Kebijakan Daerah Dalam Penataan Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) Guna Mewujudkan Pengelolaan PKL Yang Partisipatif Dan Berkeadilan Di Kota Surakarta

Main Author: ., Waluyo
Format: Article eJournal
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: [ 58 ] YUSTISIA (Jurnal Hukum Univ. Sebelas Maret) , 2012
Online Access:
Daftar Isi:
  • The existence of the sidewalk merchant (KL) in Surakarta is a new phenomenon. Its role as informal sector, in fact shows its quite good fenacity compared to any other business sectors. it was proven when the economic crisis erose and the other business sectors went out of business, this sector was still exist and able to grow in almost every big city including Surakarta. Although the existence of the sidewalk merchant can be seen as good thing, in fact it has a high risk level when there is no serious handling given by the government toward its existence. This research has a purpose to know about the policies given by the government of Surakarta in structuring the sidewalk merchant (PKL) in order to create an active and fair management of the sidewalk merchant in Surakarta besides also know about any abstacles which should be faced by the government in structuring the sidewalk merchant in Surakarta. From the result of the research could be concluded that: (1) the policies used to structuring the sidewalk merchant were the policies of area and time based structuring. To put the policies into effect, the government would try to relate them with the procedure of the permission for certain kinds of business work. Any activities that had ever been done as for as this were relocation PKL from the Lapangan Banjarsari to Notoharjo and from the slow lane located on JI. Adi Sucipto in front of Gelora Manahan into the Gelora Manahan. While for this moment, the renewing of the regulation about PKL is still in the process. By givin enough space and time for the agents of PKL (including any communities), society? LSM, and other stake holder hopefully those kind of policies that had already being drawn up could give the feeling of fairness for , all the sides. (2) Although several government policis could be mentioned as quite effective, in fact there were still several obstacles that should be faced by the government related to the sructurin and establishing PKL itself. Some of the obstacles were related to the law regulation which still be seen as not really I suitable for the situation right now and also related to the quantity of the human resources in PKL office. Keywords: sidewalk merchant (structuring)