Kajian kadar asam sitrat dan fosfatase asam dalam plasma seminalis dengan gangguan motilitas spermatozoa pada pria pasangan infertil = Assessment levels of citric acid and acid phosphatase in seminal plasma with impaired sperm motility in men infertile couples

Main Author: Muhamad Firman Wahyudi, author
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2014
Online Access: http://lib.ui.ac.id/file?file=digital/2016-3/20404292-T-Muhamad Firman Wahyudi.pdf
Daftar Isi:
  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Latar belakang. Spermatozoa harus mempunyai motilitas yang baik agar dapat tercapainya fertilisasi alami. Gangguan pada kelenjar assesori pria merupakan salah satu penyebab astenozoospermia, namun pemeriksaan pada kelenjar assesori pria jarang dilakukan. Kadar asam sitrat dalam plasma seminalis paling besar bila dibandingkan hasil sekresi kelenjar assesori lainnya, hal ini mendasari peneliti untuk melakukan penelitian terhadap asam sitrat dan produk utama yang dihasilkan kelenjar prostat lainnya yaitu fosfatase asam. Asam sitrat diduga berperan dalam proses viskositas, pH semen sehingga dapat mempengaruhi motilitas sperma, fosfatase asam diduga mempengaruhi pula motilitas sperma serta turut berperan dalam menjaga keseimbangan pH semen. Metodologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang pada 57 sampel seminal plasma. Didapatkan 30 sampel seminal plasma kelompok motilitas normal dan 27 sampel seminal plasma kelompok astenozoospermia. Pemeriksaan pada analisa semen standar didapatkan viskositas, pH , volume, motilitas dan konsentrasi spermatozoa. Pemeriksaan kadar asam sitrat pada plasma seminalis dengan metode Flint, dan pemeriksaan aktivitas fosfatase asam pada seminal plasma menggunakan metode spektrofotometri. Hasil. Hasil perbandingan volume semen, konsentrasi sperma dan kadar asam sitrat pada sampel plasma seminalis dengan astenozoospermia lebih rendah dibandingkan sampel plasma seminalis dengan motilitas normal, sebaliknya hasil pebandingan viskositas dan aktivitas fosfatase asam pada sampel plasma seminalis dengan astenozoospermia lebih tinggi dibandingkan sampel plasma seminalis dengan motilitas normal. Hasil pemeriksaan pH pada kedua kelompok sampel menunjukkan kecenderungan karakteristik yang sama pada kedua kategori. Hasil perbandingan nilai rerata kadar asam sitrat pada semua kategori konsentrasi sperma menunjukkan kadar lebih rendah pada sampel plasma seminalis dengan astenozoospermia dibandingkan dengan kelompok motilitas normal, sebaliknya pada hasil perbandingan nilai rerata aktivitas fosfatase asam pada semua kategori konsentrasi sperma menunjukkan kadar lebih tinggi pada sampel plasma seminalis dengan astenozoospermia dibandingkan dengan kelompok motilitas normal. Kesimpulan. Kadar asam sitrat, volume dan konsentrasi dalam plasma seminalis pada sampel astenozoospermia lebih rendah dibandingkan sampel dengan motilitas normal, perbedaan ini signifikan secara statistik. Begitupun pada semua tingkat konsentrasi sperma nilai rerata kadar asam sitrat pada sampel astenozoospermia memiliki kecenderungan lebih rendah dibandingkan sampel dengan motilitas normal, perbedaan ini tidak signifikan secara spesifik. Aktivitas fosfatase asam dan viskositas pada sampel plasma seminalis dengan astenozoospermia lebih tinggi dibandingkan sampel dengan motilitas normal, perbedaan ini signifikan secara statistik, pada semua tingkat konsentrasi sperma aktivitas fosfatase asam pada plasma seminalis dengan astenozoospermia memiliki kecenderungan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan motilitas normal namun perbedaan ini tidak signifikan secara statistik. Penelitian ini menunjukkan kadar asam sitrat dan aktivitas fosfatase asam tidak mempengaruhi spermatogenesis. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Background. Spermatozoa should have good motility in order to achieve a natural fertilization. Assesori male gland disorders are one of the causes astenozoospermia, but examination of the gland assesori rare Citric acid levels in the seminal plasma of the most substantial when compared to the results of other assesori gland secretions, it is the underlying researchers to conduct research on citric acid and primary products other prostate gland that is acid phosphatase. Citric acid is thought to play a role in the process viscosity, pH cement that can affect sperm motility, acid phosphatase is also thought to affect sperm motility as well as play a role in maintaining the pH balance of the semen. Methodology. This study used a cross-sectional design of the 57 samples of seminal plasma. Obtained 30 samples of seminal plasma of normal motility group and 27 samples of seminal plasma astenozoospermia group. Examination of the standard semen analysis obtained viscosity, pH, volume, motility and concentration of spermatozoa. Examination of citric acid levels in seminal plasma by the method