass media is channel of society aspiration so that what are done by mass media should also be a reflection of society and indeed what it needs by society especially in the context of law enforcement.;In the criminal policy, there are penal effort and non-penal effort. Where non penal preventive efforts. These non-penal efforts could formed in many ways, the role of mass media in influencing perceptions of crime and punishment is one of them. Mass media can perform this role through their construction of the news crime and cooperate with law enforcement agencies. But there are still some mass media makes news crime only as a commodity, while in connection with law enforcement agencies is only as a source only. Content in the mass media particularly that there is a link to the news of violence can lead to fear and does not educate the public. This thesis examines how the role of the mass media in criminal policy, their collaboration with law enforcement agencies and how to strengthen the role of mass media in criminal policy. There are some problems in construction of news crime from mass media like the use of terminology, balanced news coverage and judging news coverage. It is closely related to the construction of news crime from mass media, so that the news can then be run according to the preventive function. The use of narrative and images that are too detailed and obedied to ethic should be guidelines when mass media construct the news crime, due to the impact of the news media can be a trigger aggressive behavior, giving rise to fear effect and shaping public opinion in the form of embodiment of the actions undertaken by the community which could either be participation against the rule of law itself, this shows that public opinion or public actions have significant participation in the passage of the criminal justice system. But public opinion has a paradox, which in this case can also mean arise distrust and disappreciation society to law enforcement agencies. Mass media in the context of criminal policy can be instrumental in restoring public trust and appreciation to law enforcement agencies, the media are able to establish cooperation with law enforcement agencies. The partnership should not be a formal partnership as long as cherising each other profession and give mutual benefit. The role of the mass media could also be done covering all side of the law enforcement agency in the construction of news crime, so there is no law enforcement agency that performs highlighted too big then give rise to a kind of competition with other law enforcement agencies. Construction news crime of mass media did not get off from the value of the news itself, but white collar crime news and street crime should get the same form of construction, where should be deliver the form of warning, education and control of law enforcement, this is important given from mass media because mass media is channel of society aspiration so that what are done by mass media should also be a reflection of society and indeed what it needs by society especially in the context of law enforcement.;In the criminal policy, there are penal effort and non-penal effort. Where non penal preventive efforts. These non-penal efforts could formed in many ways, the role of mass media in influencing perceptions of crime and punishment is one of them. Mass media can perform this role through their construction of the news crime and cooperate with law enforcement agencies. But there are still some mass media makes news crime only as a commodity, while in connection with law enforcement agencies is only as a source only. Content in the mass media particularly that there is a link to the news of violence can lead to fear and does not educate the public. This thesis examines how the role of the mass media in criminal policy, their collaboration with law enforcement agencies and how to strengthen the role of mass media in criminal policy. There are some problems in construction of news crime from mass media like the use of terminology, balanced news coverage and judging news coverage. It is closely related to the construction of news crime from mass media, so that the news can then be run according to the preventive function. The use of narrative and images that are too detailed and obedied to ethic should be guidelines when mass media construct the news crime, due to the impact of the news media can be a trigger aggressive behavior, giving rise to fear effect and shaping public opinion in the form of embodiment of the actions undertaken by the community which could either be participation against the rule of law itself, this shows that public opinion or public actions have significant participation in the passage of the criminal justice system. But public opinion has a paradox, which in this case can also mean arise distrust and disappreciation society to law enforcement agencies. Mass media in the context of criminal policy can be instrumental in restoring public trust and appreciation to law enforcement agencies, the media are able to establish cooperation with law enforcement agencies. The partnership should not be a formal partnership as long as cherising each other profession and give mutual benefit. The role of the mass media could also be done covering all side of the law enforcement agency in the construction of news crime, so there is no law enforcement agency that performs highlighted too big then give rise to a kind of competition with other law enforcement agencies. Construction news crime of mass media did not get off from the value of the news itself, but white collar crime news and street crime should get the same form of construction, where should be deliver the form of warning, education and control of law enforcement, this is important given from mass media because mass media is channel of society aspiration so that what are done by mass media should also be a reflection of society and indeed what it needs by society especially in the context of law enforcement., In the criminal policy, there are penal effort and non-penal effort. Where non penal preventive efforts. These non-penal efforts could formed in many ways, the role of mass media in influencing perceptions of crime and punishment is one of them. Mass media can perform this role through their construction of the news crime and cooperate with law enforcement agencies. But there are still some mass media makes news crime only as a commodity, while in connection with law enforcement agencies is only as a source only. Content in the mass media particularly that there is a link to the news of violence can lead to fear and does not educate the public. This thesis examines how the role of the mass media in criminal policy, their collaboration with law enforcement agencies and how to strengthen the role of mass media in criminal policy. There are some problems in construction of news crime from mass media like the use of terminology, balanced news coverage and judging news coverage. It is closely related to the construction of news crime from mass media, so that the news can then be run according to the preventive function. The use of narrative and images that are too detailed and obedied to ethic should be guidelines when mass media construct the news crime, due to the impact of the news media can be a trigger aggressive behavior, giving rise to fear effect and shaping public opinion in the form of embodiment of the actions undertaken by the community which could either be participation against the rule of law itself, this shows that public opinion or public actions have significant participation in the passage of the criminal justice system. But public opinion has a paradox, which in this case can also mean arise distrust and disappreciation society to law enforcement agencies. Mass media in the context of criminal policy can be instrumental in restoring public trust and appreciation to law enforcement agencies, the media are able to establish cooperation with law enforcement agencies. The partnership should not be a formal partnership as long as cherising each other profession and give mutual benefit. The role of the mass media could also be done covering all side of the law enforcement agency in the construction of news crime, so there is no law enforcement agency that performs highlighted too big then give rise to a kind of competition with other law enforcement agencies. Construction news crime of mass media did not get off from the value of the news itself, but white collar crime news and street crime should get the same form of construction, where should be deliver the form of warning, education and control of law enforcement, this is important given from mass media because mass media is channel of society aspiration so that what are done by mass media should also be a reflection of society and indeed what it needs by society especially in the context of law enforcement.]