Total Testosterone Level is Lower in Women Consuming CombinedOral Contraception with Impaired Sexual Function (Kadar Testosteron Total lebih Rendah pada Perempuan yang Mengonsumsi Pil KB Kombinasi dengan Fungsi Seksual Terganggu)

Main Authors: Yuniarty Amra, Josephine L Tumedia, Eddy Hartono
Format: Book
Online Access:
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  • AbstractObjectives: The aim of this research was to assess the relationship between total testosterone level and female sexual function based on Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) among the acceptors of combined oral contraceptive pill.Methods: The research was conducted in BLU of Dr. Wahidin Sudi¬rohusodo Hospital and several teaching hospitals in obstetrics and gynecology sections of Medical faculty, Hasanuddin University from October to December 2012. This study assessed sexual function among 60 women as the acceptors of combined oral contraceptive pill. Sexual function was assessed using FSFI questionnaire which had been validated in several countries. This research used cross sectional design and the sample was selected using consecutive sam¬pling method. The data were processed using SPSS with inde¬pendent t test of the significant level of 0.05.Results: The results of the research reveal that total testosterone level among the acceptors of combined oral contraceptive pill who have impaired sexual function is low. The result of the correlation test between testosterone level and FSFI score indicates a significant level (p