Rekonstruksi Maskulinitas dalam Novel Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita Karya Cok Sawitri

Main Authors: Fitria Pratiwi, author, Add author: Mina Elfira, supervisor, Add author: Fauzan Muslim, examiner, Add author: Mantik, Maria Josephine, examiner
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: , 2012
Online Access:
ctrlnum 20315140
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><type>Thesis:Masters</type><title>Rekonstruksi Maskulinitas dalam Novel Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita Karya Cok Sawitri</title><creator>Fitria Pratiwi, author</creator><creator>Add author: Mina Elfira, supervisor</creator><creator>Add author: Fauzan Muslim, examiner</creator><creator>Add author: Mantik, Maria Josephine, examiner</creator><publisher/><date>2012</date><subject/><description>[&lt;b&gt;ABSTRAK&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt; Tesis ini merupakan analisis kesusastraan dari novel Cok Sawitri yang berjudul Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita (2011) menggunakan teori gynocritics. Cerita tantri yang sudah akrab sebagai tradisi lisan maupun karya sastra klasik Bali, dihadirkan kembali oleh Cok Sawitri dengan mengubah nilai-nilai di dalamnya. Kesetaraan gender, serta perubahan konstruksi maskulinitas maupun femininitas tampak dalam novel ini. Representasi konsep maskulinitas dan femininitas oleh tokoh-tokoh novel diungkapkan untuk melihat permasalahan pertarungan (kontestasi) gender dalam novel ini. Melalui teori gynocritics milik Elaine Showalter yang mengkaji hubungan antara budaya dan karya dari penulis perempuan (women?s writing and women?s culture), ditemukan sebuah perubahan konstruksi maskulinitas yang sudah langgeng dalam masyarakat dan budaya patriarkal Bali. Selain itu, teori Connell tentang maskulinitas mengungkapkan bahwa nilai maskulinitas berubah dan berbeda sesuai masyarakat yang menghidupinya. Melalui rekonstruksi maskulinitas dan femininitas dalam penokohan yang terjadi dalam novel ini terlihat bahwa nilai-nilai maskulinitas maupun femininitas masyarakat dan budaya Bali tidaklah tetap, tetapi dapat dinegosiasi dan dikontestasikan sehingga menghasilkan konstruksi baru.;This thesis is an analysis of the Cok Sawitri literary novel titled Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita (Tantri: Women of Storytelling (2011)), using the theory of gynocritics. Tantri story is a familiar Bali story as an oral traditions and classical literature, brought back by Cok Sawitri by changing the values in it. Gender equality as well as the construction changes of masculinity and femininity appears in this novel. Representation of the concept of masculinity and femininity by figures disclosed novel to see the fight the problem (conflict) gender in this novel. Through Elaine Showalter's gynocritics theory that examines the relationship between culture and the work of women writers (women's writing and women's culture), founded a change in the construction of masculinity that has been sustained in a patriarchal society and culture of Bali. In addition, theories about Connell masculinity revealed that masculinity was changing and different values according to the people who live it. Through the reconstruction of the masculinity and femininity in characterizations that occurred in the novel is seen that the values of masculinity and femininity society and culture is not fixed, but can be negotiated and contested so as to produce a new construction.;This thesis is an analysis of the Cok Sawitri literary novel titled Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita (Tantri: Women of Storytelling (2011)), using the theory of gynocritics. Tantri story is a familiar Bali story as an oral traditions and classical literature, brought back by Cok Sawitri by changing the values in it. Gender equality as well as the construction changes of masculinity and femininity appears in this novel. Representation of the concept of masculinity and femininity by figures disclosed novel to see the fight the problem (conflict) gender in this novel. Through Elaine Showalter's gynocritics theory that examines the relationship between culture and the work of women writers (women's writing and women's culture), founded a change in the construction of masculinity that has been sustained in a patriarchal society and culture of Bali. In addition, theories about Connell masculinity revealed that masculinity was changing and different values according to the people who live it. Through the reconstruction of the masculinity and femininity in characterizations that occurred in the novel is seen that the values of masculinity and femininity society and culture is not fixed, but can be negotiated and contested so as to produce a