Pengaruh penyelaman tunggal dekompresi terhadap peningkatan ekspresi interleukin 1 sebagai penanda disfungsi endotel pada penyelam dislambair TNI-AL = Effects of single dive decompression on increased expression of interleukin 1 as markers of endothelial dysfunction in navy diver / Iin Dewi Astuty

Main Author: Iin Dewi Astuty, author
Format: Masters Doctoral
Terbitan: , 2016
Online Access: Dewi Astuty.pdf
ctrlnum 20423490
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><title>Pengaruh penyelaman tunggal dekompresi terhadap peningkatan ekspresi interleukin 1 sebagai penanda disfungsi endotel pada penyelam dislambair TNI-AL = Effects of single dive decompression on increased expression of interleukin 1 as markers of endothelial dysfunction in navy diver / Iin Dewi Astuty</title><creator>Iin Dewi Astuty, author</creator><type>Thesis:Masters</type><place/><publisher/><date>2016</date><description>[&lt;b&gt;ABSTRAK&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Penyakit Dekompresi (DCS) merupakan keadaan patologis yang mempengaruhi penyelam, astronot, pilot dan pekerja udara terkompresi akibat dari gelembung yang timbul dalam tubuh selama atau setelah penurunan tekanan ambien. Divers Alert Network melaporkan kasus DCS pada penyelam rekreasi sebanyak 651kejadian (23%) dari 2,866. Chichi Wahab, dkk melaporkan sebanyak 62 orang (53%) dari 117 menderita Penyakit Dekompresi pada penyelam tradisional. Reaksi Inflamasi merupakan salah satu penyebab DCS. Di Indonesia belum ada penelitian tentang pengaruh penyelaman dekompresi terhadap perubahan fungsi endotel sebagai pemicu terjadinya DCS. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental rancangan pola silang. Data subjek adalah data primer yang di dapat melalui kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisik dan laboratorium. Sampel dipilih dengan cara random sistematik, diambil 20 orang sebagai subjek penelitian dan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok secara random. Kelompok A diberi perlakuan dengan tekanan 280 kPa pada hari pertama dan pada hari kedua diberi perlakuan masuk RUBT tanpa tekanan. Kelompok B yang diberi perlakuan tanpa tekanan pada hari pertama dan diberi perlakuan dengan tekanan 280 kPa pada hari berikutnya. Tiap Subjek Penelitian dilakukan pemeriksaan Interleukin-1&amp;#945; dengan menggunakan ELISA sandwich teknik kuantitatif sebanyak 3x yaitu sebelum diberikan perlakuan, setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan tekanan 280 kPa dan setelah perlakuan tanpa tekanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan ekspresi Interleukin-1&amp;#945; baik setelah mendapatkan perlakuan dengan tekanan, maupun perlakuan tanpa tekanan, namun kenaikan ekspresi Interleukin-1&amp;#945; lebih besar setelah mendapat perlakuan dengan tekanan. Rerata kenaikan ekspresi Interleukin-1&amp;#945; setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan tekanan sebesar 0.01&#xB1;0.01 pg/ml. Kesimpulan dan Saran: Dibuktikannya peningkatan ekspresi Interleukin-1&amp;#945; yang bermakna pada subjek penelitian setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan tekanan 280 kPa. &lt;hr&gt; &lt;b&gt;ABSTRACT&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Decompression Illness (DCS) is a pathological condition that affects divers, astronauts, pilots and workers who work in compressed air, as a result of bubbles arising in the body during or after drop in ambient pressure. Divers Alert Network reported cases of DCS in recreational divers as many as 651 events (23%) of 2.8663. Chichi Wahab et al reported 62 people (53%) of 117 suffered from decompression illness in traditional divers. Inflammatory reaction is one of many causes of DCS. In Indonesia, there is no research on the effects of decompression dives to changes in endothelial function as a trigger of DCS. This study used experimental study design with Cross Over. Primary data was collected through questionnaires, physical examination and laboratory. Samples were selected, systematic randomly 20 people as research subjects each for two groups. The subjects were randomly assigned to a group. Group A was treated with a pressure of 280 kPa on the first day and on the second day entered the RUBT without pressure. Group B were treated with no pressure on the first day and was treated with pressure of 280 kPa on the next day. Each study subject was examined Interleukin-1&amp;#945; using ELISA sandwich quantitative techniques 3 times: before the study, after being given treatment with a pressure of 280 kPa and after