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fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation="http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc/ http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd"><title>Marie Curie</title><creator>Krull, Kathleen</creator><subject>Sejarah-Bibliografi Orang Sukses</subject><publisher>Puffin Books</publisher><date>2007</date><language/><type>Book:Book</type><identifier>http://perpussma.sekolahathalia.sch.id//index.php?p=show_detail&amp;id=4071</identifier><identifier>978 0 14 241265 7</identifier><identifier>925 Kru m</identifier><description>The winner of not just one but two Nobel Prizes, Marie Curie died in 1934 of radiation poisoning-from years of investigating the dangerous elements that she herself had discovered. Until, recently, her notebooks wew still so radioactive that scientist and scholars had to dign a medical release before looking at them. ut her work, which led t the atomic age in sceience, was also her salvations; it sustained her through periods of black depression, drove her to succeed in the restrictive :no girls allowed' world of nineteenth-century science, and was the bedrock of her marriage to fellow scientst Pierre Currie, who also fell victim to radiation sickness.</description><coverage>New York</coverage><identifier>http://perpussma.sekolahathalia.sch.id//lib/minigalnano/createthumb.php?filename=../../images/docs/marie_Curie_Seri_Giants_of_science.jpg.jpg&amp;width=200</identifier><source>GIANTS OF SCIENCE</source><type>Other:142 hlm; 18 cm.</type><subject>925</subject><image>http://perpussma.sekolahathalia.sch.id//lib/minigalnano/createthumb.php?filename=../../images/docs/marie_Curie_Seri_Giants_of_science.jpg.jpg&amp;width=200</image><recordID>slims-4071</recordID></dc>
format Book:Book
Other:142 hlm; 18 cm.
author Krull, Kathleen
title Marie Curie
publisher Puffin Books
publishDate 2007
topic Sejarah-Bibliografi Orang Sukses
url http://perpussma.sekolahathalia.sch.id//index.php?p=show_detail&id=4071
contents The winner of not just one but two Nobel Prizes, Marie Curie died in 1934 of radiation poisoning-from years of investigating the dangerous elements that she herself had discovered. Until, recently, her notebooks wew still so radioactive that scientist and scholars had to dign a medical release before looking at them. ut her work, which led t the atomic age in sceience, was also her salvations; it sustained her through periods of black depression, drove her to succeed in the restrictive :no girls allowed' world of nineteenth-century science, and was the bedrock of her marriage to fellow scientst Pierre Currie, who also fell victim to radiation sickness.
id IOS18420.slims-4071
institution Sekolah Athalia
institution_id 9017
institution_type library:school
library Perpustakaan Sekolah Athalia
library_id 6494
collection Catalog Perpustakaan Sekolah Menengah Atas Athalia
repository_id 18420
subject_area Majalah Indonesia
province BANTEN
repoId IOS18420
first_indexed 2023-07-06T03:28:48Z
last_indexed 2023-07-06T03:28:48Z
recordtype dc
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