new construction.;This thesis is an analysis of the Cok Sawitri literary novel titled Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita (Tantri: Women of Storytelling (2011)), using the theory of gynocritics. Tantri story is a familiar Bali story as an oral traditions and classical literature, brought back by Cok Sawitri by changing the values in it. Gender equality as well as the construction changes of masculinity and femininity appears in this novel. Representation of the concept of masculinity and femininity by figures disclosed novel to see the fight the problem (conflict) gender in this novel. Through Elaine Showalter's gynocritics theory that examines the relationship between culture and the work of women writers (women's writing and women's culture), founded a change in the construction of masculinity that has been sustained in a patriarchal society and culture of Bali. In addition, theories about Connell masculinity revealed that masculinity was changing and different values according to the people who live it. Through the reconstruction of the masculinity and femininity in characterizations that occurred in the novel is seen that the values of masculinity and femininity society and culture is not fixed, but can be negotiated and contested so as to produce a new construction., This thesis is an analysis of the Cok Sawitri literary novel titled Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita (Tantri: Women of Storytelling (2011)), using the theory of gynocritics. Tantri story is a familiar Bali story as an oral traditions and classical literature, brought back by Cok Sawitri by changing the values in it. Gender equality as well as the construction changes of masculinity and femininity appears in this novel. Representation of the concept of masculinity and femininity by figures disclosed novel to see the fight the problem (conflict) gender in this novel. Through Elaine Showalter's gynocritics theory that examines the relationship between culture and the work of women writers (women's writing and women's culture), founded a change in the construction of masculinity that has been sustained in a patriarchal society and culture of Bali. In addition, theories about Connell masculinity revealed that masculinity was changing and different values according to the people who live it. Through the reconstruction of the masculinity and femininity in characterizations that occurred in the novel is seen that the values of masculinity and femininity society and culture is not fixed, but can be negotiated and contested so as to produce a new construction.]</description><identifier></identifier><recordID>20315140</recordID></dc>
format Thesis:Masters
author Fitria Pratiwi, author
Add author: Mina Elfira, supervisor
Add author: Fauzan Muslim, examiner
Add author: Mantik, Maria Josephine, examiner
title Rekonstruksi Maskulinitas dalam Novel Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita Karya Cok Sawitri
publishDate 2012
contents [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Tesis ini merupakan analisis kesusastraan dari novel Cok Sawitri yang berjudul Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita (2011) menggunakan teori gynocritics. Cerita tantri yang sudah akrab sebagai tradisi lisan maupun karya sastra klasik Bali, dihadirkan kembali oleh Cok Sawitri dengan mengubah nilai-nilai di dalamnya. Kesetaraan gender, serta perubahan konstruksi maskulinitas maupun femininitas tampak dalam novel ini. Representasi konsep maskulinitas dan femininitas oleh tokoh-tokoh novel diungkapkan untuk melihat permasalahan pertarungan (kontestasi) gender dalam novel ini. Melalui teori gynocritics milik Elaine Showalter yang mengkaji hubungan antara budaya dan karya dari penulis perempuan (women?s writing and women?s culture), ditemukan sebuah perubahan konstruksi maskulinitas yang sudah langgeng dalam masyarakat dan budaya patriarkal Bali. Selain itu, teori Connell tentang maskulinitas mengungkapkan bahwa nilai maskulinitas berubah dan berbeda sesuai masyarakat yang menghidupinya. Melalui rekonstruksi maskulinitas dan femininitas dalam penokohan yang terjadi dalam novel ini terlihat bahwa nilai-nilai maskulinitas maupun femininitas masyarakat dan budaya Bali tidaklah tetap, tetapi dapat dinegosiasi dan dikontestasikan sehingga menghasilkan konstruksi baru.;This thesis is an analysis of the Cok Sawitri literary novel titled Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita (Tantri: Women of Storytelling (2011)), using the theory of gynocritics. Tantri story is a familiar Bali story as an oral traditions and classical literature, brought back by Cok Sawitri by changing the values in it. Gender equality as well as the construction changes of masculinity and femininity appears