Analisis strategi pemasaran jasa di industri headhunter (studi kasus PT. Global Liaquat Consulting) = Analysis of service marketing strategy in the headhunter industry (case study ofP7T Global Liaquat Consulting)

Main Authors: Bayu Perkasa Temadja, author, Add author: Bambang Wiharto, supervisor, Add author: Rima Agristina, examiner, Add author: Mohammad Hamsal, examiner
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: , 2010
Online Access:
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Dengan pemahaman bahwa kompetisi yang makin ketat dengan pesaing di industri yang sama, ditambah dengan gejala klien-klien yang menggunakan jasa headhzmrer yang semakin banyak tuntutamaya, maka sudah selayaknyalah GLC mempunyai strategi pemasaran yang lebih baik untuk mencapai objektif bisnisnya. GLC akan mampu mcmbedakan dirinya dari kompctitomya hanya pada kemampuan GLC dalam membcrikan pelayanan yang baik secara berkelanjutan. Kualitas kandidat, speed atau kecepatan dalam mcngirimkan kandidat dan kualitas hubungan dengan para klien itu sendiri menjadi sangat penting. Metadologi yang digunakan untuk dalam tesis ini adalah observasi dan wawancara. Metode ini dilakukan untuk memahami strategi pemasarnn yang dilakukan GLC. Diperlukannya pcnelitian lebih lanjut untuk memperkuat analisis dan pembahasan dari strategi pemasaran GLC ini <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> With an understanding that the competition is getting jiercer in the headhunter industry, and in addition the clients are more demanding in their necessities, it is apparent that GLC must have a better marketing strategy to achieve their business objective. GLC would be able to d@rentiate themselves from the competition by giving good services continuously. Quality of candidates, speed and the qualify of relationship with the clients are important. The methodology used in this thesis is observation and interview. This methodology is done to understand the marketing strategy of GLC. There is a need to conduct further research to strengthen the analysis and study of this marketing strategy of GLC.;With an understanding that the competition is getting jiercer in the headhunter industry, and in addition the clients are more demanding in their necessities, it is apparent that GLC must have a better marketing strategy to achieve their business objective. GLC would be able to d@rentiate themselves from the competition by giving good services continuously. Quality of candidates, speed and the qualify of relationship with the clients are important. The methodology used in this thesis is observation and interview. This methodology is done to understand the marketing strategy of GLC. There is a need to conduct further research to strengthen the analysis and study of this marketing strategy of GLC., With an understanding that the competition is getting jiercer in the headhunter industry, and in addition the clients are more demanding in their necessities, it is apparent that GLC must have a better marketing strategy to achieve their business objective. GLC would be able to d@rentiate themselves from the competition by giving good services continuously. Quality of candidates, speed and the qualify of relationship with the clients are important. The methodology used in this thesis is observation and interview. This methodology is done to understand the marketing strategy of GLC. There is a need to conduct further research to strengthen the analysis and study of this marketing strategy of GLC.]