Sistem penjaminan barang secara gadai antara sistem gadai konvensional dan sistem gadai Syari'ah (Rahn)

Main Authors: Indra Wiguna, author, Add author: Aad Rusyad Nurdin, supervisor, Add author: Yunus Husein, examiner, Add author: Widodo Suryandono, examiner
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: Universitas Indonesia , 2011
Online Access:
ctrlnum 20272633
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><type>Thesis:Masters</type><title>Sistem penjaminan barang secara gadai antara sistem gadai konvensional dan sistem gadai Syari'ah (Rahn)</title><creator>Indra Wiguna, author</creator><creator>Add author: Aad Rusyad Nurdin, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Yunus Husein, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Widodo Suryandono, examiner</creator><publisher>Universitas Indonesia</publisher><date>2011</date><subject>Mortgages--Indonesia</subject><description>[Pegadaian merupakan alternatif yang tepat bagi masyarakat yang membutuhkan dana cepat, karena meminjam dana di pegadaian tidak memerlukan prosedur yang rumit seperti meminjam uang atau meminjam dana di Bank. Ada dua macam gadai di Indonesia, yaitu gadai konvensional dan gadai syari'ah. Bagaimana sistem penjaminan barang menurut gadai syari'ah (rahn) dengan sistem penjaminan barang menurut gadai konvensional? Bagaimana cara pemerintah mensosialisasikan keberadaan pegadaian syari?ah itu sendiri? Bagaimana eksekusi terhadap barang yang digadaikan dalam hal terjadi pinjaman tidak terbayar atau macet? Penulis meneliti masalah tersebut dengan menggunakan bentuk penelitian hukum normatif atau kepustakaan, tipe penelitiannya deskriptif dari data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dengan cara studi pustaka atau dokumen dan didukung dengan data yang diperoleh dari wawancara dengan beberapa narasumber sebagai bahan pelengkap. Pada perkembangannya gadai syari'ah dan gadai konvensional memiliki persamaan dan perbedaan. Gadai konvensional dan gadai syari'ah pada prinsipnya sama, mulai dari pemberian jaminan, pelunasan dan lelang barang gadai. Perbedaan yang mendasar adalah terletak pada akad yang terdapat pada kedua pegadaian tersebut, gadai konvensional hanya memiliki satu akad yaitu akad pinjam meminjam atau gadai, sedangkan akad dalam pegadaian syari'ah ada tiga, yaitu akad rahn, ijaroh dan Al Qardh. Bunga di pegadaian konvensional dihitung berdasarkan besar nilai pinjaman sedangkan pada gadai syari'ah ijaroh dihitung berdasarkan nilai barang jaminan, perhitungan hari yang berbeda, kalau di pegadaian konvensional per 15 hari, sedangkan di pegadaian syari'ah per 10 hari. Di Indonesia belum banyak masyarakat yang mengenal pegadaian syari'ah, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan sosialisasi oleh berbagai pihak baik dari sisi edukasi mengenai pegadaian syari'ah itu sendiri maupun lebih memperbanyak lagi jumlah cabang perum pegadaian syari'ah. Keberadaan pegadaian syari'ah dinilai lebih menguntungkan masyarakat kecil dengan biaya yang rendah. Lelang merupakan suatu mekanisme parate eksekusi yang digunakan baik dalam gadai menurut hukum perdata maupun gadai menurut syari'ah islam. Hal ini didasarkan atas pertimbangan bahwa lelang dianggap lebih mudah, murah, dan tidak melalui proses yang berbelit-belit.;Pawning is a right solution for community who need a loan quickly, because in pawning system needn't a complicated procedure as in Bank. There are two types of pawn in Indonesia which is conventional and Islamic pawn. How does these two systems differ and work? How does the government socialize the law of islamcic pawn itself? How to executed the goods which are pawned if non performing loan happened? The author investigates this topic by the basis of normative law, type of research is descriptive with a second data gained from literature study, and supported by interviews with a number of trusted sources. These two pawn have similarity and differences. They have the same pricipal, from the use of items as guarantee, the payment and the auction of the goods. The basis difference situated on the contracts. Conventional pawn have only one contract which is ?pinjammeminjam? contract or pawn, while there are 2 contracts in Islamic pawn which is ?rahn? contract and ?ijaroh? contract. In Islamic Bank, there are 3 contracts which is Qardh contract, rahn contract, and 'ijaroh? contract. The interest rate in conventional pawn is based on the size of the loan and on the other hand, the rate in Islamic pawn ?ijaroh? is valued from item used as the guarantee. The count of days is also different. The conventional pawn has a time cycle of 15 days, while Islamic pawn has a time cycle of 10 days. In