Analisis kualitas pelayanan KB terhadap kelangsungan pemakaian alat kontrasepsi hormonal (pil & suntikan) di Indonesia analisis data SDKI 2007 = The quality of family planning services analyze with continuity use of hormonal contraceptive (pills & injections) in Indonesia : Indonesia Demographic and Health Survey 2007 Data Analyze

Main Authors: Indah Purnama Sari, author, Add author: Siregar, Kemal Nazaruddin, supervisor, Add author: Besral, examiner, Add author: Agustin Kusumayati, examiner, Add author: Rahmadewi, examiner, Add author: Siti Aminah Waluyo, examiner
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2012
Online Access:
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Tingginya persentase penggunaan kontrasepsi hormonal (pil dan suntikan) tidak diikuti dengan tingginya angka kelangsungan. Angka putus pakai untuk metode pil mengalami kenaikan dari 32% (SDKI 2002-2003) menjadi 39% (SDKI 2007). Sementara itu, angka putus pakai metode suntikan juga mengalami kenaikan dari 18% (SDKI 2002-2003) menjadi 23% (SDKI 2007). Kualitas pelayanan keluarga berencana merupakan salah satu elemen yang penting dalam mencapai pemakaian alat kontrasepsi yang berlangsung lama (lestari). Salah satu elemen kualitas pelayanan keluarga berencana adalah informasi yang diberikan kepada klien dan mekanisme follow-up dan kontak kembali. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional (studi potong lintang) yang dianalisis menggunakan analisis survival.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terdapat hubungan antara kualitas pelayanan keluarga berencana dengan kelangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi hormonal (pil dan suntikan) (p-value = 0,000) dan terdapat interaksi antara variabel kualitas pelayanan keluarga berencana dengan keputusan menggunakan alat/cara KB serta interaksi antara kualitas pelayanan KB dengan keinginan mempunyai anak. Adapun kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah akseptor yang mendapatkan pelayanan keluarga berencana yang berkualitas dengan keputusan suami saja dan orang lain dalam menggunakan alat/cara KB memiliki risiko untuk gagal mempertahankan kelangsungan pemakaian kontrasepsi hormonal (pil dan suntikan) lebih tinggi 1,7 kali dibandingkan dengan akseptor yang mendapatkan pelayanan keluarga berencana yang berkualitas dengan keputusan bersama dalam menggunakan alat/cara KB (p-value = 0,008) setelah dikontrol oleh kesamaan keinginan anak antara suami dan isteri, jumlah anak dan efek samping. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pemberi pelayanan (provider) yang mampu melayani kebutuhan KB dan kesehatan reproduksi laki-laki dan perempuan yang meliputi pelayanan KIE (Komunikasi, Informasi dan Edukasi) serta pelayanan KB dan kesehatan reproduksi yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan perempuan dan laki-laki, yaitu pelayanan Komunikasi Interpersonal (KIP)/konseling dan pelayanan medis berkaitan dengan KB dan kesehatan reproduksi.;The high percentage using of hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) are not followed by a high rate of survival. The drop out rate for the method of pill use rose from 32% (IDHS 2002-2003) to 39% (IDHS 2007). Meanwhile, the dropout rate used method of injection also increased from 18% (IDHS 2002-2003) to 23% (IDHS 2007). Quality of family planning services is one of the important element in achieving contraceptive use long-lasting (sustainable). The element is information given to clients and recontact and follow-up mechanisms. This study uses a descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach were analyzed using survival analysis. Based on the results of the study there is a relationship between the quality of family planning services with continuity of use of hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) (p-value = 0.000) and there is interaction between the quality of family planning services with decisions using of tools/methods of family planning and the interaction between the quality of family planning services with the desire for more children. The conclusions in this study is acceptors are getting a qualified family planning services by husband decision maker and others to using tools/methods of family planning has failed to maintain the continuity of risk for using hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) 1,7 times higher than the acceptors who received family planning services qualified by a joint decision to using tools/methods of family planning (p-value = 0.008) after controlled by a common wishes of children between husband and wife, number of children and side effects. Therefore required provider which capable of serving the needs of family planning and reproductive health of men and women includes IEC (Information, Education and Communication) service as well as family planning and reproductive health services that can meet the needs of women and men, Interpersonal Communication (IPC)/counseling and medical services related to family planning and reproductive health.;The high percentage using of hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) are not followed by a high rate of survival. The drop out rate for the method of pill use rose from 32% (IDHS 2002-2003) to 39% (IDHS 2007). Meanwhile, the dropout rate used method of injection also increased from 18% (IDHS 2002-2003) to 23% (IDHS 2007). Quality of family planning services is one of the important element in achieving contraceptive use long-lasting (sustainable). The element is information given to clients and recontact and follow-up mechanisms. This study uses a descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach were analyzed using survival analysis. Based on the results of the study there is a relationship between the quality of family planning services with continuity of use of hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) (p-value = 0.000) and there is interaction between the quality of family planning services with decisions using of tools/methods of family planning and the interaction between the quality of family planning services with the desire for more children. The conclusions in this study is acceptors are getting a qualified family planning services by husband decision maker and others to using tools/methods of family planning has failed to maintain the continuity of risk for using hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) 1,7 times higher than the acceptors who received family planning services qualified by a joint decision to using tools/methods of family planning (p-value = 0.008) after controlled by a common wishes of children between