of Flint, and examination of acid phosphatase activity in seminal plasma using spectrophotometric method. Result. The results of the comparison semen volume, sperm concentration and citric acid levels in seminal plasma samples with astenozoospermia lower than the seminal plasma samples with normal motility, otherwise Comparing the results of viscosity and acid phosphatase activity in seminal plasma samples with astenozoospermia higher than the seminal plasma samples with normal motility . PH probe results in both sample groups showed a trend similar characteristics in both categories. The results of comparison of the average levels of citric acid in all categories sperm concentration showed lower levels in seminal plasma samples with astenozoospermia compared with normal motility, whereas the mean value of the comparison results of acid phosphatase activity in all categories sperm concentration showed higher levels in seminal plasma samples with astenozoospermia compared with normal motility. Conclusion. Citric acid content, volume and concentration in seminal plasma on astenozoospermia sample was lower than samples with normal motility, this difference was statistically significant. Likewise at all levels of sperm concentration of citric acid levels mean value in astenozoospermia samples have a lower propensity than samples with normal motility, this difference was not significant specifics. Acid phosphatase activity and viscosity in the seminal plasma samples with astenozoospermia higher than samples with normal motility, these differences are statistically significant, at all levels of sperm concentration of acid phosphatase activity in seminal plasma with astenozoospermia have a higher tendency than normal motility, but this difference was not statistically significant. This study showed levels of citric acid and acid phosphatase activity does not affect spermatogenesis., Background. Spermatozoa should have good motility in order to achieve a natural fertilization. Assesori male gland disorders are one of the causes astenozoospermia, but examination of the gland assesori rare Citric acid levels in the seminal plasma of the most substantial when compared to the results of other assesori gland secretions, it is the underlying researchers to conduct research on citric acid and primary products other prostate gland that is acid phosphatase. Citric acid is thought to play a role in the process viscosity, pH cement that can affect sperm motility, acid phosphatase is also thought to affect sperm motility as well as play a role in maintaining the pH balance of the semen. Methodology. This study used a cross-sectional design of the 57 samples of seminal plasma. Obtained 30 samples of seminal plasma of normal motility group and 27 samples of seminal plasma astenozoospermia group. Examination of the standard semen analysis obtained viscosity, pH, volume, motility and concentration of spermatozoa. Examination of citric acid levels in seminal plasma by the method of Flint, and examination of acid phosphatase activity in seminal plasma using spectrophotometric method. Result. The results of the comparison semen volume, sperm concentration and citric acid levels in seminal plasma samples with astenozoospermia lower than the seminal plasma samples with normal motility, otherwise Comparing the results of viscosity and acid phosphatase activity in seminal plasma samples with astenozoospermia higher than the seminal plasma samples with normal motility . PH probe results in both sample groups showed a trend similar characteristics in both categories. The results of comparison of the average levels of citric acid in all categories sperm concentration showed lower levels in seminal plasma samples with astenozoospermia compared with normal motility, whereas the mean value of the comparison results of acid phosphatase activity in all categories sperm concentration showed higher levels in seminal plasma samples with astenozoospermia compared with normal motility. Conclusion. Citric acid content, volume and concentration in seminal plasma on astenozoospermia sample was lower than samples with normal motility, this difference was statistically significant. Likewise at all levels of sperm concentration of citric acid levels mean value in astenozoospermia samples have a lower propensity than samples with normal motility, this difference was not significant specifics. Acid phosphatase activity and viscosity in the seminal plasma samples with astenozoospermia higher than samples with normal motility, these differences are statistically significant, at all levels of sperm concentration of acid phosphatase activity in seminal plasma with astenozoospermia have a higher tendency than normal motility, but this difference was not statistically significant. This study showed levels of citric acid and acid phosphatase activity does not affect spermatogenesis.]