indonesia, a large chunck of the community still is unaware of the Islamic pawn. Therefore, the government should increase the number of branches of Islamic pawn or have to socialize by various parties in educative side so that the community will be more aware of their existency. This will help the lower income group of the community in making safe loan with small interest rate. Auction is a executed mechanism which is used in conventional and Islamic pawn. It is based on consideration that auction was assume easier, cheaper, and needn?t through a complicated processing., Pawning is a right solution for community who need a loan quickly, because in pawning system needn't a complicated procedure as in Bank. There are two types of pawn in Indonesia which is conventional and Islamic pawn. How does these two systems differ and work? How does the government socialize the law of islamcic pawn itself? How to executed the goods which are pawned if non performing loan happened? The author investigates this topic by the basis of normative law, type of research is descriptive with a second data gained from literature study, and supported by interviews with a number of trusted sources. These two pawn have similarity and differences. They have the same pricipal, from the use of items as guarantee, the payment and the auction of the goods. The basis difference situated on the contracts. Conventional pawn have only one contract which is ?pinjammeminjam? contract or pawn, while there are 2 contracts in Islamic pawn which is ?rahn? contract and ?ijaroh? contract. In Islamic Bank, there are 3 contracts which is Qardh contract, rahn contract, and 'ijaroh? contract. The interest rate in conventional pawn is based on the size of the loan and on the other hand, the rate in Islamic pawn ?ijaroh? is valued from item used as the guarantee. The count of days is also different. The conventional pawn has a time cycle of 15 days, while Islamic pawn has a time cycle of 10 days. In indonesia, a large chunck of the community still is unaware of the Islamic pawn. Therefore, the government should increase the number of branches of Islamic pawn or have to socialize by various parties in educative side so that the community will be more aware of their existency. This will help the lower income group of the community in making safe loan with small interest rate. Auction is a executed mechanism which is used in conventional and Islamic pawn. It is based on consideration that auction was assume easier, cheaper, and needn?t through a complicated processing.]</description><identifier></identifier><recordID>20272633</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Indra Wiguna, author
Add author: Aad Rusyad Nurdin, supervisor
Add author: Yunus Husein, examiner
Add author: Widodo Suryandono, examiner
title Sistem penjaminan barang secara gadai antara sistem gadai konvensional dan sistem gadai Syari'ah (Rahn)
publisher Universitas Indonesia
publishDate 2011
topic Mortgages--Indonesia
contents [Pegadaian merupakan alternatif yang tepat bagi masyarakat yang membutuhkan dana cepat, karena meminjam dana di pegadaian tidak memerlukan prosedur yang rumit seperti meminjam uang atau meminjam dana di Bank. Ada dua macam gadai di Indonesia, yaitu gadai konvensional dan gadai syari'ah. Bagaimana sistem penjaminan barang menurut gadai syari'ah (rahn) dengan sistem penjaminan barang menurut gadai konvensional? Bagaimana cara pemerintah mensosialisasikan keberadaan pegadaian syari?ah itu sendiri? Bagaimana eksekusi terhadap barang yang digadaikan dalam hal terjadi pinjaman tidak terbayar atau macet? Penulis meneliti masalah tersebut dengan menggunakan bentuk penelitian hukum normatif atau kepustakaan, tipe penelitiannya deskriptif dari data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dengan cara studi pustaka atau dokumen dan didukung dengan data yang diperoleh dari wawancara dengan beberapa narasumber sebagai bahan pelengkap. Pada perkembangannya gadai syari'ah dan gadai konvensional memiliki persamaan dan perbedaan. Gadai konvensional dan gadai syari'ah pada prinsipnya sama, mulai dari pemberian jaminan, pelunasan dan lelang barang gadai. Perbedaan yang mendasar adalah terletak pada akad yang terdapat pada kedua pegadaian tersebut, gadai konvensional hanya memiliki satu akad yaitu akad pinjam meminjam atau gadai, sedangkan akad dalam pegadaian syari'ah ada tiga, yaitu akad rahn, ijaroh dan Al Qardh. Bunga di pegadaian konvensional dihitung berdasarkan besar nilai pinjaman sedangkan pada gadai syari'ah ijaroh dihitung berdasarkan nilai barang jaminan, perhitungan hari yang berbeda, kalau di pegadaian konvensional per 15 hari, sedangkan di pegadaian syari'ah