Strategi Penangkalan Nuklir Nuklir Korea Utara Periode 2003-2010 = Nuclear deterrence strategy of North Korea 2003-2010 period
Main Authors: | Windhy Dewitasari, author, Add author: Andi Widjajanto, examiner, Add author: Asra Virgianita, examiner, Add author: Broto Wardoyo, supervisor, Add author: Kusnanto Anggoro, examiner |
Format: | Masters Doctoral |
Terbitan: |
, 2011
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Online Access: | |
Daftar Isi:
- [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian mengapa Korea Utara melakukan pengembangan senjata nuklir periode 2003-2010. Analisa penelitian ini menggunakan teori nuclear deterrence strategy untuk menjelaskan bentuk pengembangan senjata nuklir yang dilakukan sebuah negara dan implementasi pengembangan nuklir untuk memproduksi berbagai senjata nuklir yang ditujukan untuk membangun kekuatan penangkalan nuklir. Imbas dari pengembangan senjata nuklir tersebut, pada akhirnya, tidak hanya bersifat defensif atau penangkalan dalam mempertahankan keamanan nasional saja, juga memiliki kekuatan ofensif, yaitu kekuatan untuk memberikan pengaruh di dalam interaksi antar negara. Analisa penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat eksplanatif, yaitu jenis penelitian yang menjelaskan pola sebab akibat antar dua variabel yang diteliti. Penelitian ini menggambarkan pola interaksi antar dua variabel, yaitu variabel pengembangan senjata dan variabel strategi nuklir sebagai langkah perimbangan kekuatan Korea Utara terhadap Amerika dan aliansinya. Interaksi antar dua variable ini mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat bentuk pengembangan nuklir yang dimulai pada paska keluarnya Korea Utara dari perjanjian NPT (Non Proliferation Treaty) tahun 2003. Paska keluarnya Korea Utara dari NPT, negara tersebut memulai pengembangan nuklirnya untuk menghasilkan berbagai uranium sebagai bahan utama dalam menghasilkan senjata-senjata nuklir. Kepemilikan senjata nuklir ini kemudian menjadi sebuah strategi penangkalan nuklir Korea Utara dalam menghadapi permusuhan dengan Amerika Serikat. Senjata nuklir yang dijadikan sebagai kemampuan penangkalan mengindikasi bentuk strategi penangkalan yang bersifat defensif dan ofensif. Kemampuan defensif Korea Utara terletak pada pembangunan senjata nuklir yang berimplikasi pada pembangunan kredibilitas kekuatan nuklir yang dapat membuat pihak lawan mengurungkan niat untuk melakukan invasi mengingat bentuk serangan balasan atas invasi yang jauh lebih destruktif. Sedangkan kemampuan ofensifnya terletak pada besaran pengaruh dan intimidasi yang dilakukan Korea Utara di dalam interaksi yang dapat mendegradasi dominasi Amerika dan aliansinya dalam konteks perundingan dan diplomasi. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> This analysis stands to answer research question which states that why North Korea did the development of nuclear weapons in 2003-2010 period. To do the analysis, this research uses nuclear deterrence strategic theory to explain the development of nuclear weapons done by country and its implementation in producing any weapons which is purposed to create nuclear deterrence strategy. To do such analysis, this research lies on quantitative method which focuses on the interaction between two variables to explain the causality or resiprocal interaction between variables. Empirically, this research is done to figure out about interaction pattern of two variables, namely the development of nuclear and nuclear strategy as the strategy to reach equilibrium power of North Korea toward America and its ally. The interaction between two variables indicate that North Korea begun its nuclear development program in 2003 after its turning out to leave the NPT. After leaving NPT, it started to begin the development of uranium enrichment to create certain nuclear weapons. These nuclear weapons purposed to increase its defensive and ofensive capability are restored as a part of deterrence strategy implemented by North Korea as strategy to face America, South Korea, and Japan. In summary, North Korea defensive capability has great implication to prevent any military invasion attack from its enemy, considering the second strike capability of nuclear attack which can employ great destruction. On the other side, ofensive capability of North Korea can boost up its influence among parties interaction. Its ofensive capability lies on the way of North Korea getting involved in diplomatic activity and negotiation and the degradation of America?s domination to intimidate and influence North Korea., This analysis stands to answer research question which states that why North Korea did the development of nuclear weapons in 2003-2010 period. To do the analysis, this research uses nuclear deterrence strategic theory to explain the development of nuclear weapons done by country and its implementation in producing any weapons which is purposed to create nuclear deterrence strategy. To do such analysis, this research lies on quantitative method which focuses on the interaction between two variables to explain the causality or resiprocal interaction between variables. Empirically, this research is done to figure out about interaction pattern of two variables, namely the development of nuclear and nuclear strategy as the strategy to reach equilibrium power of North Korea toward America and its ally. The interaction between two variables indicate that North Korea begun its nuclear development program in 2003 after its turning out to leave the NPT. After leaving NPT, it started to begin the development of uranium enrichment to create certain nuclear weapons. These nuclear weapons purposed to increase its defensive and ofensive capability are restored as a part of deterrence strategy implemented by North Korea as strategy to face America, South Korea, and Japan. In summary, North Korea defensive capability has great implication to prevent any military invasion attack from its enemy, considering the second strike capability of nuclear attack which can employ great destruction. On the other side, ofensive capability of North Korea can boost up its influence among parties interaction. Its ofensive capability lies on the way of North Korea getting involved in diplomatic activity and negotiation and the degradation of America?s domination to intimidate and influence North Korea.]