Orientasi kesalahan (Error) teknisi helicopter PT. SST tahun 2008 = error orientation of PT. SST's Helicopter Engineer 2008

Main Authors: Ukie Ardianto, author, Add author: Ridwan Zahdi Syaaf, supervisor, Add author: Baiduri, examiner, Add author: Dadan Erwandi, examiner, Add author: Joenoes Samuel Momot, examiner
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: , 2008
Online Access: https://lib.ui.ac.id/detail?id=20340002
Daftar Isi:
  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Kecelakaan Pesawat terbang ada1ah salah satu dari kecelakaan organisasi yang telah menyebabkan banyak dari korban jiwa.70-80% kecelakaan pesawat disebabkan oleh Kesalahan Manusia {Johnson. 2003; Sarter. 2000), Keselamatan operasional penerbangan sangat tergantung pada usaha untuk memperkecil kesalahan di semua bagian dari sistem penerbangan, termasuk bagian perawatan pesawat. Perawatan dan Inspeksi pesawat merupakan bagian dari sebauh organisasi yang kompleks, dimana seorang teknisi pesawat dalam melaksanakan pekerjannya berada dalam kondisi dengan tingkat interaksi (hands-on) yang sangat tinggi, tekanan waktu dan beberapa kondisi sulit lainnya, kombinasi antara situasi ini dengan tendensi umum terjadinya kesalahan manusia dapat memicu terjadinya beberapa kesalahan. Strategi pencegahan yang telah dilakukan setama ini tidak dapat menjamin system keselamatan penerbangan I 00% bebas dati kesalahan, sebab kesalahan tidak dapat dieleminasi keseluruh-an. Kita memerlukan strategi pencegahan untuk menangani kesalahan yang terjadi untuk mengurangi dampak yang dpat ditimbu1kan I atau memperbaiki kesalahan untuk mencapai sasaran yang diinginkan, strategi ini dinamankan manajemen kesalahan. Orientasi Kesalahan (Sikap terhadap kesalahan dan bagaimana penanganannya) adalah indikasi dari budaya manajemen error sebuah perusahaan, dan Jika sebuah perusahaan ingin melakukan perubahan terhadap manajemen kesalahannya, perusahaan tersebut perlu melakukan pengukuran terhadap orientasi kesalahan (Rybowiak et al., 1999). Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran orientasi kesalaha pada Teknisi Helikopter PT, SST dan bagaimana perbedaan dalam lama bekerja di perusahaan, 1ama bekerja sebagai teknisi helicopter.posisi fungsional teknls, dan tingkat pendidikan berhubungan dengan orientasi error pekerja. Sebanyak 56 orang Teknisi Helikopter PT. SST di minta untuk menjawab pertanyaan mengenai orientasi error mereka dengan menggunakan Error Orientation Questionaire versiIndonesia, yang berisikan 8 variabel mengenai sikap terhadap error dan penanganannya yaitu? <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Aircraft accident is one of organizational accident which causes plenty of fatalities, 70-80% of the accident is caused by Human Error {Johnson, 2003; Sarter, 2000}. Aviation safety depends on minimizing error in all facets of the system, including in aviation maintenance. Aviation maintenance tasks are part of a complex organization, where individuals perform varied tasks in an environment with highly hands-on. time pressures. and sometimes difficult ambient conditions, these situational characteristics. in combination with generic human erring tendencies, result in varied forms of error. Error Prevention strategy cannot guarantee the aviation safety systems is 100% free of error, eror still occur because error can not be totally eliminated. We need strategy of handling the error occurrence to decrease negative consequences of error or recovery from error to reach the goal, this strategy called error management. Error orientation (Attitudes towards errors and how oe deals with them) is indication of a company's error management culture, and if a company altempts to change its error management culture. the company needs a measure of error orientation (Rybowiak et. al 1999). This paper explores error orientation profile in PT. SST's Helicopter Engineer and how differences in work experience in the company, work experience as helicopter engineer, technical position in PT. SST maintenance organization structure, and formal education background may contribute to different error orientation. A total of 56 volunteers from PT. SST's Helicopter Engineer were asked co describe their workplace error orientation with the Indonesian version of the EOQ, which consists 8 Variable of error orientation: Error Complence, Learning From Error, Error Risk Taking, Error Strain, Error Anticipation, Covering Up Error, Communication About Error, dan Thiinking About Error. ;Aircraft accident is one of organizational accident which causes plenty of fatalities, 70-80% of the accident is caused by Human Error {Johnson, 2003; Sarter, 2000}. Aviation safety depends on minimizing error in all facets of the system, including in aviation maintenance. Aviation maintenance tasks are part of a complex organization, where individuals perform varied tasks in an environment with highly hands-on. time pressures. and sometimes difficult ambient conditions, these situational characteristics. in combination with generic human erring tendencies, result in varied forms of error. Error Prevention strategy cannot guarantee the aviation safety systems is 100% free of error, eror still occur because error can not be totally eliminated. We need strategy of handling the error occurrence to decrease negative consequences of error or recovery from error to reach the goal, this strategy called error management. Error orientation (Attitudes towards errors and how oe deals with them) is indication of a company's error management culture, and if a company altempts to change its error management culture. the company needs a measure of error orientation (Rybowiak et. al 1999). This paper explores error orientation profile in PT. SST's Helicopter Engineer and how differences in work experience in the company, work experience as helicopter engineer, technical position in PT. SST maintenance organization structure, and formal education background may contribute to different error orientation. A total of 56 volunteers from PT. SST's Helicopter Engineer were asked co describe their workplace error orientation with the Indonesian version of the EOQ, which consists 8 Variable of error orientation: Error Complence, Learning From Error, Error Risk Taking, Error Strain, Error Anticipation, Covering Up Error, Communication About Error, dan Thiinking About Error. , Aircraft accident is one of organizational accident which causes plenty of fatalities, 70-80% of the accident is caused by Human Error {Johnson, 2003; Sarter, 2000}. Aviation safety depends on minimizing error in all facets of the system, including in aviation maintenance. Aviation maintenance tasks are part of a complex organization, where individuals perform varied tasks in an environment with highly hands-on. time pressures. and sometimes difficult ambient conditions, these situational characteristics. in combination with generic human erring tendencies, result in varied forms of error. Error Prevention strategy cannot guarantee the aviation safety systems is 100% free of error, eror still occur because error can not be totally eliminated. We need strategy of handling the error occurrence to decrease negative consequences of error or recovery from error to reach the goal, this strategy called error management. Error orientation (Attitudes towards errors and how oe deals with them) is indication of a company's error management culture, and if a company altempts to change its error management culture. the company needs a measure of error orientation (Rybowiak et. al 1999). This paper explores error orientation profile in PT. SST's Helicopter Engineer and how differences in work experience in the company, work experience as helicopter engineer, technical position in PT. SST maintenance organization structure, and formal education background may contribute to different error orientation. A total of 56 volunteers from PT. SST's Helicopter Engineer were asked co describe their workplace error orientation with the Indonesian version of the EOQ, which consists 8 Variable of error orientation: Error Complence, Learning From Error, Error Risk Taking, Error Strain, Error Anticipation, Covering Up Error, Communication About Error, dan Thiinking About Error. ]