Prevalens bronkitis kronik dan gangguan fungsi paru obstruksi serta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan pada polisi yang bertugas dijalan, survei di tiga wilayah kerja polsek Jakarta Barat, tahun 2008 = Chronic bronchitis and pulmonary obstruction prevalence and related factors in traffic policemen, surveyed at three duty area at West Jakarta, 2008

Main Authors: Mirtha Dini Widorini, author, Add author: Astrid B. Sulistomo, supervisor, Add author: Faisal Yunus, supervisor, Add author: Dewi Sumaryani Soemarko, examiner, Add author: Mukhtar Ikhsan, examiner
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2008
Online Access:
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Latar belakang dan Tujuan Jakarta Barat menempati urutan tingkat polusi udara tertinggi kedua di wilayah DKI Jakarta Prevalens kasus bronkitis kronik dari hasil pemeriksaan kesehatan pada personil Polri di wilayah Polres Metro Jakarta Barat pada tahun 2006 adalah 8.25 %, yang meningkat menjadi 10.53 % pada tahun 2007. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan kualiti udara dan faktor-faktor lain terhadap bronkitis kronik dan gangguan fungsi paru obstruksi pada polisi yang bertugas di jalan wilayah kerja polsek Tanjung Duren, Kebon Jeruk dan Palmerah. Metode panelitian Penelitian ini dilakukan di tiga wilayah kerja polsek Jakarta Barat yaitu Tanjung Duren, Kebon Jeruk dan Palmerah. Disain penelitian cross sectional. Populasi adalah polisi yang bekerja di jalan, berjumlah 114 orang Besar sampel 97 orang. Pangumpulan data dilekukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, pemeriksaan fisik dan spirometri. Hasil penelitian Prevalens bronkitis kronik 9.3%, gangguan fungsi paru obstruksi 7.2%. Prevalens tertinggi terdapat di wilayab kerja polsek Tanjung Duren. Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara bronkitis kronik dengan umur > 37 tahun (OR= W.8) dan kebiasaan merokok sedang (OR= 6.6). Data Kualiti Udara 03 berdasarkan hasil analisis terburuk Tanjung Duren, sedang Palmerah, terbaik Kebon Jerak. Terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara gangguan fungsi paru obstruksi dengan kualiti udara 03 (OR= 21.33). Kesimpulan dan Saran Di antara enam variabel yang diduga berhubungan dengan bronkitis kronik, hanya ada dua variabel yang berhubungan secara signifikan, yaitu umur dan kebiasaan merokok. Sedangkan gangguan fungsi paru obstruksi hanya berhubungan secara signifikan dengan kualiti udara. Saran yang diajukan, lebih sering dilakukan rotasi tugas ke wilayah kerja Polsek yang lain bagi polisi berusia >37 tahun yang bekerja di jalan di wilayah kerja polsek Tanjung Duren, lebih digalakkan pemakaian masker, serta menerapkan sangsi berupa Surat Peringatan (SP) bagi polisi yang merokok pada saat bertugas. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Background and objectives West Jakarta bas the second highest rank in air pollution in Jakarta. Medical checked up result from Polri personnel at West Jakarta Polres Metro, showed that the prevalence of chronic bronchitis in year 2006 was 8.25% and increasing became 10.53% in year 2007. This study was aimed to know the relationship between air quality and other factors with chronic bronchitis and pulmonary obstruction in traffic policemen, which were on duty at Taojung Duren, Kebon Jeruk and Palmerah area. Methods This study was conducted in three duty area at West Jakarta, those area were Tanjung Duren, Kebon Jeruk and Palmerah. Study design was cross sectional. The population was 114 traffic policemen. The sample size 97 persons. Data were collected by interviewing, observation, physical and spirometry examination. Result The prevalence of chronic bronchitis was 9.3%, pulmonary obstruction was 7.2%. The highest prevalence was at Tanjung Duren duty area. There was significant relationship between age> 37 years (OR10,8) and moderate smoking habit (OR6.6) with chronic bronchitis. Based on analysis, the worst air quality was Tanjung Duren, moderate was Palmerah, and the best was Kebon Jeruk. There was significant relationship between pulmonary obstruction with air quality at