per 10 hari. Di Indonesia belum banyak masyarakat yang mengenal pegadaian syari'ah, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan sosialisasi oleh berbagai pihak baik dari sisi edukasi mengenai pegadaian syari'ah itu sendiri maupun lebih memperbanyak lagi jumlah cabang perum pegadaian syari'ah. Keberadaan pegadaian syari'ah dinilai lebih menguntungkan masyarakat kecil dengan biaya yang rendah. Lelang merupakan suatu mekanisme parate eksekusi yang digunakan baik dalam gadai menurut hukum perdata maupun gadai menurut syari'ah islam. Hal ini didasarkan atas pertimbangan bahwa lelang dianggap lebih mudah, murah, dan tidak melalui proses yang berbelit-belit.;Pawning is a right solution for community who need a loan quickly, because in pawning system needn't a complicated procedure as in Bank. There are two types of pawn in Indonesia which is conventional and Islamic pawn. How does these two systems differ and work? How does the government socialize the law of islamcic pawn itself? How to executed the goods which are pawned if non performing loan happened? The author investigates this topic by the basis of normative law, type of research is descriptive with a second data gained from literature study, and supported by interviews with a number of trusted sources. These two pawn have similarity and differences. They have the same pricipal, from the use of items as guarantee, the payment and the auction of the goods. The basis difference situated on the contracts. Conventional pawn have only one contract which is ?pinjammeminjam? contract or pawn, while there are 2 contracts in Islamic pawn which is ?rahn? contract and ?ijaroh? contract. In Islamic Bank, there are 3 contracts which is Qardh contract, rahn contract, and 'ijaroh? contract. The interest rate in conventional pawn is based on the size of the loan and on the other hand, the rate in Islamic pawn ?ijaroh? is valued from item used as the guarantee. The count of days is also different. The conventional pawn has a time cycle of 15 days, while Islamic pawn has a time cycle of 10 days. In indonesia, a large chunck of the community still is unaware of the Islamic pawn. Therefore, the government should increase the number of branches of Islamic pawn or have to socialize by various parties in educative side so that the community will be more aware of their existency. This will help the lower income group of the community in making safe loan with small interest rate. Auction is a executed mechanism which is used in conventional and Islamic pawn. It is based on consideration that auction was assume easier, cheaper, and needn?t through a complicated processing., Pawning is a right solution for community who need a loan quickly, because in pawning system needn't a complicated procedure as in Bank. There are two types of pawn in Indonesia which is conventional and Islamic pawn. How does these two systems differ and work? How does the government socialize the law of islamcic pawn itself? How to executed the goods which are pawned if non performing loan happened? The author investigates this topic by the basis of normative law, type of research is descriptive with a second data gained from literature study, and supported by interviews with a number of trusted sources. These two pawn have similarity and differences. They have the same pricipal, from the use of items as guarantee, the payment and the auction of the goods. The basis difference situated on the contracts. Conventional pawn have only one contract which is ?pinjammeminjam? contract or pawn, while there are 2 contracts in Islamic pawn which is ?rahn? contract and ?ijaroh? contract. In Islamic Bank, there are 3 contracts which is Qardh contract, rahn contract, and 'ijaroh? contract. The interest rate in conventional pawn is based on the size of the loan and on the other hand, the rate in Islamic pawn ?ijaroh? is valued from item used as the guarantee. The count of days is also different. The conventional pawn has a time cycle of 15 days, while Islamic pawn has a time cycle of 10 days. In indonesia, a large chunck of the community still is unaware of the Islamic pawn. Therefore, the government should increase the number of branches of Islamic pawn or have to socialize by various parties in educative side so that the community will be more aware of their existency. This will help the lower income group of the community in making safe loan with small interest rate. Auction is a executed mechanism which is used in conventional and Islamic pawn. It is based on consideration that auction was assume easier, cheaper, and needn?t through a complicated processing.]
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