husband and wife, number of children and side effects. Therefore required provider which capable of serving the needs of family planning and reproductive health of men and women includes IEC (Information, Education and Communication) service as well as family planning and reproductive health services that can meet the needs of women and men, Interpersonal Communication (IPC)/counseling and medical services related to family planning and reproductive health.;The high percentage using of hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) are not followed by a high rate of survival. The drop out rate for the method of pill use rose from 32% (IDHS 2002-2003) to 39% (IDHS 2007). Meanwhile, the dropout rate used method of injection also increased from 18% (IDHS 2002-2003) to 23% (IDHS 2007). Quality of family planning services is one of the important element in achieving contraceptive use long-lasting (sustainable). The element is information given to clients and recontact and follow-up mechanisms. This study uses a descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach were analyzed using survival analysis. Based on the results of the study there is a relationship between the quality of family planning services with continuity of use of hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) (p-value = 0.000) and there is interaction between the quality of family planning services with decisions using of tools/methods of family planning and the interaction between the quality of family planning services with the desire for more children. The conclusions in this study is acceptors are getting a qualified family planning services by husband decision maker and others to using tools/methods of family planning has failed to maintain the continuity of risk for using hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) 1,7 times higher than the acceptors who received family planning services qualified by a joint decision to using tools/methods of family planning (p-value = 0.008) after controlled by a common wishes of children between husband and wife, number of children and side effects. Therefore required provider which capable of serving the needs of family planning and reproductive health of men and women includes IEC (Information, Education and Communication) service as well as family planning and reproductive health services that can meet the needs of women and men, Interpersonal Communication (IPC)/counseling and medical services related to family planning and reproductive health.;The high percentage using of hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) are not followed by a high rate of survival. The drop out rate for the method of pill use rose from 32% (IDHS 2002-2003) to 39% (IDHS 2007). Meanwhile, the dropout rate used method of injection also increased from 18% (IDHS 2002-2003) to 23% (IDHS 2007). Quality of family planning services is one of the important element in achieving contraceptive use long-lasting (sustainable). The element is information given to clients and recontact and follow-up mechanisms. This study uses a descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach were analyzed using survival analysis. Based on the results of the study there is a relationship between the quality of family planning services with continuity of use of hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) (p-value = 0.000) and there is interaction between the quality of family planning services with decisions using of tools/methods of family planning and the interaction between the quality of family planning services with the desire for more children. The conclusions in this study is acceptors are getting a qualified family planning services by husband decision maker and others to using tools/methods of family planning has failed to maintain the continuity of risk for using hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) 1,7 times higher than the acceptors who received family planning services qualified by a joint decision to using tools/methods of family planning (p-value = 0.008) after controlled by a common wishes of children between husband and wife, number of children and side effects. Therefore required provider which capable of serving the needs of family planning and reproductive health of men and women includes IEC (Information, Education and Communication) service as well as family planning and reproductive health services that can meet the needs of women and men, Interpersonal Communication (IPC)/counseling and medical services related to family planning and reproductive health., The high percentage using of hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) are not followed by a high rate of survival. The drop out rate for the method of pill use rose from 32% (IDHS 2002-2003) to 39% (IDHS 2007). Meanwhile, the dropout rate used method of injection also increased from 18% (IDHS 2002-2003) to 23% (IDHS 2007). Quality of family planning services is one of the important element in achieving contraceptive use long-lasting (sustainable). The element is information given to clients and recontact and follow-up mechanisms. This study uses a descriptive analytic with cross sectional approach were analyzed using survival analysis. Based on the results of the study there is a relationship between the quality of family planning services with continuity of use of hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) (p-value = 0.000) and there is interaction between the quality of family planning services with decisions using of tools/methods of family planning and the interaction between the quality of family planning services with the desire for more children. The conclusions in this study is acceptors are getting a qualified family planning services by husband decision maker and others to using tools/methods of family planning has failed to maintain the continuity of risk for using hormonal contraceptives (pills and injections) 1,7 times higher than the acceptors who received family planning services qualified by a joint decision to using tools/methods of family planning (p-value = 0.008) after controlled by a common wishes of children between husband and wife, number of children and side effects. Therefore required provider which capable of serving the needs of family planning and reproductive health of men and women includes IEC (Information, Education and Communication) service as well as family planning and reproductive health services that can meet the needs of women and men, Interpersonal Communication (IPC)/counseling and medical services related to family planning and reproductive health.]