Tanjung Duren (OR21.33). Conclusion and recommendation Among six variables which were suspected having relationship with chronic bronchitis, only two variables had significant relationship, those were age and smoking habit. There was significant relationship between pulmonary obstruction and air quality. The suggestion are frequent duty rotation for police > 37 years old in Tanjung Duren polsek, socialized and strength disciplined in using face mask and give SP as penalty for policemen who were smoking on duty. ;Background and objectives West Jakarta bas the second highest rank in air pollution in Jakarta. Medical checked up result from Polri personnel at West Jakarta Polres Metro, showed that the prevalence of chronic bronchitis in year 2006 was 8.25% and increasing became 10.53% in year 2007. This study was aimed to know the relationship between air quality and other factors with chronic bronchitis and pulmonary obstruction in traffic policemen, which were on duty at Taojung Duren, Kebon Jeruk and Palmerah area. Methods This study was conducted in three duty area at West Jakarta, those area were Tanjung Duren, Kebon Jeruk and Palmerah. Study design was cross sectional. The population was 114 traffic policemen. The sample size 97 persons. Data were collected by interviewing, observation, physical and spirometry examination. Result The prevalence of chronic bronchitis was 9.3%, pulmonary obstruction was 7.2%. The highest prevalence was at Tanjung Duren duty area. There was significant relationship between age> 37 years (OR10,8) and moderate smoking habit (OR6.6) with chronic bronchitis. Based on analysis, the worst air quality was Tanjung Duren, moderate was Palmerah, and the best was Kebon Jeruk. There was significant relationship between pulmonary obstruction with air quality at Tanjung Duren (OR21.33). Conclusion and recommendation Among six variables which were suspected having relationship with chronic bronchitis, only two variables had significant relationship, those were age and smoking habit. There was significant relationship between pulmonary obstruction and air quality. The suggestion are frequent duty rotation for police > 37 years old in Tanjung Duren polsek, socialized and strength disciplined in using face mask and give SP as penalty for policemen who were smoking on duty. , Background and objectives West Jakarta bas the second highest rank in air pollution in Jakarta. Medical checked up result from Polri personnel at West Jakarta Polres Metro, showed that the prevalence of chronic bronchitis in year 2006 was 8.25% and increasing became 10.53% in year 2007. This study was aimed to know the relationship between air quality and other factors with chronic bronchitis and pulmonary obstruction in traffic policemen, which were on duty at Taojung Duren, Kebon Jeruk and Palmerah area. Methods This study was conducted in three duty area at West Jakarta, those area were Tanjung Duren, Kebon Jeruk and Palmerah. Study design was cross sectional. The population was 114 traffic policemen. The sample size 97 persons. Data were collected by interviewing, observation, physical and spirometry examination. Result The prevalence of chronic bronchitis was 9.3%, pulmonary obstruction was 7.2%. The highest prevalence was at Tanjung Duren duty area. There was significant relationship between age> 37 years (OR10,8) and moderate smoking habit (OR6.6) with chronic bronchitis. Based on analysis, the worst air quality was Tanjung Duren, moderate was Palmerah, and the best was Kebon Jeruk. There was significant relationship between pulmonary obstruction with air quality at Tanjung Duren (OR21.33). Conclusion and recommendation Among six variables which were suspected having relationship with chronic bronchitis, only two variables had significant relationship, those were age and smoking habit. There was significant relationship between pulmonary obstruction and air quality. The suggestion are frequent duty rotation for police > 37 years old in Tanjung Duren polsek, socialized and strength disciplined in using face mask and give SP as penalty for policemen who were smoking on duty. ]