treatment without pressure. The results showed that an increase expression of Interleukin-1&amp;#945; better after getting treatment with pressure, or treatment without pressure, but the increase expression of Interleukin-1&amp;#945; larger after being treated with pressure. The mean increase e expression of Interleukin-1&amp;#945; after being treated with pressure is 0:01 &#xB1; 0.01 pg/ml. Conclusions and Recommendations : Good evidence increasing expression of Interleukin-1&amp;#945; meaningful research on the subject after being given treatment with pressure of 280 kPa., Decompression Illness (DCS) is a pathological condition that affects divers, astronauts, pilots and workers who work in compressed air, as a result of bubbles arising in the body during or after drop in ambient pressure. Divers Alert Network reported cases of DCS in recreational divers as many as 651 events (23%) of 2.8663. Chichi Wahab et al reported 62 people (53%) of 117 suffered from decompression illness in traditional divers. Inflammatory reaction is one of many causes of DCS. In Indonesia, there is no research on the effects of decompression dives to changes in endothelial function as a trigger of DCS. This study used experimental study design with Cross Over. Primary data was collected through questionnaires, physical examination and laboratory. Samples were selected, systematic randomly 20 people as research subjects each for two groups. The subjects were randomly assigned to a group. Group A was treated with a pressure of 280 kPa on the first day and on the second day entered the RUBT without pressure. Group B were treated with no pressure on the first day and was treated with pressure of 280 kPa on the next day. Each study subject was examined Interleukin-1&amp;#945; using ELISA sandwich quantitative techniques 3 times: before the study, after being given treatment with a pressure of 280 kPa and after treatment without pressure. The results showed that an increase expression of Interleukin-1&amp;#945; better after getting treatment with pressure, or treatment without pressure, but the increase expression of Interleukin-1&amp;#945; larger after being treated with pressure. The mean increase e expression of Interleukin-1&amp;#945; after being treated with pressure is 0:01 &#xB1; 0.01 pg/ml. Conclusions and Recommendations : Good evidence increasing expression of Interleukin-1&amp;#945; meaningful research on the subject after being given treatment with pressure of 280 kPa.]</description><subject>Endothelial Dysfunction</subject><subject>Interleukin-1</subject><identifier>20423490</identifier><source> Dewi Astuty.pdf</source><recordID>20423490</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Iin Dewi Astuty, author
title Pengaruh penyelaman tunggal dekompresi terhadap peningkatan ekspresi interleukin 1 sebagai penanda disfungsi endotel pada penyelam dislambair TNI-AL = Effects of single dive decompression on increased expression of interleukin 1 as markers of endothelial dysfunction in navy diver / Iin Dewi Astuty
publishDate 2016
topic Endothelial Dysfunction
url Dewi Astuty.pdf
contents [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Penyakit Dekompresi (DCS) merupakan keadaan patologis yang mempengaruhi penyelam, astronot, pilot dan pekerja udara terkompresi akibat dari gelembung yang timbul dalam tubuh selama atau setelah penurunan tekanan ambien. Divers Alert Network melaporkan kasus DCS pada penyelam rekreasi sebanyak 651kejadian (23%) dari 2,866. Chichi Wahab, dkk melaporkan sebanyak 62 orang (53%) dari 117 menderita Penyakit Dekompresi pada penyelam tradisional. Reaksi Inflamasi merupakan salah satu penyebab DCS. Di Indonesia belum ada penelitian tentang pengaruh penyelaman dekompresi terhadap perubahan fungsi endotel sebagai pemicu terjadinya DCS. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental rancangan pola silang. Data subjek adalah data primer yang di dapat melalui kuesioner, pemeriksaan fisik dan laboratorium. Sampel dipilih dengan cara random sistematik, diambil 20 orang sebagai subjek penelitian dan dibagi menjadi dua kelompok secara random. Kelompok A diberi perlakuan dengan tekanan 280 kPa pada hari pertama dan pada hari kedua diberi perlakuan masuk RUBT tanpa tekanan. Kelompok B yang diberi perlakuan tanpa tekanan pada hari pertama dan diberi perlakuan dengan tekanan 280 kPa pada hari berikutnya. Tiap Subjek Penelitian dilakukan pemeriksaan Interleukin-1&#945; dengan menggunakan ELISA sandwich teknik kuantitatif sebanyak 3x yaitu sebelum diberikan perlakuan, setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan tekanan 280 kPa dan setelah perlakuan tanpa tekanan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi peningkatan ekspresi Interleukin-1&#945; baik setelah mendapatkan perlakuan dengan tekanan, maupun perlakuan tanpa tekanan, namun kenaikan ekspresi Interleukin-1&#945; lebih besar setelah mendapat perlakuan dengan tekanan. Rerata kenaikan ekspresi Interleukin-1&#945; setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan tekanan sebesar 0.01±0.01 pg/ml. Kesimpulan dan Saran: Dibuktikannya peningkatan ekspresi Interleukin-1&#945; yang bermakna pada subjek penelitian setelah diberikan perlakuan dengan tekanan 280 kPa. