The Effects of Alpha-Mangostin Administration on Hepatic IRS-1 in Insulin Resistant Rat Model

Main Author: Iqbal Kevin Kyle
Format: Book xii, 29 hlm. ; 21 x 30 cm
Bahasa: eng
Terbitan: Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 KKI , 2021
Online Access:
ctrlnum slims-28642
fullrecord <?xml version="1.0"?> <dc schemaLocation=""><title>The Effects of Alpha-Mangostin Administration on Hepatic IRS-1 in Insulin Resistant Rat Model.</title><creator>Iqbal Kevin Kyle</creator><subject>hepatic tissue</subject><subject>IRS-1</subject><subject>alpha-mangostin</subject><subject>Insulin Resistance</subject><publisher>Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 KKI</publisher><date>2021</date><language>eng</language><type>Book:Book</type><identifier>;id=28642</identifier><identifier>S21231fk</identifier><description>Background: Insulin resistance (IR) is an abnormal cellular mechanism that is present in various metabolic disorder, particularly type-2 diabetes mellitus. This condition is closely related to downregulation of Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1). T2DM ranks seventh as the highest cause of disability and ninth in mortality worldwide. This research project was conducted to provide further understanding on the effects of alpha-mangostin on its therapeutic effect by increasing hepatic IRS-1 concentration. Method: This experiment was done by analyzing hepatic IRS-1 concentration of 36 Sprague-Dawley mice that were divided into 6 groups; group 1: control (given 8 weeks of standard diet), group 2: control + Alpha-mangostin 200 (200 mg/kg/day), group 3: IR (given high fat and high glucose diet for 3 weeks and injected by streptozotocin i.p at fourth week), group 4: IR + metformin 200, group 5: IR + Alpha-&#x39C;G 100, group 6: IR + Alpha-&#x39C;G 200. Through random sampling, 4 samples from each group were chosen and each sample&#x2019;s hepatic IRS-1 were measured using ELISA method. Data acquired was analyzed using SPSS software version 26. Result: The analysis was done utilizing Welch&#x2019;s ANOVA test with Games-Howell post hoc. No significant difference of IRS-1 concentration found between group 3 (IR) and group 5 (IR + Alpha-MANGOSTIN 100, p = 1 ( &gt; 0.05)) and group 6 (IR + AlphaMANGOSTIN 200, p = 0.558)). Group 6 (IR + Alpha-MANGOSTIN 200, p = 0.558) shown to have a higher IRS-1 compared to group 5 (IR + Alpha-MANGOSTIN 100) although not significant. Conclusion: Alpha-mangsotin administration unable to increase IRS-1 concentration in insulin resistant mouse. Keywords: Insulin resistance, Alpha-mangostin, IRS-1, hepatic tissueLatar Belakang: Resistensi insulin adalah keadaan sel yang tidak normal. Keadaan ini ada pada banyak gangguan metabolik, termasuk diabetes tipe-2. Kondisi ini berkaitan erat dengan penurunan Insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan dari Alfa-mangostin dalam meningkatkan konsenstrasi IRS-1 pada jaringan hati tikus model resistensi insulin. Metode: 36 tikus Sprague-Dawley dibagi ke dalam 6 kelompok; kelompok 1: kontrol (diberikan diet normal selama 8 minggu), kelompok 2; kontrol + alfa-mangostin 200 (200 mg/kg/hari), kelompok 3; resisten insulin (diberikan diet tinggi lemak dan gula selama 3 minggu dan diinjeksi dengan streptozotocin intraperitoneal dosis rendah pada minggu ke 3), kelompok 4: resisten insulin + metformin, kelompok 5: resisten insulin + alfamangostin 100, kelompok 6: resisten insulin + alfa-mangostin 200. Pada masing-masing kelompok dipilih 4 sampel secara acak yang kemudian dikorbankan setelah 8 minggu. Kemudian jaringan hati diambil, diisoloasi, dan diukur konsentrasi IRS-1 menggunakan metode ELISA. Data yang didapat kemudian dianalisa menggunakan SPSS versi 26. Hasil: Analisis dilakukan dengan uji Welch&#x2019;s ANOVA dan Games-Howell post hoc. Tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan signifikan antara perbedaan konsentrasi IRS-1 hati pada kelompok 3 (resisten insulin) dan kelompok 5 dan 6 (Alpha-&#x39C;G 100, p = 1 ( &gt; 0.05) dan Alpha-MANGOSTIN 200, p = 0.677 ( &gt; 0.05)). Kelompok 6 memiliki konsenstrasi IRS-1 lebih tinggi dari kelompok 5, meskipun tidak secara signifikan (p = 0.558, ( &gt; 0.05)). Kesimpulan: Pemberian alpha-mangostin 100 Mangostin dan 200 Mangostin tidak dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi IRS-1 pada hati. Kata kunci: Resistensi insulin, Alfa-mangostin, IRS-1, jaringan hati</description><coverage>Jakarta</coverage><identifier>;width=200</identifier><type>Other:xii, 29 hlm. ; 21 x 30 cm</type><subject>NONE</subject><image>;width=200</image><recordID>slims-28642</recordID></dc>
