Penggunaan metode transporasi pada jaringan distribusi barang dalam rantai pasokan = The application of transportation method in Product Distribution Network of Supply Chain

Main Authors: Indriyani Rebet, author, Add author: Djati Kerami, supervisor, Add author: Hendri Mufti, examiner, Add author: Sri Mardiyati, examiner, Add author: Hengki Tasman, examiner, Add author: Silaban, Denny Riama, examiner
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2012
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  • <b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Produk yang dihasilkan oleh pabrik akan didistribusikan ke pengecer melalui distributor. Sehingga perlu ditentukan strategi terbaik untuk mendistribusikan produk dari pabrik ke distributor dan dari distributor ke pelanggan sesuai kebutuhan pelanggan. Masalah pendistribusian produk ini merupakan bagian dari masalah pengelolaan rantai pasokan. Pada tesis ini dibahas pengelolaan rantai pasokan yang terdiri dua tahap. Pertama, tahap dimana produk yang dihasilkan pabrik didistribusikan ke distributor. Kedua, tahap dimana distributor mendistribusikan produk ke pengecer. Untuk menentukan penyelesaian pada setiap tahap digunakan metode transportasi. Selanjutnya untuk mencari penyelesaian secara keseluruhan dapat digunakan prinsip keoptimuman Bellman. Solusi optimal secara keseluruhan merupakan gabungan dari solusi optimal setiap tahap. <hr> <b>Abstract</b><br>Products that produced by a manufacturers are to be distributed to retailer through distributor. It is necessary to establish a best strategy to distribute the product from the manufacturer to the distributor and from the distributor to customer in line with customer?s need. Product distribution problem is apparently a part of the management of supply chain problem. In this thesis, it is described the management of supply chain which can be divided into two phases. The first phase is how the products produced by manufacturer are distributed to ditributors. The second phase is how the distributor distributes the products to retailers. To solve the problem in each phace, the transportation method is used futhermore, to fine the solution of the entire phases. Bellman Optimizing Principle is adopted. The optimal solutionof the whole problem is the combination of the optimal solution of each phase.