Hubungan hand-arm vibration syndrome dengan pajanan vibrasi segmental pada pekezja bagian assembling pabrik mobil ?X? di Jawa Barat sorta faktor-faktor yang berhubungan, 2009 = Association between hand-arm vibration syndrome and segmental vibration exposure among the assembling department car factory workers in West Java and the others related factors, 2009

Main Authors: Sugih Firman, author, Add author: Eva Suarthana, supervisor, Add author: Fitri Octaviana, supervisor, Add author: Astrid B. Sulistomo, examiner, Add author: Bob Santoso, examiner
Format: Masters Thesis
Terbitan: , 2009
Online Access:
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  • [<b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Ruang Lingkup dan metodologi Alat bantu kerja yang bergetar untuk mempencepat proscs produksi di industri sangat banyak digunakan dan rutin digunakan setiap harinya. Oleh karena itu, perlu diketahui prevalensi hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS) pada pekerja ini serta melihat pula faktor-faktor yang berhubungan. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Dengan teknik total sampling didapatkan 105 responden.Setiap responden dilakukan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik, pengukuran tingkat akselerasi alat yang digunakannya dengan vibration meter. Diagnosis HAVS dinilai pada dua tangan berdasarkan klasifikasi Stockholm. Penelitian dilakukan di bagian assembling PT X, Jawa Barat. Hasil dan kesimpulnn Dari hasil 105 responden bagian assembling PT X, Jawa Barat didapatkan 28(27,l8%) orang mengalami HAVS dalam berbagai stadium menuzut klasiiikasi Stockholm. Jenis alat yang digunakan responden terdiri dari berbagai jenis di setiap bagiannya. Bagian dengan alat yang paling besar dan berat terdapat di bagian chassis dengan rata-rata scberat 2,19 kg dengan SD 0,79 kg. Demikian juga dengan tingkat akselerasi alat yang bervariasi di tiap bagiannya dan bagian chassis pulg yang berakselerasi paling besar yaim sebesar 31,68 m/sz dcngan so 15,91 rn/s . Pekerja yang tidak mendapatkan pelatihan akan memiliki risiko sebesar hampir 7 kali untuk menderita HAVS (95% CI 2,18 - 2l,68, OR=7,44 dan p=0,00I). Penggunaan alat berakselerasi 12 m/sz atau lebih tinggi memiliki risiko HAVS sebesar hampir 6 kali lebih besar dibandingkan dengan yang berakselerasi kurang dari 12 m/s (95% Cl 0,68 - 48,26, OR= 5,74 dan p=0,l08). Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak adanya pelatihan tentang cara penggunaan alat bergetar merupakan risiko HAVS yang terkuat. <hr> <b>ABSTRACT</b><br> Vibrating tools are commonly instruments used in the industrial sector because of their effectiveness in shortened the time needed in the industrial process. Therefore, it is necessary to know the prevalence of Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome as well as its association factors. This study used cross sectional design. Sample selection used total population technique. Interview, physical examination and tool acceleration measurement with vibration meter, were administered in every respondent. HAVS was diagnosed for each hand according to Stockholm classification. The study was conducted in assembling department of car factory *X* in West Java near the workers workplace. Results, conclusion and suggestion Out of 105 respondents, 28 (27.l8%) suffered from HAVS according to Stockholm classification. The respondents use many types of tools in each sub department. Chassis sub department showed the heaviest vibrating tools (mean 2.19 kg, SD 0.79 kg) as well as the highest acceleration (31.68 m/sz, SD 15.91 m/sz). Statistically, there were not any significant association between tools weight and the occurrence of HAVS. However, training program showed significant association with HAVS (OR=7.44 95% Cl 2.41 - 22.98, p<0.00l). The absence of training increased the risk of HAVS almost 7 times than those who joined the training (95% CI 2.18 - 21.68, 0R=7.44 and p=0.001). The usage of tools with acceleration 12 rn/sz or higher increased the risk of HAVS almost 6 times than those below 12 m/sz (95% CI 0.68 _ 48.26, oR= 5.14 and p=o.1os). n is concluded that the absence of training program was the strongest risk factor of HAVS., Vibrating tools are commonly instruments used in the industrial sector because of their effectiveness in shortened the time needed in the industrial process. Therefore, it is necessary to know the prevalence of Hand-Arm Vibration Syndrome as well as its association factors. This study used cross sectional design. Sample selection used total population technique. Interview, physical examination and tool acceleration measurement with vibration meter, were administered in every respondent. HAVS was diagnosed for each hand according to Stockholm classification. The study was conducted in assembling department of car factory *X* in West Java near the workers workplace. Results, conclusion and suggestion Out of 105 respondents, 28 (27.l8%) suffered from HAVS according to Stockholm classification. The respondents use many types of tools in each sub department. Chassis sub department showed the heaviest vibrating tools (mean 2.19 kg, SD 0.79 kg) as well as the highest acceleration (31.68 m/sz, SD 15.91 m/sz). Statistically, there were not any significant association between tools weight and the occurrence of HAVS. However, training program showed significant association with HAVS (OR=7.44 95% Cl 2.41 - 22.98, p<0.00l). The absence of training increased the risk of HAVS almost 7 times than those who joined the training (95% CI 2.18 - 21.68, 0R=7.44 and p=0.001). The usage of tools with acceleration 12 rn/sz or higher increased the risk of HAVS almost 6 times than those below 12 m/sz (95% CI 0.68 _ 48.26, oR= 5.14 and p=o.1os). n is concluded that the absence of training program was the strongest risk factor of HAVS.]