Analisis pendekatan komunikasi partisipatif dalam upaya meningkatkan pemberdayaan (studi pada program forum anak Jakarta dampingan world vision Indonesia) = Analysis of participatory communication approach in the effort of improving empowerment (study of the Jakarta children forum, a program assisted by world vision Indonesia) / Shanti Sasmitaningsari
Main Authors: | Shanti Sasmitaningsari, author, Add author: Nia Sarinastiti, supervisor, Add author: Firman Kurniawan Sujono, examiner, Add author: Effy Zalfiana Rusfian, examiner |
Format: | Masters Thesis |
Terbitan: |
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia
, 2016
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Online Access: | |
Daftar Isi:
- Meski populasi anak Indonesia menempati sepertiga dari keseluruhan populasi masyarakat Indonesia, kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa selama ini pemerintah lebih memusatkan pembangunan pada bidang ekonomi dan infrastruktur tanpa mempertimbangkan unsur kepentingan terbaik anak dalam pengambilan keputusan. Ini disebabkan rendahnya akses anak-anak terhadap pengambilan keputusan. Padahal suara anak berpotensi mengubah masa depan Indonesia. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan metode perolehan data berupa FGD dan in-depth interview. Melalui teori komunikasi partisipatif, partisipasi dan pemberdayaan anak, penelitian ini menggali dampak komunikasi partisipatif yang diimplementasikan dalam setiap fase program pembangunan RPTRA (Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak) Kembangan terhadap pemberdayaan anak. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa meski pola komunikasi partisipatif ideal (Pemberdayaan) tidak terjadi di setiap fase program, namun potensi pemberdayaan anak tetap terjadi pada tataran ideal, yakni Youth-Adult Shared Control Participation Types: Pluralistic. Kualitas keterlibatan serta konsistensi pengambil kebijakan dan NGO pendamping untuk selalu menerapkan "kesetaraan" menjadi faktor kunci dalam pemberdayaan anak, yang terepresentasikan lewat kepercayaan diri untuk berani memutuskan solusi terbaik suatu persoalan sosial serta komitmen untuk melakukan aksi nyata bagi persoalan tersebut. ......Although the population of Indonesian children occupied one-third of the entire population in Indonesia, the fact shows that the government focuses more on the development of the economy and infrastructure all this time, without examining the best interests of the children?s element in decision making. This is due to lack of children's access toward decision making. Whereas potentially, the voice of children changes the future of Indonesia. This is a qualitative research by using data acquisition methods such as Focus Group Discussions and in-depth interview. These studies explore the impacts of participatory communication toward children's empowerment which are theoretically assessed in Participatory Communication and Youth Participation and Empowerment. The analysis is conducted on the participatory communication's approach pattern that comes to pass between the Government of DKI Jakarta (as the policy maker) and the Jakarta Children Forum (as the most affected party) in each phase (assessment, strategy design, implementation, and evaluation) of the RPTRA (Ruang Publik Terpadu Rumah Anak) Kembangan's development program. The findings show that despite the ideal participatory communication patterns do not occur in every phase of the program, however the possibilities of children?s empowerment still occur at the ideal level, namely Youth-Adult Shared Control Participation Types: Pluralistic. The quality of the involvement with consistency of policy makers and NGO companion to always apply "equality" become the key factors in the children empowerment, which is represented through the confidence to be courageous to decide the best solution of a social issue and a commitment to perform concrete action toward the issue.