Perbedaan Status Atopi antara Anak dengan dan tanpa Infeksi Cacing pada Anak Sekolah Dasar di SDN Kampung Baru, Kecamatan Kusan Hilir, Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu, Kalimantan Selatan (The Differences of Atopic Status Between Child with and Without Helminths Infection of Student at Kampung Baru Elementary School, Kusan Hilir Subdistrict, Tanah Bumbu Regency, Kalimantan Selatan)

Main Authors: Gusti Meliyanie, Dicky Andiarsa
Format: Book 6p
Terbitan: Loka litbang P2B2 Tanah Bumbu Kal-Sel.Balitbangkes , 2014
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