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Decompression Illness (DCS) is a pathological condition that affects divers, astronauts, pilots and workers who work in compressed air, as a result of bubbles arising in the body during or after drop in ambient pressure. Divers Alert Network reported cases of DCS in recreational divers as many as 651 events (23%) of 2.8663. Chichi Wahab et al reported 62 people (53%) of 117 suffered from decompression illness in traditional divers. Inflammatory reaction is one of many causes of DCS. In Indonesia, there is no research on the effects of decompression dives to changes in endothelial function as a trigger of DCS. This study used experimental study design with Cross Over. Primary data was collected through questionnaires, physical examination and laboratory. Samples were selected, systematic randomly 20 people as research subjects each for two groups. The subjects were randomly assigned to a group. Group A was treated with a pressure of 280 kPa on the first day and on the second day entered the RUBT without pressure. Group B were treated with no pressure on the first day and was treated with pressure of 280 kPa on the next day. Each study subject was examined Interleukin-1&#945; using ELISA sandwich quantitative techniques 3 times: before the study, after being given treatment with a pressure of 280 kPa and after treatment without pressure. The results showed that an increase expression of Interleukin-1&#945; better after getting treatment with pressure, or treatment without pressure, but the increase expression of Interleukin-1&#945; larger after being treated with pressure. The mean increase e expression of Interleukin-1&#945; after being treated with pressure is 0:01 ± 0.01 pg/ml. Conclusions and Recommendations : Good evidence increasing expression of Interleukin-1&#945; meaningful research on the subject after being given treatment with pressure of 280 kPa., Decompression Illness (DCS) is a pathological condition that affects divers, astronauts, pilots and workers who work in compressed air, as a result of bubbles arising in the body during or after drop in ambient pressure. Divers Alert Network reported cases of DCS in recreational divers as many as 651 events (23%) of 2.8663. Chichi Wahab et al reported 62 people (53%) of 117 suffered from decompression illness in traditional divers. Inflammatory reaction is one of many causes of DCS. In Indonesia, there is no research on the effects of decompression dives to changes in endothelial function as a trigger of DCS. This study used experimental study design with Cross Over. Primary data was collected through questionnaires, physical examination and laboratory. Samples were selected, systematic randomly 20 people as research subjects each for two groups. The subjects were randomly assigned to a group. Group A was treated with a pressure of 280 kPa on the first day and on the second day entered the RUBT without pressure. Group B were treated with no pressure on the first day and was treated with pressure of 280 kPa on the next day. Each study subject was examined Interleukin-1&#945; using ELISA sandwich quantitative techniques 3 times: before the study, after being given treatment with a pressure of 280 kPa and after treatment without pressure. The results showed that an increase expression of Interleukin-1&#945; better after getting treatment with pressure, or treatment without pressure, but the increase expression of Interleukin-1&#945; larger after being treated with pressure. The mean increase e expression of Interleukin-1&#945; after being treated with pressure is 0:01 ± 0.01 pg/ml. Conclusions and Recommendations : Good evidence increasing expression of Interleukin-1&#945; meaningful research on the subject after being given treatment with pressure of 280 kPa.]
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