Penerapan kerangka common pool resources pada pengelolaan pembangkit listrik tenaga mikro hidro studi kasus di PLTMH Cinta Mekar, Subang = The application of common pool resources framework on the management of micro hydro power plant : a case study at Micro Hydro Power Plant Cinta Mekar, Subang

Main Authors: Nazmiyah Sayuti, author, Add author: Widyono Soetjipto, supervisor, Add author: Iman Rozani, examiner, Add author: R.H. Achmadi, examiner
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: , 2012
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Tesis ini membahas infrastruktur kelistrikan sebagai kelembagaan yang melibatkan para pelaku dalam pola interaksi yang menghasilkan output dari input yang tersedia. Pembahasan tesis berdasarkan teori Common Pool Resources (CPR) yang mendiskusikan karakteristik sumber daya pengelolaan bersama, tata kelola kelembagaan dan prinsip-prinsip pengelolaannya. Analisis menggunakan IAD Framework (Institutional Analysis and Development) dan IAD Design Principles. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan studi kasus pada Pengelolaan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro (PLTMH) ?Cinta Mekar? di Kecamatan Serangpanjang Kabupaten Subang. PLTMH ini menjadi penting untuk dikaji karena merupakan pengadaan kelistrikan oleh masyarakat setempat dengan model public-private partnership. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui apa yang dihasilkan dan bagaimana pola interaksi dalam pengelolaan PLTMH oleh para stakeholder untuk memaksimalkan manfaat kepada masyarakat pengguna. Selain itu penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui prinsip-prinsip apa yang dipandang penting dalam pengelolaan dan sejauh mana kesesuaiannya terhadap prinsipprinsip CPR. Metodologi penelitian menggunakan metoda kualitatif dengan pengukuran kuantitatif yang memakai TOWS dan AHP. Pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer yakni wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan penyebaran kuisioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil dan pola interaksi pengelolaan PLTMH Cinta Mekar secara umum mencapai sasarannya dan sesuai terhadap prinsip-prinsip CPR yang menunjang keberlanjutan dan kemampuan adaptasi. <hr> <b>Abstract</b><br> The thesis examines electricity infrastructure as an institution which involve users in an interaction pattern in producing output with given input. The discussion is based on the theory of common pool resources (CPR) which display a set of characteristics, institutional governance and a set of design principles. The analysis is conducted with IAD Framework and IAD Design Principles. The ground work uses the case study of micro-hydro power plant at Cinta Mekar, in the subdistrict of Serangpanjang, Subang. The study on the management of the micro hydro is important because it is an electricity infrastructure managed by the locals in public-private partnership model. The study focuses on answering the questions: what are the outcomes and how do the stakeholders interact in managing the resources to deliver maximum benefit to the people? What are the governing principles that are considered important to achieve sustainability and adaptability and how it is compared to the design principles of the common pool resources? The research methodology uses qualitative approach with the quantitative measurement of TOWS and AHP. The data collection uses primary data which include comprehensive interviews, observation, and questionnaires. The research study shows that the outcome and the interaction pattern of the micro-hydro management achieve its targeted benefits, and the governing rules are in accordance with CPR design principles.;The thesis examines electricity infrastructure as an institution which involve users in an interaction pattern in producing output with given input. The discussion is based on the theory of common pool resources (CPR) which display a set of characteristics, institutional governance and a set of design principles. The analysis is conducted with IAD Framework and IAD Design Principles. The ground work uses the case study of micro-hydro power plant at Cinta Mekar, in the subdistrict of Serangpanjang, Subang. The study on the management of the micro hydro is important because it is an electricity infrastructure managed by the locals in public-private partnership model. The study focuses on answering the questions: what are the outcomes and how do the stakeholders interact in managing the resources to deliver maximum benefit to the people? What are the governing principles that are considered important to achieve sustainability and adaptability and how it is compared to the design principles of the common pool resources? The research methodology uses qualitative approach with the quantitative measurement of TOWS and AHP. The data collection uses primary data which include comprehensive interviews, observation, and questionnaires. The research study shows that the outcome and the interaction pattern of the micro-hydro management achieve its targeted benefits, and the governing rules are in accordance with CPR design principles., The thesis examines electricity infrastructure as an institution which involve users in an interaction pattern in producing output with given input. The discussion is based on the theory of common pool resources (CPR) which display a set of characteristics, institutional governance and a set of design principles. The analysis is conducted with IAD Framework and IAD Design Principles. The ground work uses the case study of micro-hydro power plant at Cinta Mekar, in the subdistrict of Serangpanjang, Subang. The study on the management of the micro hydro is important because it is an electricity infrastructure managed by the locals in public-private partnership model. The study focuses on answering the questions: what are the outcomes and how do the stakeholders interact in managing the resources to deliver maximum benefit to the people? What are the governing principles that are considered important to achieve sustainability and adaptability and how it is compared to the design principles of the common pool resources? The research methodology uses qualitative approach with the quantitative measurement of TOWS and AHP. The data collection uses primary data which include comprehensive interviews, observation, and questionnaires. The research study shows that the outcome and the interaction pattern of the micro-hydro management achieve its targeted benefits, and the governing rules are in accordance with CPR design principles.]