Dampak persepsi keuntungan dan persepsi risiko bisnis terhadap preferensi nasabah dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk pengembangan bisnis melalui produk Mudharabah (Studi kasus BRI Syariah Cabang Bandung) = The impacts of profit perceptions and business risk perception toward the customer preference in decision making for bussines development Through Mudharabah Product (Case study BRI Syariah at Bandung Branch)

Main Authors: Iwan Hermawan, author, Add author: A. Hanief Saha Ghafur, examiner, Add author: Karnaen A. Perwataatmadja, supervisor, Add author: Siagian, Salim, examiner
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2010
Online Access: https://lib.ui.ac.id/detail?id=20342287
Daftar Isi:
  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui mengapa produk mudharabah masih kecil porsinya di Bank Syariah dan faktor yang paling dominan yang mendorong nasabah dalam memilih produk mudharabah di Bank Syariah. Dalam hal ini peneliti melihat dari dua sisi yaitu persepsi keuntungan bisnis nasabah dan persepsi risiko bisnis nasabah. Landasan teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori tentang teknik pengambilan keputusan pengembangan bisnis, dan peneliti mengambil konsep biaya dalam teknik pengambilan keputusan bisnis dan manajemen risiko dalam pengambilan keputusan bisnis sebagai dasar dalam pembentukan variabel penelitian. Variabel penelitian yang akan dianalisis terdiri dari 7 variabel yaitu; biaya langsung, biaya tak langsung, risiko non sistematis, risiko sistematis, usia perusahaan, jenis perusahaan, dan jumlah karyawan. Data penelitian yang digunakan adalah data primer, yang diperoleh dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada responden sebanyak 130 orang, yang sudah menjadi nasabah di Bank BRI Syariah Cabang Bandung baik yang sudah memilih produk mudharabah maupun yang belum. Pada penelitian ini analisis data juga menggunakan analisis model regresi logistik (metode Iogit). Model logit adalah metodologi ekonometrik regresi probabilitas non linier, dimana varlabel terikatnya merupakan variabel dikotomi/kategorik atau biasa disebut dengan variabel dummy yang mengikut fungsi distribusi logistik. Pada penelitian ini model logit digunakan utuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian mengenai probabililas preferensi nasabah dalam memilih mudharabah. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa Secara bersama-sama persepsi keuntungan melalui biaya operasional langsung dan biaya operasional tidak langsung yang ditanggung perusahaan serta risiko bisnis nasabah melalui risiko sistematis dan risiko non sistematis yang dihadapi perusahaan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap preferensi nasabah pada produk mudharabah. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> This research is done to see why mudharabah product still a small portion at Islamic banks and the most dominant factor why people choosing mudharabah product at Islamic Banks. In this case the researcher looked at from two side which are the customer perception of profitability and customer perceptions of business risk. The foundation of the theories used in this study was the theory of business decision-making techniques, and researcher took the concept of cost management in business decisions making and risk management in business decision making as the basis for the formation of the study variables. There are 7 research variables that will be analyzed, which are; direct cost, undirect cost, non systematic risk, systematic risk, age of company, kind of company and total of employee. The research data that used are primary data, obtained by distributing questionnaires to the respondents as many as 130 people, who have become customers of Bank BRI Syariah at Bandung Branch either already chose the product mudharabah or have not chosen yet. In this study data analysis also used logistic regression analysis model (logit method). Logit model is econometric methodology non-linear probability regression, where dependent variable is a dichotomous variable/categorical or commonly called dummy variables that follow logistic distribution function. In the research, logit model was used to answer the research question about the probability of customer preferences in choosing mudharabah. The research result showed that jointly benefit perception through direct operating costs and indirect operating costs of the company and customer business risks through systematic risk and non-systematic risk faced by the company's significant impact on customer preferences in product mudharabah.;This research is done to see why mudharabah product still a small portion at Islamic banks and the most dominant factor why people choosing mudharabah product at Islamic Banks. In this case the researcher looked at from two side which are the customer perception of profitability and customer perceptions of business risk. The foundation of the theories used in this study was the theory of business decision-making techniques, and researcher took the concept of cost management in business decisions making and risk management in business decision making as the basis for the formation of the study variables. There are 7 research variables that will be analyzed, which are; direct cost, undirect cost, non systematic risk, systematic risk, age of company, kind of company and total of employee. The research data that used are primary data, obtained by distributing questionnaires to the respondents as many as 130 people, who have become customers of Bank BRI Syariah at Bandung Branch either already chose the product mudharabah or have not chosen yet. In this study data analysis also used logistic regression analysis model (logit method). Logit model is econometric methodology non-linear probability regression, where dependent variable is a dichotomous variable/categorical or commonly called dummy variables that follow logistic distribution function. In the research, logit model was used to answer the research question about the probability of customer preferences in choosing mudharabah. The research result showed that jointly benefit perception through direct operating costs and indirect operating costs of the company and customer business risks through systematic risk and non-systematic risk faced by the company's significant impact on customer preferences in product mudharabah., This research is done to see why mudharabah product still a small portion at Islamic banks and the most dominant factor why people choosing mudharabah product at Islamic Banks. In this case the researcher looked at from two side which are the customer perception of profitability and customer perceptions of business risk. The foundation of the theories used in this study was the theory of business decision-making techniques, and researcher took the concept of cost management in business decisions making and risk management in business decision making as the basis for the formation of the study variables. There are 7 research variables that will be analyzed, which are; direct cost, undirect cost, non systematic risk, systematic risk, age of company, kind of company and total of employee. The research data that used are primary data, obtained by distributing questionnaires to the respondents as many as 130 people, who have become customers of Bank BRI Syariah at Bandung Branch either already chose the product mudharabah or have not chosen yet. In this study data analysis also used logistic regression analysis model (logit method). Logit model is econometric methodology non-linear probability regression, where dependent variable is a dichotomous variable/categorical or commonly called dummy variables that follow logistic distribution function. In the research, logit model was used to answer the research question about the probability of customer preferences in choosing mudharabah. The research result showed that jointly benefit perception through direct operating costs and indirect operating costs of the company and customer business risks through systematic risk and non-systematic risk faced by the company's significant impact on customer preferences in product mudharabah.]