Analisis Komparasi Imbal Hasil dan Risiko Sukuk dengan Menggunakan Harga Pasar dan Harga Wajar Studi Kasus Pada Sukuk yang Diterbitkan di Indonesia Periode 2009 - 2011 = Comparative analysis of Sukuk return and risk by using Sukuk market price and fair price : Case study on Indonesia Sukuk issued in the period 2009 to 2011

Main Authors: Yuyuk Wahyuni, author, Add author: A. Hanief Saha Ghafur, examiner, Add author: Else Fernanda, supervisor, Add author: Nurul Huda, examiner
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2011
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Upaya Pemerintah dalam meningkatkan transparansi informasi transaksi obligasi dan sukuk antara lain dengan menerbitkan peraturan nomor X.M.3 tentang Pelaporan Transaksi Efek, dan juga mewujudkan lembaga penilai harga efek yang melakukan penilaian dan penetapan harga pasar wajar untuk instrumen Efek bersifat utang, sukuk dan surat berharga. Namun, upaya tersebut belum optimal membantu investor dalam bertransaksi pada instrumen tersebut. Saat ini tersedia beberapa jenis informasi harga obligasi dan sukuk, namun investor berhak mengetahui seberapa signifikan perbedaan antara data dari sumber yang satu dengan yang lainnya, sehingga investor memiliki keyakinan dalam investasi di pasar obligasi dan sukuk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan perhitungan imbal hasil dan risiko sukuk antara data harga pasar dengan data harga wajar, baik berdasarkan klasifikasi penerbit sukuk, peringkat (rating) sukuk maupun jangka waktu jatuh temponya. Besaran imbal hasil dan risiko sukuk diperoleh dengan melakukan perhitungan pada besaran Holding Period Yield (HPY), Yield to Maturity (YTM), Risk Adjusted Return (RAR) dan standar deviasi HPY. Data yang dipilih merupakan data time series yaitu data sukuk yang dikeluarkan oleh negara maupun korporasi tanpa membedakan industri atau jenis usaha emiten (korporasi) dan sukuk tersebut ditransaksikan di pasar sekunder, serta dilaporkan ke Bursa Efek Indonesia selaku Penerima Laporan Transaksi Efek. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa secara umum terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan secara statistik dari imbal hasil dan risiko sukuk antara yang menggunakan harga pasar dan harga wajarnya berdasarkan beberapa klasifikasi yang ditentukan. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Government's efforts in improving the transparency of information bonds and sukuk transactions, among others, by issuing regulations number XM3 about securities Transaction Reporting, and also establish the effects of price appraisal agencies to assess and determine the fair market price for debt securities instruments, sukuk and securities. Government efforts is not fully help investors to invest in such instrument. Several types pricing information of bonds and sukuk are available, but investors are entitled to know how significant the difference between data from one source to another, so that investors have confidence in investing in bonds and sukuk market. This study aims to determine differences in the calculation of returns and risks between data sukuk market price and fair price data, both based on the classification of sukuk issuer, the rating and sukuk maturity period. Sukuk Returns and Risk is obtained by calculating Holding Period Yield (HPY), Yield to Maturity (YTM), Risk Adjusted Return (RAR) and the standard deviation of HPY. The selected data is time series data are sukuk issued by a state or corporation without distinction as an industry or type of business issuers (corporations) and sukuk are transacted in the secondary market, and reported to the Indonesian Stock Exchange as Beneficiary of Securities Transaction Report. The conclusion of this study show that there was a statistically significant difference of returns and risks between the use sukuk market price and fair price based on some classification defined., Government's efforts in improving the transparency of information bonds and sukuk transactions, among others, by issuing regulations number XM3 about securities Transaction Reporting, and also establish the effects of price appraisal agencies to assess and determine the fair market price for debt securities instruments, sukuk and securities. Government efforts is not fully help investors to invest in such instrument. Several types pricing information of bonds and sukuk are available, but investors are entitled to know how significant the difference between data from one source to another, so that investors have confidence in investing in bonds and sukuk market. This study aims to determine differences in the calculation of returns and risks between data sukuk market price and fair price data, both based on the classification of sukuk issuer, the rating and sukuk maturity period. Sukuk Returns and Risk is obtained by calculating Holding Period Yield (HPY), Yield to Maturity (YTM), Risk Adjusted Return (RAR) and the standard deviation of HPY. The selected data is time series data are sukuk issued by a state or corporation without distinction as an industry or type of business issuers (corporations) and sukuk are transacted in the secondary market, and reported to the Indonesian Stock Exchange as Beneficiary of Securities Transaction Report. The conclusion of this study show that there was a statistically significant difference of returns and risks between the use sukuk market price and fair price based on some classification defined.]