Seroprevalens dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan status serologi campak pada anak HIV di RSUPN Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta = Measles seroprevalens and its related factors in HIV children at Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta

Main Authors: Lubis, Mahrani, author, Add author: Nia Kurniati, supervisor, Add author: Bernie Endyarni Medise, supervisor, Add author: Dina Muktiarti, examiner, Add author: Ari Prayitno, examiner, Add author: Hikari Ambara Sjakti, examiner, Add author: Ketut Dewi Kumara Wati, examiner
Format: Bachelors Thesis
Terbitan: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia , 2020
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  • <b>ABSTRAK</b><br> Latar belakang: Anak HIV yang hidup di daerah endemis campak harus memiliki antibodi campak yang protektif karena mereka memiliki risiko lebih tinggi untuk terinfeksi dan mendapatkan komplikasinya. Belum ada laporan mengenai seroprevalens antibodi campak pada anak HIV di Jakarta. Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seroprevalens antibodi campak dan faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengannya pada anak-anak HIV. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan studi potong lintang yang dilakukan di poliklinik Alergi-Imunologi RSCM pada Desember 2019 hingga Februari 2020. Kriteria inklusi adalah anak usia 1-18 tahun yang telah didiagnosis terinfeksi HIV dan bersedia ikut dalam penelitian. Sampel darah diperiksa untuk mengetahui nilai IgG anti campak. Seroprotektif jika nilai IgG anti campak ≥330 IU/l. Data dikumpulkan dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji regresi logistik. Hasil: Dari 74 subjek, didapatkan laki-laki 44 orang (59,5%), 64,9% anak didiagnosis terinfeksi HIV dan mendapatkan terapi ART pada usia 12 sampai 60 bulan, 73% anak mendapatkan vaksin campak pertama mereka pada usia kurang dari 12 bulan, 52,7% mendapat vaksin campak yang terakhir pada usia sekolah, dan 55,4% mendapatkan vaksinasi campak sebanyak dua kali atau lebih. Sebagian besar pasien tanpa imunodefisiensi (86,5%), dan 50% subjek memiliki status seroprotektif antibodi campak. Tidak ada hubungan bermakna antara status seroprotektif antibodi campak dengan usia, usia vaksinasi campak pertama, frekuensi vaksinasi campak, dan status imunodefisiensi. Simpulan: Sebesar 50% anak HIV memiliki antibodi campak protektif. Status seroprotektif ini tidak memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan usia, usia vaksinasi campak pertama, frekuensi vaksinasi campak, dan status imunodefisiensi. <hr> Background: HIV children living in endemic measles areas must have protective measles antibodies because they have a higher risk to be infected and get complications. There are no reports of measles antibody seroprevalence in HIV children in Jakarta. Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the seroprevalens of measles antibodies and its related factors in HIV children. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted at the RSCM Allergy-Immunology Clinic from December 2019 to February 2020. Inclusion criteria were children aged 1- 18 years who had been diagnosed with HIV and were willing to participate in this study. Blood samples were examined to determine the value of anti-measles IgG. Seroprotective if IgG anti-measles titre ≥330 IU/l. Data is collected and analyzed using logistic regression test. Results: Of 74 samples, there were 44 men (59.5%), 64.9% of children were diagnosed with HIV and received ART at 12 to 60 months, 73% of children received their first measles vaccine before 12 months of age, 52.7% got their last measles vaccine at school age, and 55.4% got measles vaccinations twice or more. The majority of patients without immunodeficiency (86.5%), and 50% of the sample had seroprotective status for measles antibodies. There was no significant relationship between seroprotective status of measles antibody with age, age of first measles vaccination, frequency of measles vaccination, and immunodeficient status. Conclusion: As 50% HIV children have seroprotective measles antibody. There is no significant relationship between seroprotective status and age, age at first meaasles vaccination, number of measles vaccination, and immunodeficiency status.