in this novel. Representation of the concept of masculinity and femininity by figures disclosed novel to see the fight the problem (conflict) gender in this novel. Through Elaine Showalter's gynocritics theory that examines the relationship between culture and the work of women writers (women's writing and women's culture), founded a change in the construction of masculinity that has been sustained in a patriarchal society and culture of Bali. In addition, theories about Connell masculinity revealed that masculinity was changing and different values according to the people who live it. Through the reconstruction of the masculinity and femininity in characterizations that occurred in the novel is seen that the values of masculinity and femininity society and culture is not fixed, but can be negotiated and contested so as to produce a new construction.;This thesis is an analysis of the Cok Sawitri literary novel titled Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita (Tantri: Women of Storytelling (2011)), using the theory of gynocritics. Tantri story is a familiar Bali story as an oral traditions and classical literature, brought back by Cok Sawitri by changing the values in it. Gender equality as well as the construction changes of masculinity and femininity appears in this novel. Representation of the concept of masculinity and femininity by figures disclosed novel to see the fight the problem (conflict) gender in this novel. Through Elaine Showalter's gynocritics theory that examines the relationship between culture and the work of women writers (women's writing and women's culture), founded a change in the construction of masculinity that has been sustained in a patriarchal society and culture of Bali. In addition, theories about Connell masculinity revealed that masculinity was changing and different values according to the people who live it. Through the reconstruction of the masculinity and femininity in characterizations that occurred in the novel is seen that the values of masculinity and femininity society and culture is not fixed, but can be negotiated and contested so as to produce a new construction.;This thesis is an analysis of the Cok Sawitri literary novel titled Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita (Tantri: Women of Storytelling (2011)), using the theory of gynocritics. Tantri story is a familiar Bali story as an oral traditions and classical literature, brought back by Cok Sawitri by changing the values in it. Gender equality as well as the construction changes of masculinity and femininity appears in this novel. Representation of the concept of masculinity and femininity by figures disclosed novel to see the fight the problem (conflict) gender in this novel. Through Elaine Showalter's gynocritics theory that examines the relationship between culture and the work of women writers (women's writing and women's culture), founded a change in the construction of masculinity that has been sustained in a patriarchal society and culture of Bali. In addition, theories about Connell masculinity revealed that masculinity was changing and different values according to the people who live it. Through the reconstruction of the masculinity and femininity in characterizations that occurred in the novel is seen that the values of masculinity and femininity society and culture is not fixed, but can be negotiated and contested so as to produce a new construction., This thesis is an analysis of the Cok Sawitri literary novel titled Tantri: Perempuan yang Bercerita (Tantri: Women of Storytelling (2011)), using the theory of gynocritics. Tantri story is a familiar Bali story as an oral traditions and classical literature, brought back by Cok Sawitri by changing the values in it. Gender equality as well as the construction changes of masculinity and femininity appears in this novel. Representation of the concept of masculinity and femininity by figures disclosed novel to see the fight the problem (conflict) gender in this novel. Through Elaine Showalter's gynocritics theory that examines the relationship between culture and the work of women writers (women's writing and women's culture), founded a change in the construction of masculinity that has been sustained in a patriarchal society and culture of Bali. In addition, theories about Connell masculinity revealed that masculinity was changing and different values according to the people who live it. Through the reconstruction of the masculinity and femininity in characterizations that occurred in the novel is seen that the values of masculinity and femininity society and culture is not fixed, but can be negotiated and contested so as to produce a new construction.]
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