language eng
format Book:Book
Other:xii, 29 hlm. ; 21 x 30 cm
author Iqbal Kevin Kyle
title The Effects of Alpha-Mangostin Administration on Hepatic IRS-1 in Insulin Resistant Rat Model
publisher Program Pendidikan Dokter Umum S1 KKI
publishDate 2021
isbn 2023010513522
topic hepatic tissue
Insulin Resistance
contents Background: Insulin resistance (IR) is an abnormal cellular mechanism that is present in various metabolic disorder, particularly type-2 diabetes mellitus. This condition is closely related to downregulation of Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1). T2DM ranks seventh as the highest cause of disability and ninth in mortality worldwide. This research project was conducted to provide further understanding on the effects of alpha-mangostin on its therapeutic effect by increasing hepatic IRS-1 concentration. Method: This experiment was done by analyzing hepatic IRS-1 concentration of 36 Sprague-Dawley mice that were divided into 6 groups; group 1: control (given 8 weeks of standard diet), group 2: control + Alpha-mangostin 200 (200 mg/kg/day), group 3: IR (given high fat and high glucose diet for 3 weeks and injected by streptozotocin i.p at fourth week), group 4: IR + metformin 200, group 5: IR + Alpha-ΜG 100, group 6: IR + Alpha-ΜG 200. Through random sampling, 4 samples from each group were chosen and each sample’s hepatic IRS-1 were measured using ELISA method. Data acquired was analyzed using SPSS software version 26. Result: The analysis was done utilizing Welch’s ANOVA test with Games-Howell post hoc. No significant difference of IRS-1 concentration found between group 3 (IR) and group 5 (IR + Alpha-MANGOSTIN 100, p = 1 ( > 0.05)) and group 6 (IR + AlphaMANGOSTIN 200, p = 0.558)). Group 6 (IR + Alpha-MANGOSTIN 200, p = 0.558) shown to have a higher IRS-1 compared to group 5 (IR + Alpha-MANGOSTIN 100) although not significant. Conclusion: Alpha-mangsotin administration unable to increase IRS-1 concentration in insulin resistant mouse. Keywords: Insulin resistance, Alpha-mangostin, IRS-1, hepatic tissueLatar Belakang: Resistensi insulin adalah keadaan sel yang tidak normal. Keadaan ini ada pada banyak gangguan metabolik, termasuk diabetes tipe-2. Kondisi ini berkaitan erat dengan penurunan Insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan dari Alfa-mangostin dalam meningkatkan konsenstrasi IRS-1 pada jaringan hati tikus model resistensi insulin. Metode: 36 tikus Sprague-Dawley dibagi ke dalam 6 kelompok; kelompok 1: kontrol (diberikan diet normal selama 8 minggu), kelompok 2; kontrol + alfa-mangostin 200 (200 mg/kg/hari), kelompok 3; resisten insulin (diberikan diet tinggi lemak dan gula selama 3 minggu dan diinjeksi dengan streptozotocin intraperitoneal dosis rendah pada minggu ke 3), kelompok 4: resisten insulin + metformin, kelompok 5: resisten insulin + alfamangostin 100, kelompok 6: resisten insulin + alfa-mangostin 200. Pada masing-masing kelompok dipilih 4 sampel secara acak yang kemudian dikorbankan setelah 8 minggu. Kemudian jaringan hati diambil, diisoloasi, dan diukur konsentrasi IRS-1 menggunakan metode ELISA. Data yang didapat kemudian dianalisa menggunakan SPSS versi 26. Hasil: Analisis dilakukan dengan uji Welch’s ANOVA dan Games-Howell post hoc. Tidak ditemukan adanya perbedaan signifikan antara perbedaan konsentrasi IRS-1 hati pada kelompok 3 (resisten insulin) dan kelompok 5 dan 6 (Alpha-ΜG 100, p = 1 ( > 0.05) dan Alpha-MANGOSTIN 200, p = 0.677 ( > 0.05)). Kelompok 6 memiliki konsenstrasi IRS-1 lebih tinggi dari kelompok 5, meskipun tidak secara signifikan (p = 0.558, ( > 0.05)). Kesimpulan: Pemberian alpha-mangostin 100 Mangostin dan 200 Mangostin tidak dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi IRS-1 pada hati. Kata kunci: Resistensi insulin, Alfa-mangostin, IRS-1, jaringan hati
id IOS19557.slims-28642
institution Universitas Indonesia
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collection e-Library FKUI
repository_id 19557
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National Library Of Medicine
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repoId IOS19557
first_indexed 2023-11-06T08:06:17Z
last_indexed 2023-11-06T08:06:17Z
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